18 research outputs found

    Magmatism of the Devonian Altai-Sayan Rift System: Geological and geochemical evidence for diverse plume-lithosphere interactions

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    The geodynamic environment of the 407–392 Ma Altai-Sayan Rift System is characterized using previously published and new original data on whole rock, trace and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions, along with U-Pb zircon ages. Five magmatic associations are present: basalt (basalts and basaltic trachyandesites), continuous (basalts, andesites, dacite-rhyolites), alkaline (basalts, nephelinite, tephrite, phonotephrite, phonolite, teralite, ijolite-urthite, foyaite, nepheline and alkaline syenite), bimodal (trachybasalts, trachyrhyolites-pantellerites and peralkaline granites) and ultramafic-mafic (picrites and picrodolerites). Mafic rocks of basalt, continuous, alkaline, and bimodal associations exhibit a wide variation of TiO2 (from 1.05 to 4.05 wt%) and are compositionally intermediate between intraplate basalts of OIB type and basalts of active continental margins IAB type. The TiO2 content in these mafic rocks correlates directly with the content of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), rare-earth elements (REE), high field strength elements (HSFE), and particularly with Nb and Ta. The basaltic samples have positive εNd(395) values (+3.4 to +7.7) and a large range of εSr(395) values (−13.6 to +12.6). εSr(395) decreases with increasing TiO2 abundance. Pantellerites and alkaline granites have ore-level concentrations of Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, REE; and they have similar Sr and Nd isotope parameters to those of the high-Ti basalts. This indicates their origin via fractionation of mantle magmas. Rhyolite samples are depleted in rare incompatible elements, but have low positive εNd(395) values (+1.5 to +1.8), and εSr(395) values (+16.6 to +20.6), and they compositionally resemble the rocks produced from anatectic magmas of crustal origin. Whole-rock elemental and isotopic data suggest that the mafic rocks were likely derived from lithospheric mantle that was metasomatized during the prior Caledonian accretion/subduction event. In combination with the field relationship and regional geology, our study suggests that the rock associations from the Devonian Altai-Sayan Rift System were derived by the activity of mantle plumes

    The effect of early and late pharmacological correction with GABA derivatives of psychoemotional state of offspring of rats with experimental preeclampsia

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    Experimental preeclampsia has a negative effect on the psychoemotional state of offspring. Early and late pharmacological correction with derivatives of GABA, such as succicard, salifen and phenibut, reduced anxiety, manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression in offspring of the rats with EP pregnanc

    Pharmacological correction of the sequelae of acute alcohol-induced myocardial damage with new derivatives of neuroactive amino acids coupled with the blockade of the neuronal NO synthase isoform

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    Acute alcohol intoxication (AAI) induces a number of myocardial disorders, which result in mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiomyocytes, oxidative stress, and decreased cardiac contractility. Nitric oxide produced by the nNOS is one of the major modulators of cardiac activity. New derivatives of GABA (RSPU-260 compound) and glutamate (glufimet) can be potentially regarded as such agents as the interaction between the NO system and the GABA and glutamatergic systems has been prove

    Pharmacological correction of the sequelae of acute alcohol-induced myocardial damage with new derivatives of neuroactive amino acids coupled with the blockade of the neuronal NO synthase isoform

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    Introduction: Acute alcohol intoxication (AAI) induces a number of myocardial disorders, which result in mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiomyocytes, oxidative stress, and decreased cardiac contractility. Nitric oxide produced by the nNOS is one of the major modulators of cardiac activity. New derivatives of GABA (RSPU-260 compound) and glutamate (glufimet) can be potentially regarded as such agents as the interaction between the NO system and the GABA and glutamatergic systems has been proved. Materials and methods: All the studies were performed on female white Wistar rats, aged 10 months, whose weight was 280–320g AAI intoxication was modeled of 32% ethanol (gavage, 4g/kg). Results and discussion: Glufimet and the RSPU-260 compound caused a significant improvement in myocardial contractility, increased oxygen consumption in the V3 state according to Chance, raised the respiratory control ratio and decreased the intensity of LPO intensity. Their effectiveness exceeded that of mildronate, their comparator. nNOS inhibition resulted in a pronounced aggravation of oxidative stress implicated in MDA accumulation in cardiac mitochondria and decreased activity of SOD; myocardial contractility and mitochondrial function indicators did not show a significant difference from the control group. The compounds under study coupled with nNOS inhibition had a cardioprotective effect. Conclusion: Glufimet and the RSPU-260 compound, derivatives of neuroactive amino acids, have a pronounced cardioprotective effect, restrict LPO processes, enhance SOD activity, improve the mitochondrial respiratory function after acute alcohol intoxication when coupled with neuronal NO-synthase inhibition, the expression of which persists after AAI. Graphical abstract

