19 research outputs found

    Retailers and SME suppliers social responsibility in international supply chains

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    This paper presents an overview of corporate social responsibility drivers within international supply chains, following a multiple perspective of the different players involved. The study focused on the relationship between European large retailers and small-medium manufacturers in the food sector. In particular, the effects of the retailers’ CSR initiatives on the supply chains in which small suppliers are involved were examinedCSR, Supply Chain, Retailing, SMEs

    SME Food Suppliers Versus Large Retailers: Perspectives in the International Supply Chains

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    The market share of international retail chains substantially increased from the beginning of the nineties. The supplier’s market has been adapted to the evolutions of retailers’ market in terms of modified purchasing processes. Due to these changes, the requirements for food industry suppliers grew in number and quality. The paper shows how the relationship between suppliers and retailers is affected by several important changes, above all at international level. In particular, the analysis is focused on the Italian food SME suppliers related with large retailers. In-depth interviews to 89 Italian food SME suppliers have been conducted in 2008. Results have been analyzed and compared to the retailers’ point of view, resulting from public reports (such as Annual report, CSR report, etc.). Considering the selection criteria used by retailers, one of the main results of the analysis is that the growth of small and medium suppliers is stimulated when they operate with international large retailers. At the same time, the pressure on price and the required organizational qualifications lead to a selection process in which smaller manufacturers seem to be the more vulnerable actors.Supplier-Retailer Relations; Italian Food SME; Large Retailers; International Supply Chains

    Retailers and SME suppliers social responsibility in international supply chains

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    This paper presents an overview of corporate social responsibility drivers within international supply chains, following a multiple perspective of the different players involved. The study focused on the relationship between European large retailers and small-medium manufacturers in the food sector. In particular, the effects of the retailers’ CSR initiatives on the supply chains in which small suppliers are involved were examine

    The social responsibility of retailers and small and medium suppliers in international supply chains

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    This paper presents an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) drivers within retailers’ supply chains, following a multiple perspective of the different players involved. The study is focused on the relationship between European retailers and small-medium enterprises in the food sector. In particular the analysis examines the effects of the large retailers’ CSR initiatives on the small suppliers involved in supply chains where large retailers are leaders. The research identifies that small and medium Italian manufacturers adapt their processes and tools to the CSR requirements of large retailers. When food SME are strongly involved as suppliers of international large retailers, they reach a higher level of consciousness in CSR relevance and, above all, they are more capable of managing CSR activities by adopting standards and certification systems

    The social responsibility of retailers and small and medium suppliers in international supply chains

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    This paper presents an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) drivers within retailers’ supply chains, following a multiple perspective of the different players involved. The study is focused on the relationship between European retailers and small-medium enterprises in the food sector. In particular the analysis examines the effects of the large retailers’ CSR initiatives on the small suppliers involved in supply chains where large retailers are leaders. The research identifies that small and medium Italian manufacturers adapt their processes and tools to the CSR requirements of large retailers. When food SME are strongly involved as suppliers of international large retailers, they reach a higher level of consciousness in CSR relevance and, above all, they are more capable of managing CSR activities by adopting standards and certification systems

    Valori e relazioni d’impresa nelle filiere globali

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    Corporate values in global supply chains

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    The problem of finding a balance between the economic, social, and environmental values of human development is now at the heart of the debate that involves men of culture, men of faith, economists and politicians, who are working together to tackle the problems of globalisation. Chains are part of a gradual globalisation, with growing interdependence between the various manufacturing organisations and a convergence of different elements that creates development, but also negative effects such as environmental degradation and serious social imbalance. In the corporate culture, with the evolution of marketing, the act of purchasing is a sum of ethical and aesthetic values. In this sense, global companies’ supply must contain a ‘synthesis’ of consumers’ expectations

    Il ruolo del distretto nel rapporto fra piccole imprese e canali evoluti

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    The international opening of small district firms

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