41 research outputs found

    Hábitats de Navarra de interés y prioritarios: (Directiva de hábitats)

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    2ª ed. revisadaEn esta guía se describen los hábitats de interés y prioritarios inventariados en Navarra, de acuerdo con la Directiva de Hábitats. Los hábitats de interés comunitario son aquéllos amenazados de desaparición, con área de distribución reducida, o que son ejemplos representativos de las regiones biogeográficas de la Unión Europea. Los hábitats prioritarios son los amenazados de desaparición y cuya conservación supone una especial responsabilidad para la Unión Europea por la proporción del área de distribución natural que en ella se encuentra. En Navarra se han inventariado 52 hábitats de interés (218.130 ha) de los cuales 10 son prioritarios (28.483 ha); se trata de un número de hábitats elevado para un territorio de sus dimensiones y es indicativo de su diversidad ecológica, ya que supone más del 40% de todos los tipos de hábitats inventariados en España

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    Learning plant biodiversity in nature: the use of the citizen–science platform iNaturalist as a collaborative tool in secondary education

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    Biodiversity is a concept of great scientific interest and social value studied in different subjects of the secondary education curriculum. Citizen–science programs may contribute to increasing the engagement of students when studying biodiversity. This work aimed to explore the use of the citizen–science platform iNaturalist as a complement of the elaboration of herbaria in an outdoor activity for 4th course 16-year-old students in the Basaula Reserve. The platform iNaturalist was chosen for its suitability to develop collaborative projects in an educational context. The Basaula project was created and 122 students were trained to record plant species in an outdoor activity. A total of 32 species were recorded, among them the most abundant were beech (Fagus sylvatica) and holm oak (Quercus ilex). The students positively evaluated their experience, highlighting its adequacy to record biodiversity data and make a virtual herbarium. Students valued the innovative character of iNaturalist and its usefulness for research but also the opportunity to integrate mobile devices in school education. We concluded that iNaturalist is a valuable tool to carry out collaborative projects dealing with biodiversity in secondary education.This research was funded by the Education Department of the Navarra Government, grant number CENEDUCA3/2019

    Study of the vegetation series of Cuenca de Pamplona-Valdizarbe (Navarre-NE Spain): interest of their mapping and application

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    Se estudian las series y subseries de vegetación de 77.817 ha del centro de Navarra, para su cartografía a escala 1:25.000. Las series y subseries son indicadoras de las características ecológicas del territorio y complementan la información climática disponible. Se han descrito ocho series de vegetación, dos geoseries y dos complejos de vegetación. Las series climatófilas comprenden 28 faciaciones, reconocidas mediante las comunidades vegetales que las integran. La distinción de las faciaciones no sólo está asociada a factores climáticos, sino también a factores geomorfológicos, litológicos, edáficos e históricos. Estos últimos factores permiten reconocer patrones complejos a escalas de detalle, superpuestos a los que reflejan los factores climáticos, evidentes a escalas más reducidas. El estudio se enmarca en un proyecto que pretende definir la potencialidad del territorio para diferentes usos y elaborar modelos de evaluación de tierras en Navarra utilizando las unidades cartográficas reconocidas.The vegetation series and subseries of 77,817 ha of Central Navarre are studied to be used as mapping units of a vegetation series map at scale 1:25,000. The series and subseries are indicators of the land environmental features and may be useful to complete the available climatic data. Eight vegetation series, two geoseries and two vegetation complexes have been described. Climatophilous series include 28 subseries defined by the different plant communities that form each one. While vegetation series show clearly climatic patterns when studied at small scales, at detailed scales the vegetation patterns show also the effects of landforms, lithology, soils and history. This study is part of a project that is intended to assess land suitability for different uses and to work out land evaluation models in Navarre based upon the recognized mapping units