17 research outputs found

    The application of data mining by classification in a database of notified covid-19 cases in Manaus-AM

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    This scientific article aims to present information on the cases of comorbidity that most aggravate the symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19) with data extracted from the database of the official website of the Ministry of Health, which defined a system to monitor the information detected in the diagnoses of each patient. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the city of Manaus has suffered great consequences in relation to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Covid-19). predicting patients at higher risk of death. We describe the origin and spread of the virus and the use of the SGBD software MySql and MySql Workbench to improve data in the selection and pre-processing, with the resources of the weka tool for knowledge learning, ending with the objective achieved in the classification of comorbidities that further aggravate the clinical conditions

    Use of association rules to perform the mining of a marketing database commercial

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    Currently, companies seek to find methods to analyze their customer behaviors and profiles. From this, a case study was carried out in a drugstore, in which the data mining technique and the Apriori algorithm were applied, for a better understanding. of your sales. First, a bibliographic survey on data mining and its tasks was carried out. Soon the sales made and their respective products were examined. Finally, marketing standards were presented according to the data analyzed, in order to assist the organizational management and marketing of the examined company

    The Relevance of Information Security Policy in the Logical Part of the Company

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the relevance of the information security policy in the logical part of the company. It will be used data obtained from research conducted within various companies, which demonstrate the level of knowledge of employees and some wrong measures they taken which ended up harming the company. It will be possible to check not only the weight that an information policy has within any economic sector, but also to point out which areas of the company are most prone to data loss/theft. One of the most valuable assets in any business, is information, that is, data that is generated through trades made, revenue generated, productivity, etc., and however small the information seems, to the market it can be extremely relevant and the leakage of this information, due to a failure or lack of security, can lead to the bankruptcy of a company

    Introduction of Basic Computer Programming Logic in Elementary and High Schools Using Logic Block

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    This document analyzes factors that make it difficult for computational programming logic to consolidate itself as a subject to be taught in schools and how to introduce it into the academic environment through a hypothetical curriculum based on studies and also including the logical block programming language, Scratch. Studies are conducted to create the basis of an experimental school grade. Said grade describes in detail the age groups it will reach and what knowledge will be taught to them. With a better understanding of programming and programming logic in mind, not only individuals who choose to work in the field will already have a larger knowledge base than today, but people who choose not to work in the field of computer technology will benefit of a more logical and cohesive line of reasoning

    Information Security in the use of drones: Research Tools To Maintain Route Integrity

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    Drones have increasingly become part of many people\u27s daily lives and can have many uses, but there are inherent risks to their use that cannot be ignored.  This article aims to present some vulnerability risks present in drones and find tools to ensure the integrity of routes traveled by a drone

    How to perform oracle database 11g version update to oracle database 19C

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    Due to the discontinuity of support for one of the database versions most used by organizations, Oracle Database 11g, it is important that companies that still use this version, pay attention to the next upgrade from Oracle. This work was elaborated by means of exploratory research, using as methods and research techniques the documentary and bibliographic analysis, with the purpose of providing steps with techniques and methods of how to proceed with two oracle projects, one of migration from the Linux operating system Red Hat 4.4.7-3 for Oracle Linux 7.7, and a version upgrade from Oracle Database 11g to Oracle Database 19c, presenting strategies using tools and following Oracle\u27s recommendations. This study was built based on real demands that companies have been facing with this great dilemma, the discontinuity of support for the Oracle database 11g version. The observed results were, official support from Oracle, architectural change in order to be prepared for a supposed intervention with updating and migration of services to the cloud

    Modernization of the Environmental Lighting System of a Manaus City Commercial Business

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    This research aimed to present a brightness control system through the Arduino prototype that will adjust the brightness in the workplace according to the Brazilian norms according to the activities performed and through the literature review point its advantages and benefits to the company. To this end, the following research methodologies were adopted: case study, literature review, quantitative and qualitative analysis. Where illuminance samples were collected in a work environment where they are outside the standard of NBR 8995-1, a fact that has been negatively influencing workers performance and company results, a high level of energy consumption was also detected energy. Thus, based on the literature review on the subject, and the results obtained in the inspection of the illuminance of the work environment, it was possible to present a prototype on the Arduino platform that solved the problem of lighting in the work environment, regarding the quantitative results of the work. Research has proven that with the installation of the prototype in the workplace the energy reduction can vary from 7% to 20% in addition to the reduction of occupational disease costs, and the qualitative results show numerous benefits of adequate lighting in the workplace. minus three spheres: physical; cognitive and operational

    Augmented Reality in the Education of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Currently, despite the technological advance that often makes school education accessible to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), there are still certain difficulties in understanding the teaching passed on in the classroom to the autistic.  Therefore, this research aimed to propose an approach to AR technology (Augmented Reality) as an aid in teaching-learning within the school environment where it provides a means of pedagogical resource in class.  For the development of this research, bibliographic research was carried out, where it is evident that through Augmented Reality combined with education it has many benefits, accessibility and inclusion.  With this, it is possible to conclude that the use of the technological tool in question can contribute to the TEA to facilitate learning, understanding, communication, interaction with other students and their perception, not only that, but also a benefit for the educator who can pass on content of more didactic way in the school class

    Shared Economy: A Uber-Eats Case Study in Manaus City

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    Given the prospective employment scenario that a society faces from the end of various areas due to various factors such as automation, new labor rights, lack or creation of new audiences, a shared economy caused in the midst of all this and It has become an option for the livelihood of many Manauaras. With the advancement of technology many changes occur in the way urban society uses its profits to generate income, it causes or disappears some professions, an interruption of others and the emergence of several. It was chosen to measure the data or the food delivery application that uber eats, which has about a year of use in Manaus, or even the concept of new forms of work organization, their deliverers, use modal and are directed to your destinations via GPS. This study sought to understand what is leading part of society to register in the application that is based on the shared economy. For such a survey, a quantitative survey was conducted in Manaus City to collect data required at high food ordering points per application, through a field survey, information was collected from various professionals. As a result of the investigation it was possible to map the professional profile of people who are choosing to work with this economic economy, and increase the incidence of technology for the lives of these professionals, it was possible to measure what challenges this new way of earning money provides, what are the advantages they bring, if it has the same advantages and the socio-economic impact on the day to day of professionals. Finally, it was carried out by the authors who conducted the survey, where after it was completed, it was possible to complete the applications associated with the shared economy that use yes, a great work alternative using technology as a medium

    Global Positioning System – The use of the Achar Driving App to assist in the search for school driving in Manaus

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    The use of GPS - Global Positioning System is used as a parameter for the search for school transport in the city of Manaus/AM. In this article, a proposal for a software project will be presented where it is possible for parents to search for their children\u27s school driving, taking into account the journey from the student\u27s home to school. The search for school transport is extremely necessary given the high degree of urban violence and traffic accidents in the city of Manaus/AM. The search for technology for the safety of children and adolescents is important so that crimes that occur daily can be inhibited, bringing tranquility and security so that parents can carry out daily activities with tranquility. The present brings the proposal of developing an application that facilitates the location of parents in finding a school bus for their children in the neighborhood where they live. This application will use GPS technology to search for drivers according to their respective record