123 research outputs found

    Riding on the Coat-Tails of Traditional Cultural Expressions

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    Matters related to the protection of traditional cultural expressions (‘TCEs’) or expressions of folklore (‘EoFs’) are sensitive and intricate as a blend of legal, economic, philosophical and anthropological considerations jostle to capture their core features. This results in disparate views surrounding what should qualify as TCEs or EoFs, who should be considered their ‘owner’ (assuming that ownership per se is conceptually compatible with these items), which is the most appropriate legal protection regime and how broad their scope of protection should be. Drawing from these various accounts on TCEs, this article focuses on the interaction between TCEs and EoFs originating on the European continent and the European Union (‘EU’) trade mark legislation. Specifically, this article examines whether the limitations of the effects of trade mark rights and of the absolute grounds of refusal, as developed by the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, are effective in preserving the cohesion of TCEs. This article advances the thesis that registration of TCEs and EoFs as trade marks generates an imbalance between the rights of the trade mark owner and the defences available to others under the EU trade mark law framework. Furthermore, such an imbalance is likely to hinder the unfettered circulation of TCEs and undermine their original meaning. Lastly, in some cases, trade mark registration of TCEs contributes to their appropriation and misappropriation. The article concludes that, de lege ferenda, the direct exclusion of TCEs as eligible subject matter for trade mark registration is preferable to seeking a post factum remedy

    Dhb Microcystins Discovered in USA Using an Online Concentration LC–MS/MS Platform

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    Based on current structural and statistical calculations, thousands of microcystins (MCs) can exist; yet, to date, only 246 MCs have been identified and only 12 commercial MC standards are available. Standard mass spectrometry workflows for known and unknown MCs need to be developed and validated for basic and applied harmful algal bloom research to advance. Our investigation focuses on samples taken in the spring of 2018 from an impoundment fed by Oser and Bischoff Reservoirs, Indiana, United States of America (USA). The dominant cyanobacterium found during sampling was Planktothrix agardhii. The goal of our study was to identify and quantify the MCs in the impoundment sample using chemical derivatization and mass spectrometry. Modifying these techniques to use online concentration liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS), two untargeted MCs have been identified, [d-Asp3, Dhb7]-MC-LR and tentative [Dhb7]-MC-YR. [Dhb7]-MC-YR is not yet reported in the literature to date, and this was the first reported incidence of Dhb MCs in the United States. Furthermore, it was discovered that the commercially available [d-Asp3]-MC-RR standard was [d-Asp3, Dhb7]-MC-RR. This study highlights a workflow utilizing online concentration LC–MS/MS, high-resolution MS (HRMS), and chemical derivatization to identify isobaric MCs
