42 research outputs found

    Stjepan Zimmermann, Jaspersov egzistencijalizam

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    Prikaz knjige Stjepan Zimmermann, Jaspersov egzistencijalizam, sv. 1, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Katolički bogoslovni fakultet SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2002, XVI + 802 str


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    A tic is a sudden, rapid, recurrent, nonrhythmic motor movement or vocalization. Motor and phonic tics in a course of over 1 year that first occured before 18 years are the main features of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS). Psychogenic/functional ( P/F) tics were considered as a diagnosis made per exlusionem in lack of agreement of diagnostic criteria. Recently, emphasis is in r ather highlighting positive signs when making diagnosis of P/F tics. Several features in clinical course are important to differentia te GTS from P/F tics. Some of them are acute onset in adulthood, precipitation by physical event, absent family history of tics, varia ble, complex and inconsistent phenomenology, suggestibiity, distractibility. Premonitory urge, feeling of excessive energy and being \u27wound up\u27 prior tic, is a usual feature of GTS unlike in P/F tics. If present, such premonitory urge have different qualitativ e and quantitative marks. Another possible diagnostics tool could be the beireitshaftspotential, an event-related electrical potentia l associated to initiation of movement which is divided in two phases, early (B1) and late (B2) phase. Early phase, whose occuren ce in some papers has been reported prior P/F tics, is absent prior performed tic in GTS. In everyday clinical practice differentiati ng GTS from P/F tics is often very challenging but taking proper medical history, paying more attention to positive signs and possibly using electroneurophysiology tests could contribute in making the right diagnosis

    Kontekstualnost, jezični čini i relativnost značenja kod J. L. Austina

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    Uobičajeno se smatra kako jezik služi za opisivanje misli, osjećaja, predmeta, činjenica ili stanjastvari te prenoÅ”enje tih informacija drugima. To je poimanje prevladavalo kroz cijelu tradiciju,a svojevrsnu je kulminaciju svakako doživjelo u vrijeme logičkog pozitivizma, odnosno uprvim desetljećima 20. stoljeća. Činjenica da se jezik ne ograničava samo na to tek je nedavnoistraživačima jezika upala u oči. Iako su poneki filozofi, a osobito ā€žkasniā€œ Wittgenstein, većukazivali na tu uporabnu (praksa, pragmatika) stranu jezika, najsnažniji doprinos pragmatičnojteoriji jezika svakako dolazi od Johna Langshaw Austina. U ovomu radu analiziramo njegovdoprinos pitanju funkcija jezika, a koji se ističe osobito uvidom u to da se jezikom također možei neÅ”to činiti. Dapače, Austin na koncu uviđa da se zapravo jezikom uvijek neÅ”to i čini, jer svakarečenica osim značenja (u uobičajenom, Å”irem smislu), također posjeduje i određenu snagu kojomutječe na sluÅ”atelja, i to bilo da ga potiče, savjetuje, upozorava, preporuča, prijeti mu, obećavaili sl.</p

    Spirits and the Tower of Babel Language Diversity and Mutual Understanding

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    Starting from the initial (topical) issue of language diversity and criteria for demarcation of particular languages, this paper analyzes the essence of language, i.e. the essential function of language. On the one hand, the analysis deals with the communicational function of language, which is generally recognized as its fundamental function; on the other hand, however, language is analyzed as a means of social identification, i.e. as a cohesion factor in the foundation and preservation of identity (ā€židentitƤtsstiftende Funktionā€œ). The paper provides arguments that this function is on, more or less, the same level of importance as the communicational function with which it is mostly inseparably connected. Only when both these functions are regarded as equally important, it is possible to understand the logic of differentiation of languages, of language diversity in the world, and of drawing boundaries between languages, even where perfunctory observers may see these languages as identical or only insignificantly distinct

