1 research outputs found

    Carbon on Mercury's Surface - Origin, Distribution, and Concentration

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    Distinctive low-reflectance material (LRM) was first observed on Mercury in Mariner 10 flyby images. Visible to near-infrared reflectance spectra of LRM are flatter than the average reflectance spectrum of Mercury, which is strongly red sloped (increasing in reflectance with wavelength). From Mariner 10 and early MErcury, Surface, Space, ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) flyby observations, it was suggested that a higher content of ilmenite, ulvospinel, carbon, or iron metal could cause both the characteristic dark, flat spectrum of LRM and the globally low reflectance of Mercury. Once MESSENGER entered orbit, low Fe and Ti abundances measured by the X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Spectrometers ruled out ilmenite, and ulvospinel as important surface constituents and implied that LRM was darkened by a different phase, such as carbon or small amounts of micro- or nanophase iron or iron sulfide dispersed in a silicate matrix. Low-altitude thermal neutron measurements of three LRM-rich regions confirmed an enhancement of 1-3 weight-percent carbon over the global abundance, supporting the hypothesis that LRM is darkened by carbon