3,928 research outputs found

    Stabilization and plant uptake of N from 15N-labelled pea residue 16.5 years after incorporation in soil

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    The decline of N from 15N-labelled mature pea residues was followed in unplanted soil over 16.5 yr. Eight years after residue incorporation, 24% of the residue 15N input was still present in the soil and, after 16.5 yr, 16% of the residue 15N input remained. A double exponential model successfully described the decay of N from 15N-labelled pea residues. The total residual 15N declined with average decay constants of 1.45 yr−1 for the 30 d to 1 yr period and of 0.07 yr−1 for the 1–16 yr period. Sixteen years following incorporation of the residues, indicator plants growing in residues-amended soils were obtaining 1.7% of their N from residue N. This is, to our knowledge, the longest study on decay of N in soils from 15N-labelled crop residues. The current study thus provides a unique data set for our empirical understanding of N-dynamics in agricultural systems, which is a prerequisite to parameterize and validate N-simulation models

    Gender Bias in Nobel Prizes

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    Strikingly few Nobel laureates within medicine, natural and social sciences are women. Although it is obvious that there are fewer women researchers within these fields, does this gender ratio still fully account for the low number of female Nobel laureates? We examine whether women are awarded the Nobel Prizes less often than the gender ratio suggests. Based on historical data across four scientific fields and a Bayesian hierarchical model, we quantify any possible bias. The model reveals, with exceedingly large confidence, that indeed women are strongly under-represented among Nobel laureates across all disciplines examined

    Snegle på agerjord

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    I efteråret 2017 var der et stort angreb af agersnegle pga. det meget fugtige vejr omkring høst kombineret med en mild vinter. Men forventer vi til kommende sæson et lige så kraftigt angreb

    VÃ¥rbygsorter 2019

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    Vores sortsanbefaling: Evergreen står som første prioritet pga. udbytte, buskningsevne og lav modtagelighed overfor svampesygdomme. Feedway ser lovende ud. Det er vigtigt at vælge hovedsorter, der har været afprøvet mere end 2 – 3 år

    Usability of Workplaces:Case Study of DR Byen in Copenhagen

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    HVAC and Facilities Management:– from know-why to know-how

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    State of the Art of Energy Renovations of Buildings in Denmark

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