    Autoantibody levels in blood of <i>H. pylori</i>-infected patients with chronic gastritis

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) increases the risk of diseases associated with mucous membrane inflammation of gastrointestinal tract, in particular, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and duodenal ulcers. It may also induce a chronic immune response, causing damage to the mucous membrane and development of these diseases. In addition, the role of H. pylori in the initiation of a wide range of autoimmune diseases is discussed. The aim of this study was to assess the level of autoantibodies – markers of various autoimmune diseases in the blood of H. pylori-infected patients with chronic gastritis. We used samples of whole peripheral blood from 267 primary patients with chronic gastritis in the acute stage. The presence of H. pylori in gastric juice from patients was determined using real-time PCR. The level of autoantibodies to double-stranded and single-stranded DNA, autoantibodies to thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase, concentration of rheumatoid factor, IgG autoantibodies to the cyclic citrullinated peptide, IgM and IgG autoantibodies to beta(2)-glycoprotein were determined by the enzyme immunoassay. The average level of rheumatoid factor in blood serum was similar for H. pylori-infected and non-infected patients, and did not exceed the normal values. The level of antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide, one of the sensitive markers of rheumatoid arthritis, was increased in all patients, being, however, significantly lower in H. pylori-infected patients compared with non-infected persons. Autoantibodies to thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase are considered classic markers of autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland. In blood of H. pylori-infected patients we have found an increased concentration of autoantibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase in comparison with non-infected ones, but the average level of these antibodies did not exceed the normal range. Any differences in the levels of systemic lupus erythematosus serological markers, i.e., autoantibodies to double-stranded and single-stranded DNA, were found between H. pylori-infected and non-infected patients. The levels of thrombosis risk marker in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (IgG and IgM autoantibodies to beta(2)-glycoprotein) were also within the normal ranges. However, in H. pylori-infected patients, it even turned out to be statistically significantly lower than in non-infected ones. Thus, no data have been obtained on increased levels of the tested markers of autoimmune pathology in blood of H. pylori-infected patients with chronic gastritis at the acute stage. However, this does not allow us to make an unambiguous conclusion that the influence of H. pylori does not affect the development of immunological changes associated with autoimmune diseases

    Экскреция лекарственного вещества глутарон - нового производного глутаминовой кислоты

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    In the study of excretion of the drug was found that glutaron determined in urine for at least 72 hours of the study. Renal clearance is 123 ml/hour, extrarenal - 34.84 ml/hour by intravenous route of administration. Superiority over extrarenal and renal clearance correlates with earlier data on the distribution of glutaron in organs and tissues. The drug was determined in the organs responsible for elimination (liver, kidneys and lungs) at high concentrations.При изучении экскреции препарата было выявлено, что глутарон определяется в моче в течение не менее 72 часов исследования. Почечный клиренс составляет 123 мл/час, внепочечный - 34,84 мл/час при внутривенном пути введения. Превосходство почечного клиренса над внепочечным коррелирует с полученными ранее данными о характере распределения глутарона в органы и ткани. Препарат определялся в органах, отвечающих за элиминацию (печень, почки, легкие) в высоких концентрациях

    Prospects for predicting the course of nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma by morphometric analysis of CD163-positive macrophages

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    Background. In present days, much attention is paid to the study of the interrelation between the macrophage/hystiocytic microenvironment and the tumor substrate in lymphoproliferative disorders.Objective. The article is devoted to the morphometric and morphological assessment of CD163-positive macrophages in nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma.Materials and methods. Formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) lymph node samples of 45 patients were used for the study. To identify and visualize CD163-positive cells in the test material, an immunohistochemical staining method was used.Results. The study shows that the morphometric and morphological analysis of CD163-positive cells can be an effective and promising criterion for representing them as potential predictors of the disease course. Immunohistochemical study of 45 cases using the CD163 marker revealed a difference in the nature of macrophages localization in the lymph nodes nodules. The dependence of CD163-expressing cells number on the disease course was determined.Conclusion. The data obtained can be used to stratify patients with nodular sclerosis of classical Hodgkin lymphoma into risk groups and to determine personalized approaches to treatment. Immunohistochemical determination of the CD163 marker can be used in the complex diagnosis of the causes of refractoriness to the first and subsequent lines of therapy