67 research outputs found

    Kvalitet krompira gajenog u raznim područjima u Srbiji s obzirom na sadržaj teŔkih metala i ostataka pesticida

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    It is possible to decompose starch into monosaccharides by the method of acid starch hydrolysis. By applying appropriate chemical procedure, a main solution is obtained, from which aliquots are taken after filtration to determine of the present glucose according to Luff-Shoorlu method. The analysed potatoes of cv. Desiree, grown on various sites in Serbia, have starch content that corresponds to available literature data. The highest starch content is found in potatoes from Ivanjica and Novi Pazar, i.e. from the areas where climate factors, air temperature, and land relief are favourable for potato growing. Lower starch contents are found in potatoes grown in flat areas with warmer climate and drier periods. Those are sites in PKB-Belgrade, Smederevo, Dobanovci and Mrčajevci areas, where the values obtained by experimental procedure are very similar. The lowest starch content is found in potatoes from BelegiÅ” and Guča sites, where starch content is lower than normal from literature values, which may be explained by some special causes (climate, location, irrigation). On the basis of heavy metal contents in potato samples, it may be concluded that potatoes originating from sites famous for potato production are contaminated with Cd the content of which exceeds concentrations permitted by regulations. The presence of Cd in potato samples may also be explained by the application of phosphate fertilizers in higher (or recommended) rates. However, the soil itself should also be investigated, especially concerning the content of Cd and pH value. Thus, the influence of the soil itself should be established compared to fertilizer application in the current season. Presence of Cd in potatoes, on the other hand, is highly unfavourable because it prevents its utilization in nutrition, but also as a raw material for further processing of products based on potatoes: chips, etc. Also, Cd presence in foods is strictly controlled by EU, which prevents possible export of products based on potatoes containing Cd. Analyses of lindane and bensultap (Bancol) pesticides indicate that they are not within critical values, nor in such quantities to affect human health, so, from this aspect, the analysed potato samples from all sites are absolutely suitable for consumation.Metodom određivanja skroba kiselom hidrolizom moguće je razgraditi skrob do monosaharida. Primenom odgovarajućeg hemijskog postupka dobija se matični rastvor iz čijeg se filtrata uzimaju probe za određivanje prisutne glukoze po Luff-Shoorlu-ovoj metodi. Ispitivani krompiri sorte Desiree gajeni na različitim lokalitetima Srbije imaju sadržaj skroba koji odgovara literaturnim vrednostima. Najveći sadržaj skroba ima krompir sa lokaliteta Ivanjica i Novi Pazar, dakle sa onih područja kod kojih se klimatski uslovi temperatura-vazduh slažu sa reljefom zemljiÅ”ta koje je pogodno za gajenje krompira. Manji sadržaj skroba ima krompir koji je gajen u ravničarskim predelima sa toplijom klimom i suÅ”nijim periodama. To su lokaliteti sa područja PKB-Beograd, Smederevo, Dobanovci, Mrčajevci, gde se vrednosti dobijene eksperimentalnim putem veoma malo razlikuju. Najmanji sadržaj skroba ima krompir sa lokaliteta BelegiÅ” i Guča, u kojima je sadržaj skroba čak niži od literaturnih vrednosti, Å”to se ne može objasniti nekim posebnim razlozima (klima, podneblje, navodnjavanje). Na osnovu sadržaja teÅ”kih metala u uzorcima krompira, može se zaključiti da je krompir koji potiče sa lokaliteta poznatih po njegovom gajenju kontaminiran sa Cd, čiji sadržaj prelazi Zakonom dozvoljene vrednosti. Prisustvo Cd u uzorcima krompira može se objasniti i koriŔćenjem fosfatnih đubriva u većim (ili preporučenim) količinama. Međutim, treba ispitati i samo zemljiÅ”te, naročito u pogledu sadržaja Cd i pH vrednosti, pri čemu treba utvrditi kakav je uticaj samog zemljiÅ”ta u poređenju sa novom primenom đubriva u toj godini. Prisustvo Cd u krompiru, sa druge strane, je izuzetno nepovoljno jer onemogućava njegovu upotrebu u ishrani, ali i kao sirovinu za dalju proizvodnju proizvoda na bazi krompira: čips i dr. Takođe, prisustvo Cd u prehrambenim proizvodima je rigorozno kontrolisano od strane EU, tako da je onemogućen eventualni izvoz proizvoda na bazi krompira koji sadrže Cd. Ispitivanje sadržaja pesticida lindana i bensultapa (Bancola) ukazuje da se oni ne nalaze u kritičnim količinama niti u količinama koje bi ugrozile zdravlje ljudi, pa sa te strane, ispitivani uzorci krompira sa svih lokaliteta su potpuno ispravni za ishranu