    Conditions for Mutual Understanding

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    This paper closely analyzes the prerequisites for (mutual) communication. Having in mind the diversity of mental contents that every individual relates to particular words or phrases, it is quite amazing that we can understand each other at all. Here, we refer to the problem of mutual understanding between speakers of the same language. The problem is considerably greater when different languages are involved; they not only use different words but also frequently express and systematize (categorize) the world and our experience in different ways. In approaching the problem, we have paradigmatically used the fundamental ideas of four distinguished philosophers of language, who have actually articulated four very different approaches to the problem in question, although they do not, more or less explicitly, deal with this problem in particular. However, their analysis of language sheds a specific light upon this difficult problem and helps finding a solution for it. Finally, we have also offered a conclusion in which ā€“ based on the previously presented ideas ā€“ we try to surmount the thematized difficulty of mutual understanding

    RƤtsel der Logos-UnĆ¼bersetzbarkeit

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    U ovom radu prikazana je problematika riječi logos, i to počevÅ”i od prevođenja toga ključnoga grčkog termina iz Ivanova evanđelja na starocrkvenoslavenski, ali se autor potom upuÅ”ta i u dublje promiÅ”ljanje i kompleksnost pojma logos također u grčkomu (izvornome) jeziku otkrivajući na koncu razlog zaÅ”to se logos uopće ne može prevesti, a da se obuhvate sva njegova značenja, ali kako niti izvorni govornik grčkoga zapravo nije ni svjestan svih značenja koje taj termin nosi, tj. koja je u sebe poprimio tijekom stoljeća raznih utjecaja, odnosno tijekom dugoga ā€œjezičnog razvojaā€œ. Uspoređujući značenja logosa i odgovarajućih riječi, s obzirom na jezičnu vrijednost, u hrvatskomu (latinskome i njemačkom) jeziku autor pokazuje semantičke pomake i proÅ”irenja značenja vezano također uz jednu dublju razinu riječi. Zaključno, autor pokazuje ključnu semantičku razliku između riječi logos i svih ostalih riječi, jer logos ima smisao, iako nema referenciju (kao počelo i početak on nema neÅ”to izvan sebe na Å”to bi se referirao), pa je zapravo (u jednu riječ zbijeni) performativ, odnosno samo djelovanje.Im vorliegenden Beitrag wurde die vielfƤltige Problematik vom Logos dargelegt, die zunƤchst mit der Ɯbersetzung des griechischen SchlĆ¼sselbegriffs aus dem Johannesevangelium ins Altkirchenslawische ansetzt. ZunƤchst dem ursprĆ¼nglich griechischen Begriffe sprachkundig nachgehend und ihn in seinen griechischen Wurzeln erhellend, lƤsst sich der Autor anschlieƟend auf die ganze KomplexitƤt vom Logos ein, um schlieƟlich zum eigentlichen Grund seiner UnĆ¼bersetzbarkeit zu gelangen. Logos lasse sich, laut Verfasser, freilich nicht Ć¼bersetzen, ohne die Vielfalt seiner mƶglichen Bedeutungen umfassend zu berĆ¼cksichtigen. Selbst dem ursprĆ¼nglichen griechischen Sprecher war das ganze Bedeutungsspektrum dessen, was der Begriff Logos eigentlich in sich trƤgt, gar nicht bewusst, d. h. ihm wurde der volle AusmaƟ dessen, was der Begriff Logos im Laufe der Jahrhunderte ā€“ dem unterschiedlichsten EinflĆ¼ssen unterzogen ā€“ mitgetragen und wƤhrend der andauernden ā€žSprachentwicklungā€œ ausgetragen, bzw. immer wieder neu ausgedrĆ¼ckt hat, gar nicht prƤsent. Das Bedeutungsspektrum vom Logos mit den adƤquat vorahnenden Termini hauptsƤchlich im Hinblick auf den Bedeutungswert ā€“ zunƤchst in der kroatischen, zusƤtzlich aber auch in der lateinischen und deutschen Sprache ā€“ vergleichend, weist der Autor sowohl auf die semantische Verschiebungen als auch auf die Bedeutungserweiterungen hin, deren Grundlage eine tiefere Bedeutungsdimension vom Logos bildet. AbschlieƟend hebt der Verfasser den semantischen Grundunterschied zwischen dem ā€˜Wortā€™ Logos und allen anderen ā€˜Wortenā€™ hervor, weil Logos in sich selbst den Sinn trƤgt/hat, ohne irgendeine Referenz auƟer sich selbst zu haben. Als Grund und Ursprung von allem habe Logos keinen ƤuƟeren Bezugspunkt (keine ƤuƟere Referenz), auf den/die er sich referieren kƶnnte. Als solcher ist der Logos (in einem einzigen Wort zusammengefasst) reine PerformativitƤt, d. h. pure Handlung (pures Handeln)

