43,594 research outputs found

    Probing the Effects of Lorentz-Symmetry Violating Chern-Simons and Ricci-Cotton Terms in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    The combined effects of the Lorentz-symmetry violating Chern-Simons and Ricci-Cotton actions are investigated for the Einstein-Hilbert gravity in the second order formalism modified by higher derivative terms, and their consequences on the spectrum of excitations are analyzed. We follow the lines of previous works and build up an orthonormal basis of operators that splits the fundamental fields according to their individual degrees of freedom. With this new basis, the attainment of the propagators is remarkably simplified and the identification of the physical and unphysical modes gets a new insight. Our conclusion is that the only tachyon- and ghost-free model is the Einstein-Hilbert action added up by the Chern-Simons term with a time-like vector of the type vμ=(μ,0⃗)v^{\mu} = (\mu,\vec{0}). Spectral consistency imposes taht the Ricci-Cotton term must be switched off. We then infer that gravity with Lorentz-symmetry violation imposes a drastically different constraint on the background if compared to usual gauge theories whenever conditions for suppression of tachyons and ghosts are required.Comment: 15 pages. It coincides with the version published in Phys. Rev.

    Resonant tunneling through protected quantum dots at phosphorene edges

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    We theoretically investigate phosphorene zigzag nanorribons as a platform for constriction engineering. In the presence of a constriction at the upper edge, quantum confinement of edge protected states reveals resonant tunnelling Breit-Wigner transmission peaks, if the upper edge is uncoupled to the lower edge. Coupling between edges in thin constrictions gives rise to Fano-like and anti-resonances in the transmission spectrum of the system.Comment: 8 pages,7 figure

    Chemical analysis of giant stars in the young open cluster NGC 3114

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    Context: Open clusters are very useful targets for examining possible trends in galactocentric distance and age, especially when young and old open clusters are compared. Aims: We carried out a detailed spectroscopic analysis to derive the chemical composition of seven red giants in the young open cluster NGC 3114. Abundances of C, N, O, Li, Na, Mg, Al, Ca, Si, Ti, Ni, Cr, Y, Zr, La, Ce, and Nd were obtained, as well as the carbon isotopic ratio. Methods: The atmospheric parameters of the studied stars and their chemical abundances were determined using high-resolution optical spectroscopy. We employed the local-thermodynamic-equilibrium model atmospheres of Kurucz and the spectral analysis code MOOG. The abundances of the light elements were derived using the spectral synthesis technique. Results: We found that NGC 3114 has a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = -0.01+/-0.03. The isochrone fit yielded a turn-off mass of 4.2 Msun. The [N/C] ratio is in good agreement with the models predicted by first dredge-up. We found that two stars, HD 87479 and HD 304864, have high rotational velocities of 15.0 km/s and 11.0 km/s; HD 87526 is a halo star and is not a member of NGC 3114. Conclusions: The carbon and nitrogen abundance in NGC 3114 agree with the field and cluster giants. The oxygen abundance in NGC 3114 is lower compared to the field giants. The [O/Fe] ratio is similar to the giants in young clusters. We detected sodium enrichment in the analyzed cluster giants. As far as the other elements are concerned, their [X/Fe] ratios follow the same trend seen in giants with the same metallicity.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 10 tables; accepted for publication in A&

    Quantized fields and gravitational particle creation in f(R) expanding universes

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    The problem of cosmological particle creation for a spatially flat, homogeneous and isotropic Universes is discussed in the context of f(R) theories of gravity. Different from cosmological models based on general relativity theory, it is found that a conformal invariant metric does not forbid the creation of massless particles during the early stages (radiation era) of the Universe.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Phantom Accretion by Black Holes and the Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    The accretion of a phantom fluid with non-zero chemical potential by black holes is discussed with basis on the Generalized Second Law of thermodynamics. For phantom fluids with positive temperature and negative chemical potential we demonstrate that the accretion process is possible, and that the condition guaranteeing the positiveness of the phantom fluid entropy coincides with the one required by Generalized Second Law. In particular, this result provides a complementary confirmation that cosmological phantom fluids do not need to have negative temperatures

    Boussinesq Solitary-Wave as a Multiple-Time Solution of the Korteweg-de Vries Hierarchy

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    We study the Boussinesq equation from the point of view of a multiple-time reductive perturbation method. As a consequence of the elimination of the secular producing terms through the use of the Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy, we show that the solitary--wave of the Boussinesq equation is a solitary--wave satisfying simultaneously all equations of the Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy, each one in an appropriate slow time variable.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex (to appear in J. Math Phys.

    Detection of new eruptions in the Magellanic Clouds LBVs R 40 and R 110

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    We performed a spectroscopic and photometric analysis to study new eruptions in two luminous blue variables (LBVs) in the Magellanic Clouds. We detected a strong new eruption in the LBV R40 that reached V∼9.2V \sim 9.2 in 2016, which is around 1.31.3 mag brighter than the minimum registered in 1985. During this new eruption, the star changed from an A-type to a late F-type spectrum. Based on photometric and spectroscopic empirical calibrations and synthetic spectral modeling, we determine that R\,40 reached Teff=5800−6300T_{\mathrm{eff}} = 5800-6300~K during this new eruption. This object is thereby probably one of the coolest identified LBVs. We could also identify an enrichment of nitrogen and r- and s-process elements. We detected a weak eruption in the LBV R 110 with a maximum of V∼9.9V \sim 9.9 mag in 2011, that is, around 1.01.0 mag brighter than in the quiescent phase. On the other hand, this new eruption is about 0.20.2 mag fainter than the first eruption detected in 1990, but the temperature did not decrease below 8500 K. Spitzer spectra show indications of cool dust in the circumstellar environment of both stars, but no hot or warm dust was present, except by the probable presence of PAHs in R\,110. We also discuss a possible post-red supergiant nature for both stars

    Teleparallel Theories of Gravity: Illuminating a Fully Invariant Approach

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    Teleparallel gravity and its popular generalization f(T)f(T) gravity can be formulated as fully invariant (under both coordinate transformations and local Lorentz transformations) theories of gravity. Several misconceptions about teleparallel gravity and its generalizations can be found in the literature, especially regarding their local Lorentz invariance. We describe how these misunderstandings may have arisen and attempt to clarify the situation. In particular, the central point of confusion in the literature appears to be related to the inertial spin connection in teleparallel gravity models. While inertial spin connections are commonplace in special relativity, and not something inherent to teleparallel gravity, the role of the inertial spin connection in removing the spurious inertial effects within a given frame of reference is emphasized here. The careful consideration of the inertial spin connection leads to the construction of a fully invariant theory of teleparallel gravity and its generalizations. Indeed, it is the nature of the spin connection that differentiates the relationship between what have been called good tetrads and bad tetrads and clearly shows that, in principle, any tetrad can be utilized. The field equations for the fully invariant formulation of teleparallel gravity and its generalizations are presented and a number of examples using different assumptions on the frame and spin connection are displayed to illustrate the covariant procedure. Various modified teleparallel gravity models are also briefly reviewed.Comment: v2: 72 pages, revised version, references added, matches published versio
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