    Upotreba alternativnih stimulatora porasta u tovu brojlerskih pilića

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    Subsequent to banning of use of antibiotics as growth promoter sin poultry nutrition, numerous studies turned to finding of alternative solutions, i.e. other, natural substances, which would have positive effect on chicken growth and feed conversion. Today, several groups of these additives are in use, and most often probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, acidifiers, antioxidants and phytogene additives. Considering that each of the stated groups has its own specificities, objective of this work was to present main mechanism of their action and to present their effect on production results in fattening of broiler chickens through review of research published in this field.Nakon zabrane upotrebe antibiotika kao promotera porasta u ishrani živine, veliki broj istraživanja okrenut je upravo iznalaženju alternativnih reÅ”enja, odnosno nekih drugih, prirodnih supstanci koje će imati pozitivan efekat na prirast pilića i konverziju hrane. Danas je u upotrebi viÅ”e grupa ovih aditiva, a najčeŔće se koriste probiotici, prebiotici, enzimi, zakiÅ”eljivači, antioksidanti i fitogeni aditivi. S obzirom na to da svaka od navedenih grupa ima svoje specifičnosti, cilj ovoga rada je da prikaže osnovni mehanizam njihovog delovanja i da kroz pregled novijih istraživanja iz ove oblasti prikaže njihov efekat na proizvodne rezultate u tovu brojlerskih pilića

    Nutritivna vrednost kukuruznog stočnog braÅ”na u ishrani pilića u tovu

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    One of the by-products of corn processing which can successfully be used in poultry nutrition is livestock meal. In this trial corn meal was investigated, meal in two form: non-extruded (T1 and T2) and extruded (T3 and T4) as a replacement of cracked corn (K) in the amount of 100% (T1 and T3) and 50% (T2 and T4). Investigation was carried out in 4 repetitions, 75 chickens of Arbor Acres x Ross 308 hybrid in each group. Trial lasted 42 days. Chickens were fed three standard mixtures (starter, grower and finisher). Investigation demonstrated that group of chickens of treatment T3 realized the best final body masses (2254g), followed by chickens in treatment T4 (2173g), chickens of group T2 (2112g), K group (2106 g), and the worst results were established in chickens of group T1 (2103g). It was established that differences in final body mass of chickens from group T3 in relation to chickens from groups T1, T2, T4 and were statistically highly significant (P (lt) 0,001). Statistically significant differences (P (lt) 0,05) were established between body masses of chickens from group T4 in relation to T1, T2 and K group. Mortality of chickens was as followes: K-3,64%, T1- 2,50%, and T2-5,00%, T3-6,39%, and T4-3,33%. Feed conversion in all investigated groups was almost identical (K-1,91; T2-,93; T3-1,93; T4-1,94) with the exception of T1 with 1,97. In regard to production index (PI), the best results were realized by group of chickens T3 (261), followed by chickens T4 (258), K (253), and the worst results were established in chickens of groups T1 (248) and T2 (248).U radu je dat efekat primene neekstrudiranog (T1 i T2) i ekstrudiranog (T3 i T4) kukuruznog stočnog braÅ”na u ishrani brojlerskih pilića. U smeÅ”ama kukuruz (K) je zamenjen kukuruznim stočnim braÅ”nom u iznosu 50% (T2 i T4) i 100% (T1 i T3). Ogled je trajao 42 dana po sistemu 5 x 4 (5 tretmana x 4 ponavljanja). U svakom tretmanu je bilo po 300 pilića. Ishrana je bila ad libitum sa tri smeÅ”e: starter sa 23,30% SP i 12,78 MJ/kg ME, grover sa 20,30% SP i 13,10 MJ/kg ME, i finiÅ”er 17,70% SP i 13,25 MJ/kg ME. Rezultati ispitivanja su bili sledeći: telesne mase K-2106g, T1-2103g, T2-2112g, T3-2254g, i T4-2173g; dnevni prirast K-50,13g, T1-50,08g, T2- 50,29g, T3-53,66g, i T4-51,73g; mortalitet pilića K-3,64%, T1-2,50%, T2- 5,00%, T3-6,39%, i T4-3,33%; Konverzija hrane K-1,91 kg/kg, T1-1,97 kg/kg, T2-1,93 kg/kg, T3-1,93 kg/kg, i T4-1,94 kg/kg. Pokazalo se da su razlike u zavrÅ”noj telesnoj masi pilića iz T3, u odnosu na T1, T2, T4 i K grupe, bile statistički visoko značajne (P (lt) 0,001). Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike (P (lt) 0,05) između telesnih masa grupe pilića T4 u odnosu na T1, T2 i K grupe. Randmani su bili ujednačeni po grupama, a razlike u sadržaju abdominalne masti u trupovima su bile minimalne ali neÅ”to niže kod petlića i kojica grupe T1 i petlića T2. Razlike su bile su statistički značajne

