7 research outputs found


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    Tem o objetivo analisar a abordagem dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) da zona rural frente a problemática de violência contra mulher no município de Iguatu/Ceará. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, o estudo foi realizado nas Estratégias de Saúde da Família (ESF) do município de Iguatu/Ceará, no período de agosto a outubro de 2022. A amostra do estudo se deu por 24 Agentes Comunitários de Saúde das Estratégia Saúde da Família da zona rural do referido município. A coleta foi realizada por intermédio de um link, através de um questionário eletrônico no Google Forms. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida seguindo os preceitos éticos das resoluções 510/2016 e 466/2012, sendo submetida ao Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da Universidade Regional do Cariri e aprovado sob o parecer nº de CAAE: 12205319.3.0000.5055. Os tipos de violência mais citadas foram a violência física, sexual, moral e psicológica. Ao investigar a abordagem dos agentes comunitários de saúde, foi possível conhecer sua diversidade, tais como: o diálogo, o vínculo, as orientações e o trabalho da equipe multidisciplinar. As participantes também mencionaram as dificuldades que permeavam essa assistência, dentre elas, a falta de informação para atuar com essa situação

    Educational Contributions Of The Nurse In The Prevention Of Sepsis In The Unit Of Intensive Therapy: Integrative Review

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    Sepsis is defined as a syndrome of inflammatory response, motivated by an aggressive agent, associated with systemic infection, the early approach of the infectious agent, both in the direction of diagnosis and in the control of infectious focus, are fundamental for the good evolution of the patient. This pathology has been considered a global health problem, affecting a large number of people and causing high rates of morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to investigate how nurses contribute in an educational way in the prevention of complications caused by sepsis in an intensive care unit. METHOD: The research was carried out through an electronic search of scientific papers published in the databases LILACS, SCIELO and PUBMED, portal of the virtual library in health. Other materials were located in scientific journals available on university websites and articles related to the subject. The initial evaluation of the material occurred through the reading of the abstracts, in order to select those that met the objectives of the study, with this, 37 articles were selected. In carrying out the research it was possible to verify that the recognition of sepsis by nursing professionals is mainly identified through the changes in the signs and symptoms that are observed through the provision of care to these critical patients. RESULTS: It has been shown that even with all the advances in the production of knowledge about the pathophysiology and the treatment of sepsis, it is still possible to find several difficulties for the proper handling in the diagnosis and in the ideal treatment for each particular case. CONCLUSION: The professional nurse should always be updating and seeking new knowledge for a fast, safe and effective action, in conjunction with the entire health team to promote quality and resolutive care for the patient, especially those affected by sepsis

    Nursing Assistance At The Puerperium: Integrative Review

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    INTRODUCTION: The Puerperium is a critical time for the woman, her baby and her family, due to psychological and physiological changes. At that moment, the woman experiences significant changes and needs qualified attention in health. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this research is to describe the scientific production on nursing care in the postpartum period, justifying that the woman, at the moment, undergoes many changes requiring a qualified attention. METHOD: The methodology used was the integrative review of the literature on nursing care in the puerperal period, in the databases of articles and scientific publications, present in the Virtual Health Library, from 2008 to 2014. RESULTS: The results highlight the importance of Nursing during puerperal care to resolve and improve the quality of life of puerperal patients. &nbsp

    Risk of adverse outcomes in offspring with RT-PCR confirmed prenatal Zika virus exposure: an individual participant data meta-analysis of 13 cohorts in the Zika Brazilian Cohorts ConsortiumResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Knowledge regarding the risks associated with Zika virus (ZIKV) infections in pregnancy has relied on individual studies with relatively small sample sizes and variable risk estimates of adverse outcomes, or on surveillance or routinely collected data. Using data from the Zika Brazilian Cohorts Consortium, this study aims, to estimate the risk of adverse outcomes among offspring of women with RT-PCR-confirmed ZIKV infection during pregnancy and to explore heterogeneity between studies. Methods: We performed an individual participant data meta-analysis of the offspring of 1548 pregnant women from 13 studies, using one and two-stage meta-analyses to estimate the absolute risks. Findings: Of the 1548 ZIKV-exposed pregnancies, the risk of miscarriage was 0.9%, while the risk of stillbirth was 0.3%. Among the pregnancies with liveborn children, the risk of prematurity was 10,5%, the risk of low birth weight was 7.7, and the risk of small for gestational age (SGA) was 16.2%. For other abnormalities, the absolute risks were: 2.6% for microcephaly at birth or first evaluation, 4.0% for microcephaly at any time during follow-up, 7.9% for neuroimaging abnormalities, 18.7% for functional neurological abnormalities, 4.0% for ophthalmic abnormalities, 6.4% for auditory abnormalities, 0.6% for arthrogryposis, and 1.5% for dysphagia. This risk was similar in all sites studied and in different socioeconomic conditions, indicating that there are not likely to be other factors modifying this association. Interpretation: This study based on prospectively collected data generates the most robust evidence to date on the risks of congenital ZIKV infections over the early life course. Overall, approximately one-third of liveborn children with prenatal ZIKV exposure presented with at least one abnormality compatible with congenital infection, while the risk to present with at least two abnormalities in combination was less than 1.0%. Funding: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Brazil (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq); Wellcome Trust and the United Kingdom's Department for International Development; European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program; Medical Research Council on behalf of the Newton Fund and Wellcome Trust; National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; Foundation Christophe et Rodolphe Mérieux; Coordination for the improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Capes); Ministry of Health of Brazil; Brazilian Department of Science and Technology; Foundation of Research Support of the State of São Paulo (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP); Foundation of Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – FAPERJ); Foundation of Support for Research and Scientific and Technological Development of Maranhão; Evandro Chagas Institute/Brazilian Ministry of Health (Instituto Evandro Chagas/Ministério da Saúde); Foundation of Research Support of the State of Goiás (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás – FAPEG); Foundation of Research Support of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – FAPERGS); Foundation to Support Teaching, Research and Assistance at Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Assistência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto); São Paulo State Department of Health (Secretaria de Saúde do Estado de São Paulo); Support Foundation of Pernambuco Science and Technology (Fundação de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco – FACEPE)

    O Protagonismo Infantojuvenil nos Processos Educomunicativos

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    Neste volume “O protagonismo infantojuvenil nos processos educomunicativos”, reunimos 53 artigos que transitam sobre a temática do protagonismo infantojuvenil em diversas experiências e processos educomunicativos e para facilitar sua leitura e busca por temas de seu interesse, eles estão organizados em 8 capítulos que abordam a educomunicação a partir do fazer das crianças e da apropriação da produção midiática. Expressão artística, rádio, vídeo, jornalismo, cultura digital, redes sociais entre outros são os temas abordados pelos autores destes trabalhos. convidamos o leitor a mergulhar nesta jornada educomunicativa, vivendo e revivendo junto conosco essas experiências vividas por outros, refletindo em cada texto sobre como estamos, como evoluímos e como seguimos os passos daqueles que com sua ousadia, amor e luta elaboraram os fundamentos da educomunicação