23 research outputs found

    General topological features and instanton vacuum in quantum Hall and spin liquids

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    We introduce the concept of super universality in quantum Hall and spin liquids which has emerged from previous studies. It states that all the fundamental features of the quantum Hall effect are generically displayed as general topological features of the θ\theta parameter in nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions. To establish super universality in spin liquids we revisit the mapping by Haldane who argued that the anti ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin ss chain is effectively described by the O(3) nonlinear sigma model with a θ\theta term. By combining the path integral representation for the dimerized spin s=1/2s=1/2 chain with renormalization group decimation techniques we generalise the Haldane approach to include a more complicated theory, the fermionic rotor chain, involving four different renormalization group parameters. We show how the renormalization group calculation technique can be used to lay the bridge between the fermionic rotor chain and the sigma model. As an integral and fundamental aspect of the mapping we establish the topological significance of the dangling spin at the edge of the chain which is in all respects identical to the massless chiral edge excitations in quantum Hall liquids. We consider various different geometries of the spin chain and show that for each of the different geometries correspond to a topologically equivalent quantum Hall liquid.Comment: Title changed, Section 2 and Appendix expanded, an error in the expression for theta correcte

    Ground state fidelity and quantum phase transitions in free Fermi systems

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    We compute the fidelity between the ground states of general quadratic fermionic hamiltonians and analyze its connections with quantum phase transitions. Each of these systems is characterized by a L×LL\times L real matrix whose polar decomposition, into a non-negative Λ\Lambda and a unitary TT, contains all the relevant ground state (GS) information. The boundaries between different regions in the GS phase diagram are given by the points of, possibly asymptotic, singularity of Λ\Lambda. This latter in turn implies a critical drop of the fidelity function. We present general results as well as their exemplification by a model of fermions on a totally connected graph.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    New nonlinear coherent states and some of their nonclassical properties

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    We construct a displacement operator type nonlinear coherent state and examine some of its properties. In particular it is shown that this nonlinear coherent state exhibits nonclassical properties like squeezing and sub-Poissonian behaviour.Comment: 3 eps figures. to appear in J.Opt

    The quantum state vector in phase space and Gabor's windowed Fourier transform

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    Representations of quantum state vectors by complex phase space amplitudes, complementing the description of the density operator by the Wigner function, have been defined by applying the Weyl-Wigner transform to dyadic operators, linear in the state vector and anti-linear in a fixed `window state vector'. Here aspects of this construction are explored, with emphasis on the connection with Gabor's `windowed Fourier transform'. The amplitudes that arise for simple quantum states from various choices of window are presented as illustrations. Generalized Bargmann representations of the state vector appear as special cases, associated with Gaussian windows. For every choice of window, amplitudes lie in a corresponding linear subspace of square-integrable functions on phase space. A generalized Born interpretation of amplitudes is described, with both the Wigner function and a generalized Husimi function appearing as quantities linear in an amplitude and anti-linear in its complex conjugate. Schr\"odinger's time-dependent and time-independent equations are represented on phase space amplitudes, and their solutions described in simple cases.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figures. Revised in light of referees' comments, and further references adde

    Phase properties of a new nonlinear coherent state

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    We study phase properties of a displacement operator type nonlinear coherent state. In particular we evaluate the Pegg-Barnett phase distribution and compare it with phase distributions associated with the Husimi Q function and the Wigner function. We also study number- phase squeezing of this state.Comment: 8 eps figures. to appear in J.Opt

    Regularization of the Singular Inverse Square Potential in Quantum Mechanics with a Minimal length

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    We study the problem of the attractive inverse square potential in quantum mechanics with a generalized uncertainty relation. Using the momentum representation, we show that this potential is regular in this framework. We solve analytically the s-wave bound states equation in terms of Heun's functions. We discuss in detail the bound states spectrum for a specific form of the generalized uncertainty relation. The minimal length may be interpreted as characterizing the dimension of the system.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Scalar Field Theory on Fuzzy S^4

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    Scalar fields are studied on fuzzy S4S^4 and a solution is found for the elimination of the unwanted degrees of freedom that occur in the model. The resulting theory can be interpreted as a Kaluza-Klein reduction of CP^3 to S^4 in the fuzzy context.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Classical phase space and statistical mechanics of identical particles

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    Starting from the quantum theory of identical particles, we show how to define a classical mechanics that retains information about the quantum statistics. We consider two examples of relevance for the quantum Hall effect: identical particles in the lowest Landau level, and vortices in the Chern-Simons Ginzburg-Landau model. In both cases the resulting {\em classical} statistical mechanics is shown to be a nontrivial classical limit of Haldane's exclusion statistics.Comment: 40 pages, Late

    Winding Transitions at Finite Energy and Temperature: An O(3) Model

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    Winding number transitions in the two dimensional softly broken O(3) nonlinear sigma model are studied at finite energy and temperature. New periodic instanton solutions which dominate the semiclassical transition amplitudes are found analytically at low energies, and numerically for all energies up to the sphaleron scale. The Euclidean period beta of these finite energy instantons increases with energy, contrary to the behavior found in the abelian Higgs model or simple one dimensional systems. This results in a sharp crossover from instanton dominated tunneling to sphaleron dominated thermal activation at a certain critical temperature. Since this behavior is traceable to the soft breaking of conformal invariance by the mass term in the sigma model, semiclassical winding number transition amplitudes in the electroweak theory in 3+1 dimensions should exhibit a similar sharp crossover. We argue that this is indeed the case in the standard model for M_H < 4 M_W.Comment: 21 pages (14 figures), RevTeX (plus macro), uses eps