    Possible approaches to LCA methodology for nanomaterials in sustainable energy production

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    Nanomaterijali imaju sve veću ulogu u brzo rastućoj oblasti održive proizvodnje energije. Pored dokazanih prednosti koriŔćenja nanomaterijala za inovacije u ovom domenu, njihov uticaj na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi je joÅ” uvek nedovoljno ispitan. S tim u vezi, nalaženje odgovarajućih metoda za analizu, procjenu i tretman potencijalnih efekata primjene nanotehnologije na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi je viÅ”e nego neophodno. U ovom radu pokuÅ”aćemo da predstavimo kratak pregled moguće primjene procjene životnog ciklusa (LCA) na nanometerijale koriŔćene u određenim aplikcijama za održivu proizvodnju energije. KoriŔćenje ove metode bi takođe trebalo da pruži mogućnost za poređenje novih tehnologija sa već postojećim konvencionalnim tehnologijama u smislu njihovih uticaja na životnu sredinu, zdravlje i bezbjednost.Nano-engineered materials are playing an ever growing role in the rapidly developing field of sustainable energy production. Besides providing numerous opportunities for innovations in this domain, utilisation of nanostructured materials raises numerous doubts regarding their impact on the environment and possible adverse effects on human health. Providing reliable methods for analysis, evaluation and dealing with the environmental and health effects of nanotechnology is therefore crucial. In this article we will try to give an outline of possible approaches to deployment of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools to nanomaterials used in certain applications for sustainable energy production. Use of such methods should also provide the possibility of comparing these new, emerging, technologies with that of already existing conventional ones in terms of their environmental, health and safety impacts

    Possible approaches to LCA methodology for nanomaterials in sustainable energy production

