3 research outputs found

    Raw dataset and additional data for article "Nonmotor symptoms associated with progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease"

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    <p>Dataset from the project investigating the presence of nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease in a mouse model of progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons (namely,TIF-IADATCreERT2 strain). Mice were tested for executive and cognitive functions (males: Operant Sensation Seeking test, OSS; females: Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task in Intellicages), olfactory acuity (males: buried food test), saccharin preference (males and females), and motor performance (males and females: test using CatWalk apparatus).</p><p>The dataset includes files used to perform statistical analyses but their names may vary from the ones used in the scripts. For the purpose of recreating our analyses, please refer to the GitHub page, where both scripts and input data file names (in 'Raw data files' section) are compliant: https://github.com/annaradli/tif-pd-behavior.</p><p><strong>Description of files:</strong></p><p><i>Raw data files:</i></p><ul><li>animals_info.csv - animals data: genotype, sex, age, Intellicage tag identifier</li><li>catwalk_run_statistics_all_females.csv - data recorded in CatWalk apparatus for females</li><li>catwalk_run_statistics_all_males.csv - data recorded in CatWalk apparatus for males</li><li>females_weight_raw_data_revised.csv - females' body weight  (revised for containing Polish words)</li><li>intellicage_raw_data.csv - data recorded in IntelliCage exported to .csv format</li><li>intellicage_raw_data_R.RData - data recorded in IntelliCage in .RData format</li><li>males_weight_raw_data.csv - males' body weight</li><li>olfactory_time_digging_raw_data.csv - time to start digging at the right place in the buried food test</li><li>olfactory_time_retrieve_raw_data.csv- time to retrieve cracker in the buried food test</li><li>oss_raw_data.csv - data recorded in the OSS test</li><li>saccharin_preference_males_raw_data.csv - saccharin preference test results for males</li><li>snvta_cells_count.csv - number of TH+ cells in SN and VTA in male mice (3+3) 14 weeks after tamoxifen treatment</li></ul><p><i>Additional data files:</i></p><ul><li>all_anova.xlsx - summary of two-way ANOVAs of all behavioral tests and weight measurements for males and females</li><li>catwalk_complete.xlsx - CatWalk complete dataset with datapoints</li><li>catwalk_correlation_between_paws.xlsx - correlation coefficients of CatWalk parameters between the left and right paws</li><li>catwalk_reduced.xlsx - CatWalk parameters used in linear regression model reduction of data</li><li>intelli.xlsx - IntelliCage data summarized in bins</li><li>oss.xlsx - operant sensation-seeking data</li></ul><p>v2 contains the corrected 'animals_info.csv' file without an unnecessary column.</p><p>v3 has a revised version of file containing females' weight measurements and also added a file with midbrain cell counts</p><p>v4 has a whole section of 'Additional data files' added</p&gt