181 research outputs found

    Temperature-induced pair correlations in clusters and nuclei

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    The pair correlations in mesoscopic systems such as nmnm-size superconducting clusters and nuclei are studied at finite temperature for the canonical ensemble of fermions in model spaces with a fixed particle number: i) a degenerate spherical shell (strong coupling limit), ii) an equidistantly spaced deformed shell (weak coupling limit). It is shown that after the destruction of the pair correlations at T=0 by a strong magnetic field or rapid rotation, heating can bring them back. This phenomenon is a consequence of the fixed number of fermions in the canonical ensemble

    High frequency resonant experiments in Fe8_8 molecular clusters

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    Precise resonant experiments on Fe8_{8} magnetic clusters have been conducted down to 1.2 K at various tranverse magnetic fields, using a cylindrical resonator cavity with 40 different frequencies between 37 GHz and 110 GHz. All the observed resonances for both single crystal and oriented powder, have been fitted by the eigenstates of the hamiltonian H=DSz2+ESx2gμBHS{\cal H}=-DS_z^2+ES_x^2-g\mu_B{\bf H}\cdot {\bf S}. We have identified the resonances corresponding to the coherent quantum oscillations for different orientations of spin S = 10.Comment: to appear in Phys.Rev. B (August 2000

    Feedback Effect on Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg Transitions in Magnetic Systems

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    We examine the effect of the dynamics of the internal magnetic field on the staircase magnetization curves observed in large-spin molecular magnets. We show that the size of the magnetization steps depends sensitively on the intermolecular interactions, even if these are very small compared to the intra-molecular couplings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures; paper reorganized, conclusions modifie

    Quantum Step Heights in Hysteresis Loops of Molecular Magnets

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    We present an analytical theory on the heights of the quantum steps observed in the hysteresis loops of molecular magnets. By considering the dipolar interaction between molecular spins, our theory successfully yields the step heights measured in experiments, and reveals a scaling law for the dependence of the heights on the sweeping rates hidden in the experiment data on Fe8_8 and Mn4_4. With this theory, we show how to accurately determine the tunnel splitting of a single molecular spin from the step heights.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Characterization of the S = 9 excited state in Fe8Br8 by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

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    High Frequency electron paramagnetic resonance has been used to observe the magnetic dipole, Δ\Delta Ms_s = ±\pm 1, transitions in the S=9S = 9 excited state of the single molecule magnet Fe8_8Br8_8. A Boltzmann analysis of the measured intensities locates it at 24 ±\pm 2 K above the S=10S = 10 ground state, while the line positions yield its magnetic parameters D = -0.27 K, E = ±\pm0.05 K, and B40_4^0 = -1.3×\times 106^{-6} K. D is thus smaller by 8% and E larger by 7% than for S=10S = 10. The anisotropy barrier for S=9S = 9 is estimated as 22 K,which is 25% smaller than that for S=10S = 10 (29 K). These data also help assign the spin exchange constants(J's) and thus provide a basis for improved electronic structure calculations of Fe8_8Br8_8.Comment: 7 pages, Figs included in text, submitted to PR

    Inter- and Intragranular Effects in Superconducting Compacted Platinum Powders

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    Compacted platinum powders exhibit a sharp onset of diamagnetic screening at T1.9T \simeq 1.9 mK in zero magnetic field in all samples investigated. This sharp onset is interpreted in terms of the intragranular transition into the superconducting state. At lower temperatures, the magnetic ac susceptibility strongly depends on the ac field amplitude and reflects the small intergranular critical current density jcj_{c}. This critical current density shows a strong dependence on the packing fraction f of the granular samples. Surprisingly, jcj_{c} increases significantly with decreasing f (jc(B=0,T=0)0.07j_{c}(B=0, T=0) \simeq 0.07 A/cm2^{2} for f = 0.67 and jc(B=0,T=0)0.8j_{c}(B=0, T=0) \simeq 0.8 A/cm2^{2} for f = 0.50). The temperature dependence of jcj_{c} shows strong positive curvature over a wide temperature range for both samples. The phase diagrams of inter- and intragranular superconductivity for different samples indicate that the granular structure might play the key role for an understanding of the origin of superconductivity in the platinum compacts.Comment: 11 pages including 9 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B in Nov. 0

    Role of dipolar and exchange interactions in the positions and widths of EPR transitions for the single-molecule magnets Fe8 and Mn12

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    We examine quantitatively the temperature dependence of the linewidths and line shifts in electron paramagnetic resonance experiments on single crystals of the single-molecule magnets Fe8_8 and Mn12_{12}, at fixed frequency, with an applied magnetic field along the easy axis. We include inter-molecular spin-spin interactions (dipolar and exchange) and distributions in both the uniaxial anisotropy parameter DD and the Land\'{e} gg-factor. The temperature dependence of the linewidths and the line shifts are mainly caused by the spin-spin interactions. For Fe8_8 and Mn12_{12}, the temperature dependence of the calculated line shifts and linewidths agrees well with the trends of the experimental data. The linewidths for Fe8_8 reveal a stronger temperature dependence than those for Mn12_{12}, because for Mn12_{12} a much wider distribution in DD overshadows the temperature dependence of the spin-spin interactions. For Fe8_8, the line-shift analysis suggests two competing interactions: a weak ferromagnetic exchange coupling between neighboring molecules and a longer-ranged dipolar interaction. This result could have implications for ordering in Fe8_8 at low temperatures.Comment: published versio

    Dislocation-induced spin tunneling in Mn-12 acetate

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    Comprehensive theory of quantum spin relaxation in Mn-12 acetate crystals is developed, that takes into account imperfections of the crystal structure and is based upon the generalization of the Landau-Zener effect for incoherent tunneling from excited energy levels. It is shown that linear dislocations at plausible concentrations provide the transverse anisotropy which is the main source of tunneling in Mn-12. Local rotations of the easy axis due to dislocations result in a transverse magnetic field generated by the field applied along the c-axis of the crystal, which explains the presence of odd tunneling resonances. Long-range deformations due to dislocations produce a broad distribution of tunnel splittings. The theory predicts that at subkelvin temperatures the relaxation curves for different tunneling resonances can be scaled onto a single master curve. The magnetic relaxation in the thermally activated regime follows the stretched-exponential law with the exponent depending on the field, temperature, and concentration of defects.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, submitted to PR