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    Nanomaterijali imaju sve veću ulogu u brzo rastućoj oblasti održive proizvodnje energije. Pored dokazanih prednosti koriŔćenja nanomaterijala za inovacije u ovom domenu, njihov uticaj na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi je joÅ” uvek nedovoljno ispitan. S tim u vezi, nalaženje odgovarajućih metoda za analizu, procjenu i tretman potencijalnih efekata primjene nanotehnologije na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi je viÅ”e nego neophodno. U ovom radu pokuÅ”aćemo da predstavimo kratak pregled moguće primjene procjene životnog ciklusa (LCA) na nanometerijale koriŔćene u određenim aplikcijama za održivu proizvodnju energije. KoriŔćenje ove metode bi takođe trebalo da pruži mogućnost za poređenje novih tehnologija sa već postojećim konvencionalnim tehnologijama u smislu njihovih uticaja na životnu sredinu, zdravlje i bezbjednost.Nano-engineered materials are playing an ever growing role in the rapidly developing field of sustainable energy production. Besides providing numerous opportunities for innovations in this domain, utilisation of nanostructured materials raises numerous doubts regarding their impact on the environment and possible adverse effects on human health. Providing reliable methods for analysis, evaluation and dealing with the environmental and health effects of nanotechnology is therefore crucial. In this article we will try to give an outline of possible approaches to deployment of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools to nanomaterials used in certain applications for sustainable energy production. Use of such methods should also provide the possibility of comparing these new, emerging, technologies with that of already existing conventional ones in terms of their environmental, health and safety impacts

    Uticaj gustine naseljenosti na pojedine parametre dobrobiti brojlera

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    In broiler production, stocking density, i.e. floor surface per chicken, is very important welfare factor which directly and indirectly influences and determines the level of growth of chicken body weight, but it is also related to other welfare indicators. Objective of the paper was to define the broiler welfare in different stocking densities by evaluation of their walking ability (gait score), feathering, incidence and degree of hock burns, foot pad lesions, and by determination of the biochemical blood parameters (glucose concentration, total cholesterol concentration), as indicators of condition of stress. One day old chickens of Hubbard genotype were housed in boxes in floor rearing system, in 3 stocking densities and 5 repetitions of each treatment. Treatment A scored stocking density of 10 birds/m2; treatment B, 13 birds/m2 and treatment C, 16 birds/m2. Results of the trial indicate absence of significance of differences between trial groups of broilers in regard to their walking ability, condition of skin and legs, and stress indicators. In general, broiler welfare in all trial groups was satisfactory. However, determined tendencies of worsening of the condition of litter, increase of the frequency of lower scores for walking ability (gait score), hock burns and foot pad lesions which occur with increase of stocking density, indicate the importance of this rearing factor and need to define limiting stocking densities from the aspect of broiler welfare but also economical efficiency of production.U brojlerskoj proizvodnji gustina naseljenosti, odnosno povrÅ”ina poda po piletu, je veoma važan faktor dobrobiti koji svojim direktnim i indirektnim uticajima određuje nivo porasta telesne mase pilića ali se dovodi u vezu i sa drugim indikatorima dobrobiti. Cilj rada je bio definisanje dobrobiti brojlera u različitim gustinama naseljenosti ocenom sposobnosti kretanja (gait score), operjalosti, pojave i stepena zapaljenja kože zgloba, lezije na jastučiću stopala i utvrđivanjem biohemijskih parametara krvi (koncentracija glukoze, koncentracija ukupnog holesterola) kao pokazatelja stanja stresa. Jednodnevni pilići genotipa Hubbard su razmeÅ”teni u bokseve podnog sistema gajenja u 3 gustine naseljenosti i 5 ponavljanja svakog tretmana. Tretman A je označavao gustinu naseljenosti 10 grla/m2; tretman B, 13 grla/m2 i tretman C, 16 grla/m2. Rezultati ogleda ukazuju na nesignifikantnost razlika oglednih grupa brojlera u pogledu sposobnosti kretanja, stanja kože i nogu, indikatora stresa. Generalno, dobrobit brojlera u svim oglednim grupama je bila zadovoljavajuća. Međutim, utvrđene tendencije pogorÅ”anja kvaliteta prostirke, povećanja frekvencije loÅ”ijih ocena sposobnosti kretanja (gait score), zapaljenja kože zgloba i lezije na jastučiću stopala sa povećanjem gustine naseljenosti, ukazuju na značaj ovog faktora gajenja i potrebu definisanja limitirajućih gustina naseljenosti sa aspekta dobrobiti brojlera ali i ekonomičnosti proizvodnje