    Humanizam i sloboda kod Karla Jaspersa

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    Ovaj rad, iako se ponajviÅ”e referira na Jaspersovo predavanje o humanizmu održano 1949. u Genevi, ipak na određeni način povlači zaključke iz čitave Jaspersove filozofije egzistencije te pretpostavlja već određeno poznavanje kod Jaspersa na Å”iroko razjaÅ”njavanih, srediÅ”njih pojmova egzistencije i transcendencije, a osobito slobode kao ključnog znaka (signuma) egzistencije. U vremenu nakon katastrofe Drugoga svjetskog rata, uključujući atomsku bombu, Jaspers pokuÅ”ava na ratnim razvalinama racionalnoga i humanoga iznaći jedan univerzalni sustav vrijednosti koji bi vrijedio globalno za sve narode i religije, a koji bi mogao ponuditi nekakav oslonac za stvaranje boljeg, sigurnijeg i humanijeg svijeta. Taj sustav on nastoji utemeljiti na onoj posebnoj čovjekovoj biti, na njegovu dostojanstvu i neovisnosti te na čovjekovom specifičnom odnosu prema transcendenciji kao izvoru i jamstvu čovjekove slobode i najdublje osobnosti


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    U ovom radu raspravlja se o problemu (ne)izrecivosti etičkoga kod ranog Ludwiga Wittgensteina. Njegovim, moglo bi se reći, previÅ”e suženim k r iter ijem smislenosti sve filozofske rečenice postaju nesmislene, čime je sav govor o izvorno filozofskim pitanjima i problemima osuđen na Å”utnju. No, i unatoč tomu Wittgenstein je u svojemu Traktatu donio i nekoliko ā€œetičkihā€, odnosno ā€œzabranjenihā€ rečenica, zbog čega se postavlja pitanje: Je li on time preÅ”ao (odnosno prekrÅ”io) granice jezika koje je sam utvrdio, odnosno kako se na način miÅ”ljenja svojstven Traktatu može govoriti o etičkome? Ovaj rad je pokuÅ”aj odgovora na to teÅ”ko pitanje.In dieser Arbeit wurde das Problem der (Un)Aussprechbarkeit des Ethischen beim frĆ¼hen Wittgenstein thematisiert. Mit seinem ā€“ man kƶnnte sagenā€“verengtenSinnkriterium wurdenalle philosophischen SƤtze unsinnig geworden, womit alles Reden von genuin philosophischen Fragen und Problemen zum Schweigen verurteilt wird. Und trotzdem hat Wittgenstein in seinem Tractatus auch einige ā€œethischeā€, bzw. ā€œverboteneā€ SƤtze gemacht, woraus aber die Frage entsteht, ob er damit die von ihm selbst anerkannten Grenzen der Sprache Ć¼berschritten (verletzt) hat oder nicht, bzw. ob und wie es sich in der Tractatusā€™ Denkweise Ć¼ber das Ethische sprechen lƤƟt? Diese Arbeit versteht sich als ein Versuch, auf diese schwierige Frage eine Antwort zu geben