9 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Strategis Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi pada PT Jasamarga Surabaya-Mojokerto dengan Pendekatan Anita Cassidy

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    PT Jasamarga Surabaya-Mojokerto is a toll road entreprise with the main task to build, operate, and maintain Surabaya-Mojokerto toll roads. The Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road passes through 4 regencies (Sidoarjo, Gresik, Surabaya, and Mojokerto) and passes 37 villages with 306.20 hectare of land. PT Jasamarga Surabaya-Mojokerto experience some obstacles in the application of information technology systems. Investments in information technology systems that have been run not support the bussines goals oh the company. Another obstacle is the absence of clustering and priority scale of technology system development. To handle these obstacles, it is necessary to make strategic planning of information system with Anita Cassidy approach for PT Jasamarga Surabaya-Mojokerto. Strategic planning of information system can help companies to implement information technology system that align with business strategy and corporate goals, also can help clustering and determine the direction of development of information technology system

    Increasing the Students' Critical Thinking Through Inquiry Learning on System of Senses Subject at Class XI MIA 6 SMA N 4 Surakarta Class Year of 2014/2015

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    The aim of this research is to increase the students' critical thinking through inquiry learning. This research was a classroom action research with 3 cycles conducted from March until April 2015. Each cycle consisted of 4 phases, i.e. planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The participants of the research are 34 students of grade XI MIA 6 SMAN 4 Surakarta. Data was obtained from questionnaire, multiple choices test, and interview. The main data of the students' critical thinking includes several aspects as follows: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation. Data was analyzed descriptively, and validated using a triangulation method. The research procedure used was the spiral method by Kemmis and Mc.Taggart. The result of the research shows that inquiry learning increased the students' critical thinking. The student's critical thinking from the pre cycle is 35,04 %, the first cycle is 42,40 %, the second cycle is 51,71 %, the third cycle is 63,97 %

    Seleksi Fenotipe Populasi Padi Gogo Untuk Hasil Tinggi, Toleran Alumunium Dan Tahan Blas Pada Tanah Masam

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    The aim of this research was to get upland rice lines with high yield, aluminum tolerance and resistance to blast. Genetic material used were 380 lines (F6) from six hybridization combinations evaluated under Al stress condition in environment endemic blast using augmented design with five randomized blocks. Performance of lines in the field and level of tolerance was tested. The results showed five genetic clusters formed from 380 lines of upland rice in a test based on quantitative characters. Cluster number 2 was the best cluster with characters: uniform growth vigor of plants, early flowering days, early maturing, medium plant height, high productive tillers, medium panicle length, high number of filled grain, the lowest of empty grains, high weight of 5 panicles and high yield potential. Aluminum tolerance and blast resistance were observed in almost all clusters. The lines in cluster 2 had the highest resistance to blast (98%) and tolerance to Al (94%)

    Pengaruh Mutagen Etil Metan Sulfonat Terhadap Regenerasi Tunas Pada Dua Genotip Manggis Asal Purwakarta Dan Pandeglang

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    Tanaman manggis termasuk tanaman apomik. Pemuliaan mutasi dapat meningkatkan keragaman genetik pada tanaman manggis. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pembentukan tunas dua genotip manggis akibat perlakuan beberapa konsentrasi etil metan sulfonat (EMS) yang berbeda. Percobaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Pemuliaan Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran sejak bulan September 2012 – Februari 2013. Eksplan manggis yang digunakan adalah biji manggis asal Purwakarta (A) dan Pandeglang (B). Percobaan ditata dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Konsentrasi EMS terdiri atas 0; 0,05; 0,1; 0,15; dan 0,2% digunakan sebagai perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa regenerasi tunas pada eksplan dua genotip asal Purwakarta dan Pandeglang memiliki respons yang berbeda akibat perlakuan mutagen EMS. Pada perlakuan a3 (genotip asal Purwakarta pada EMS 0,1%) menghasilkan waktu muncul tunas lebih cepat dan jumlah tunas per eksplan paling tinggi, sedangkan perlakuan b4(genotip asal Pandeglang pada perlakuan EMS 0,15%) memiliki nilai paling tinggi pada karakter tinggi tunas. Perlakuan a5(genotip asal Purwakarta pada EMS 0,2 %) merupakan perlakuan paling baik pada karakter jumlah pasang dau

    The Impact of Implementation Virtual Reality (VR) on Pain Levels Among Children with Invasive Procedures: A Literature Review

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    The volume of hospitalized pre-school children has increased in recent years. More than 30% children have experienced hospital treatment and 5% have been treated several times in the hospital. They will undergo painful procedures with physical and psychological impacts. Various technological approaches to pain management have been developed, including the use of virtual reality therapy to reduce pain in pediatric patients. The purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review to the impact of using Virtual Reality (VR) on pain level among children undergoing invasive procedures. Literature review was conducted from 2010-2020 at the five largest databases consist of Pubmed, Google Scholar, CINAHL, Medline and Psycinfo by using keywords “Virtual Reality” “Pain”, “Children Pain”, “Pediatric Pain”, “Virtual Reality and Children Pain” and “Virtual Reality and ‘Pediatric Pain. From four articles discussed both acute and chronic pain, VR can be used to reduce pain or other symptoms related physiological stress during hospitalization   Keywords: Children, Pediatric, Pain, Hospitalization and Virtual Realit

    Karakterisasi Karbon Aktif Kulit Singkong (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Berdasarkan Variasi Konsentrasi H3PO4 dan Lama Waktu Aktivasi

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    Unsur karbon yang cukup tinggi pada kulit singkong membuat peneliti memanfaatkannya sebagai karbon aktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmenentukan karakteristik karbon aktif kulit singkong (KASP) berdasarkan konsentrasi H3PO4 dan lama waktu aktivasi pada suhu 600 °C. Sintesis KASP menggunakan tahap karbonisasi pada suhu 500 °C, impregnasi menggunakan karbon:H3PO4 1:5 (b/b) dengan variasi konsentrasi yaitu pada 10-50%, aktivasi pada suhu 600 °C selama 2 jam. KASP dengan konsentrasi optimal kemudian diaktivasi menggunakan variasi waktu 1-3 jam pada suhu 600 °C. Selanjutnya KASP dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR, XRD, dan SEM-EDX. Morfologi permukaan KASP menunjukkan permukaan yang berongga yang dominasi oleh unsur C(55,20%), O(28,86%), N(8,00%), P(6,22%), dan Na(1,72%)