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    OdlagaliÅ”ta nuklearnog otpada trebaju osigurati da taj otpad ne napusti odlagaliÅ”te tisućama godina. Iako je otpad pohranjen u spremnike koji su planirani da izdrže i najekstremnije uvjete, neophodna je predostrožnost glede samog daljeg Å”irenja produkata odlagaliÅ”ta kroz sloj u kojem se pohranjuje otpad. Tehnologija istraživanja nastala za potrebe naftne industrije na visokoj je razini i obuhvaća sve aspekte procjene ležiÅ”ta. Osnovni zadatak istraživanja odlagaliÅ”ta otpada je definirati da ne postoje putevi kroz koje bi mogli fluidi iz odlagaliÅ”ta migrirati u strukture bliže povrÅ”ini. Za takvu procjenu, istraživanje se sastoji od definiranja geoloÅ”kog modela pomoću buÅ”otinske karotaže i 3D i 4D seizmike, zatim definiranja petrofizikalnih parametara kojima se kalibriraju karotažna mjerenja (odlagaliÅ”ta) i koji su ulazni podatak za proračune i simulacije protoka unutar promatrane strukture. Za potvrdu proračuna ili korekciju ulaznih podataka za proračune protoka, koristi se joÅ” i ispitivanje promjena tlakova u buÅ”otini. Radi polu-empirijskog karaktera interpretacije mjerenih podataka, neka mjerenja i proračune je u manjoj mjeri potrebno modificirati za posebni slučaj odlaganja nuklearnog otpada.Nuclear waste repositories should be designed in order to mantain the waste for several thousand years. Although the waste is stored in tanks that can persist the most extreme conditions, it is necessary to ensure that gases that can come into existence nearby the storage tank will not spread far from the repository well. Technology that was developed by petroleum exploration and production industry is at sofisticated enough to determine all geological and petrophysical aspects of the waste disposal. The main task is to determine if there is possibility of leakage pathways in the repository rock. That requires exploration in order to define geological model, by utilisation of well logging, 3D and 4D seismic measurements. Petrophysical measurements give data required for well-log calibration and input data for reservoir flow calculations and simulations. Well testing of pressure changes can give validation of lab data, and can be use din order to correct input data for flow calculations. Because of semi-empirical nature of the measured data interpretation, some testing and calculation methods should be slightly modified for nuclear waste repository

    The effect of dietary supplementation with different forms and levels of organic chromium on broilers meat quality

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    This paper deals with the effect of supplementation with the three different preparations of organic chromium complexes: the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid complex with chromium; chromium (III)Ā­lysine and chromium picolinate, on broilers meat quality. In every preparation supplementing broilers diet chromium was present at the three different levels: 0.2; 0.4 and 0.6 mg/kg. The meat quality was monitored with respect to the following parameters: the contents of fat, protein, minerals and water. It was observed that the fat content in broilers white meat was significantly lower if their diet was supplemented with 0.4 mg/kg chromium in the form of chromium(III)Ā­lysine. In addition, different kinds of preparations influenced the protein, fat and water content in the white meat. Water content in white and red meat was lower in all experimental groups if compared to the control. However, the protein content in white and red meat was higher in experimental groups than in the control one

