460 research outputs found

    Use of 3G mobile phone links for teleconsultation between a moving ambulance and a hospital base station

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    The importance of this paper lays in its suggestion: minimise the time for the initial treatment of a patient. As soon as an ambulance receives a patient, a videoconferencing session can be initiated between the moving vehicle and a base station in a hospital where a medical consultant resides. The communication link is implemented using 3G networks. Effectively, the use of such a system can decrease fatality on patients being transferred to A&E, as expert opinion can be obtained straight away. This paper was repeatedly cited in IEEE papers and formed the basis for an EPSRC proposal that was recently submitted

    Canonical Transformation Approach to the Ultrafast Non-linear Optical Dynamics of Semiconductors

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    We develop a theory describing the effects of many-particle Coulomb correlations on the coherent ultrafast nonlinear optical response of semiconductors and metals. Our approach is based on a mapping of the nonlinear optical response of the ``bare'' system onto the linear response of a ``dressed'' system. The latter is characterized by effective time-dependent optical transition matrix elements, electron/hole dispersions, and interaction potentials, which in undoped semiconductors are determined by the single-exciton and two-exciton Green functions in the absence of optical fields. This mapping is achieved by eliminating the optically-induced charge fluctuations from the Hamiltonian using a Van Vleck canonical transformation. It takes into account all many-body contributions up to a given order in the optical fields as well as important Coulomb-induced quantum dynamics to all orders in the optical field. Our approach allows us to distinguish between optical nonlinearities of different origins and provides a physically-intuitive interpretation of their manifestations in ultrafast coherent nonlinear optical spectroscopy.Comment: 24 page

    Ambulance 3G

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    Minimising the time required for a patient to receive primary care has always been the concern of the Accidents and Emergency units. Ambulances are usually the first to arrive on the scene and to administer first aid. However, as the time that it takes to transfer the patient to the hospital increases, so does the fatality rate. In this paper, a mobile teleconsultation system is presented, based primarily on third generation mobile links and on Wi-Fi hotspots around a city. This system can be installed inside an ambulance and will permit high-resolution videoconferencing between the moving vehicle and a doctor or a consultant within a base station (usually a hospital). In addition to video and voice, high quality still images and screenshots from medical equipment can also be sent. The test was carried out in Athens, Greece where a 3G system was recently deployed by Vodafone. The results show that the system can perform satisfactory in most conditions and can effectively increase the patient’s quality of service, while having a modest cost

    Magnetization Relaxation and Collective Spin Excitations in Correlated Double--Exchange Ferromagnets

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    We study spin relaxation and dynamics of collective spin excitations in correlated double--exchange ferromagnets. For this, we introduce an expansion of the Green's functions equations of motion that treats non--perturbativerly all correlations between a given number of spin and charge excitations and becomes exact within a sub--space of states. Our method treats relaxation beyond Fermi's Golden Rule while recovering previous variational results for the spin--wave dispersion. We find that the momentum dependence of the spin--wave dephasing rate changes qualitatively due to the on--site Coulomb interaction, in a way that resembles experiment, and depends on its interplay with the magnetic exchange interaction and itinerant spin lifetime. We show that the collective spin relaxation and its dependence on the carrier concentration depends sensitively on three--body correlations between a spin excitation and a Fermi sea electron and hole. The above spin dynamics can be controlled via the itinerant carrier population.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Pricing with Limited Knowledge of Demand

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    How should a firm price a new product for which little is known about demand? We propose a pricing rule that can be used if the firm can estimate (even roughly) the maximum price it can charge and still expect to sell some units, and the firm need not know in advance the quantity it will sell. The rule is simple: Set price as though the demand curve were linear. We show that if the true demand curve is one of many commonly used demand functions, or even a more complex function, and if marginal cost is known and constant, the firm can expect its profit to be close to what it would earn if it knew the true demand curve. We derive analytical performance bounds for a variety of demand functions, calculate expected profit performance for randomly generated demand curves, and evaluate the welfare implications of our pricing rule

    Ultrafast dynamics of coherences in the quantum Hall system

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    Using three-pulse four-wave-mixing optical spectroscopy, we study the ultrafast dynamics of the quantum Hall system. We observe striking differences as compared to an undoped system, where the 2D electron gas is absent. In particular, we observe a large off-resonant signal with strong oscillations. Using a microscopic theory, we show that these are due to many-particle coherences created by interactions between photoexcited carriers and collective excitations of the 2D electron gas. We extract quantitative information about the dephasing and interference of these coherences.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Observation of inter-Landau-level quantum coherence in semiconductor quantum wells

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    Using three-pulse four-wave-mixing femtosecond spectroscopy, we excite a non-radiative coherence between the discrete Landau levels of an undoped quantum well and study its dynamics. We observe quantum beats that reflect the time evolution of the coherence between the two lowest Landau level magnetoexcitons. We interpret our observations using a many-body theory and find that the inter Landau level coherence decays with a new time constant, substantially longer than the corresponding interband magnetoexciton dephasing times. Our results indicate a new intraband excitation dynamics that cannot be described in terms of uncorrelated interband excitations.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication

    Ultrafast Coulomb-induced dynamics of 2D magnetoexcitons

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    We study theoretically the ultrafast nonlinear optical response of quantum well excitons in a perpendicular magnetic field. We show that for magnetoexcitons confined to the lowest Landau levels, the third-order four-wave-mixing (FWM) polarization is dominated by the exciton-exciton interaction effects. For repulsive interactions, we identify two regimes in the time-evolution of the optical polarization characterized by exponential and {\em power law} decay of the FWM signal. We describe these regimes by deriving an analytical solution for the memory kernel of the two-exciton wave-function in strong magnetic field. For strong exciton-exciton interactions, the decay of the FWM signal is governed by an antibound resonance with an interaction-dependent decay rate. For weak interactions, the continuum of exciton-exciton scattering states leads to a long tail of the time-integrated FWM signal for negative time delays, which is described by the product of a power law and a logarithmic factor. By combining this analytic solution with numerical calculations, we study the crossover between the exponential and non-exponential regimes as a function of magnetic field. For attractive exciton-exciton interaction, we show that the time-evolution of the FWM signal is dominated by the biexcitonic effects.Comment: 41 pages with 11 fig