    Ispitivanje kvaliteta kafe različitim metodama

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    The results obtained by the analysis of the samples of coffee mostly consumed on our market showed that the coffee quality corresponds to the values as given in the Law of Health Food. It was not found that any of the parameters which determine food quality exceeded permitted values. Content of heavy metals and aflatoxines is below permitted values. The least content of caffeine was determined in a coffee sample roasted in the private roasterā€™s shop, and only in it the presence of coffee surrogates/substitutes was not proved. The obtained results of the coffee analysis showed that the coffees of most popular producers are very equal, and results of caffeine analysis are even more equal. This indicates the most probable fact that coffee is of the same origin, and that later, on during production, a different mixture was made, which affects the final product and gives aroma and taste to the liquid.Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta kafa koje se najčeŔće konzumiraju na naÅ”em tržiÅ”tu pokazali su da kvalitet kafe odgovara vrednostima koje su preporučene Zakonom o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti namirnica. Ovim ispitivanjima utvrđeno je da nisu prekoračene dozvoljene granice nijednog od parametra koji utiču na kvalitet namirnica. Sadržaj teÅ”kih metala i aflatoksina je ispod dozvoljenih vrednosti. Najmanji sadržaj kofeina određen je u uzorku kafe koja je proizvedena u privatnoj pržionici, a takodje jedino u njoj nije dokazano prisustvo surogata kafe. Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja kafe ukazuju da su kafe najpoznatijih proizvođača veoma ujednačene, a rezultati ispitivanja kofeina čak i izjednačeni. To ukazuje na verovatnu činjenicu da je kafa istog porekla, a da je kasnije u pogonima pravljena različita meÅ”avina, koja i utiče na konačni proizvod i koja daje aromu i ukus napitku

    Uticaj genotipa brojlerskih pilića na kvalitet trupa u ekstenzivnom sistemu gajenja

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    Research was carried out on chickens of four genotypes: two slow-growing genotypes, Master Gris (MG) and Farm Q (FQ), one fastgrowing, Hubbard Classic (HC) and one medium-growing Red Bro (RB). To the age of 3 weeks, chickens were reared according to all technological norms for intensive production. After that period, chickens were moved and fattening in extensive conditions resumed, using unlimited free range. The significance of genotype on body mass was established. The greatest final body mass was established in chickens of the Master Gris genotype (1983 g) and the lowest in Farm Q (1371 g). Fast-growing chickens of genotype Hubbard Classic at the age of 84 days had body mass at the level of medium-growing Red Bro genotype at the age of 91 days (1730 g, and 1759 g, respectively). In accordance to the established body mass, slaughter yields of Farm Q broilers were significantly the lowest. Also, chickens of this genotype also had significantly (p (lt) 0.05) lower share of abdominal fat compared to other genotypes. Chickens of Master Gris and Red Bro genotypes had significantly greater shank length (22.57 and 21.01 g/mm, respectively), whereas in fast-growing genotype Hubbard Classic a significantly greater breast angle (90.15 degrees) was determined. Accordingly, share of breast (15.90 %), as well as share of breast meat (10.11 %) was significantly greater in carcasses of Hubbard Classic chickens.Ovo ispitivanje je obavljeno na pilićima četiri genotipa: dva sporog porasta, Master Gris (MG) i Farm Q (FQ), jednog brzog porasta, Hubbard Classic (HC) i jednog 'medium-growing' Red Bro (RB). Pilići su do uzrasta 3 nedelje gajeni po svim tehnoloÅ”kim normativima intenzivne proizvodnje. Nakon tog perioda, izvrÅ”eno je preseljenje pilića i nastavljen je tov u ekstenzivnim uslovima, sa koriŔćenjem neograničenog ispusta. Utvrđen je signifikantan uticaj genotipa na telesnu masu. Najveću zavrÅ”nu telesnu masu su postigli pilići genotipa Master Gris (1983 g) a najmanju Farm Q (1371 g). Brzo-rastući brojleri genotipa Hubbard Classic su u uzrastu od 84 dana imali telesnu masu u nivou 'medium-growing' genotipa Red Bro u uzrastu od 91 dana (1730 g, odnosno 1759 g). U skladu sa utvrđenom telesnom masom, i klanični randmani pilića Farm Q su bili signifikantno najmanji. Takođe, pilići ovog genotipa su imali i značajno (p (lt) 0,05) manji udeo abdominalne masti u odnosu na ostale genotipove. Pilići genotipa Master Gris i Red Bro su imali značajno veću dužinu piska (22,57 i 21,01 g/mm), dok je kod brzorastućeg genotipa Hubbard Classic utvrđen signifikantno veći grudni ugao (90,15 stepeni). Saglasno tome i udeo grudi (15,90 %), kao i udeo mesa grudi (10,11 %) je bio signifikantno veći u trupu pilića Hubbard Classic
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