194 research outputs found

    Line ratios and temperature structure in the deep photosphere

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    A program to monitor solar cycle variations of the solar flux by using suitable spectral line ratios is going on at Kitt Peak since 1976;the most sensitive to Teff variations are the ratios involving the C I 538.032 nm, whose formation depth is almost coincident with that of the continuum, and either the Fe I 537.958 or the Ti II 538.103. The temperature sensitivities of those line ratios have been empirically calibrated by observing the spectra of several solar-like stars by Gray and Livingston, while several attempts to obtain the same calibration theoretically, through Kurucz’s models of stellar atmospheres, showed difficulty in reproducing quantitatively the experimental results. Because the observed/computed ratio was approximately the same for both couples of lines, we argued that the problem was in the behaviour of C line, that is more affected than the others by the temperature structure of the deep photosphere, where it is formed. As, in these layers, the gradients of the average temperature are sensibly affected by different treatments of the convection, we compared, first of all, several theoretical models, distinguished from each other in including or not convective overshooting. Then we explored the effects due to variations of the value of the free parameter (α =�/HP ) and those ensued by different versions of the mixing-length theory

    Development of a surgical stereo endoscopic image dataset for validating 3D stereo reconstruction algorithms

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    In the last decades, endoscopic stereo images have been exploited to retrieve tissue surface information of the surgical site using 3D reconstruction algorithms. The application of such algorithms in Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) tools for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) requires a robust validation process in order to guarantee reliability and safety. 3D reconstruction algorithms are commonly evaluated comparing their result with respect to a reference Ground Truth (GT). However, few datasets providing endoscopic images and GT are openly available. Considering the increasing necessity of surgical datasets, the aim of this work is the generation of an Endoscopic Abdominal Stereo (EndoAbS) dataset composed of stereo-images with associated GT for 3D stereo-reconstruction algorithm validation. To recreate the surgical scenario, a polyurethane surgical phantom abdomen was built. Images were captured with a stereo-endoscope, while for acquiring the GT a laser scanner (calibrated with respect to the stereoendoscope) was used. This dataset is openly available on-line for the benefit of the CAS community

    Virtual Assistive System for Robotic Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

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    Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) reduces the trauma of large wounds decreasing the post-operative infections, but introduces technical difficulties for the surgeon, who has to deal with at least three instruments in a single incision. These drawbacks can be overcome with the introduction of robotic arms inside the abdominal cavity, but still remain difficulties in the surgical field vision, limited by the endoscope field of view. This work is aimed at developing a system to improve the information required by the surgeon and enhance the vision during a robotic SILS. In the pre-operative phase, the segmentation and surface rendering of organs allow the surgeon to plan the surgery. During the intra-operative phase, the run-time information (tools and endoscope pose) and the pre-operative information (3D models of organs) are combined in a virtual environment. A point-based rigid registration of the virtual abdomen on the real patient creates a connection between reality and virtuality. The camera-image plane calibration allows to know at run-time the pose of the endoscopic view. The results show how using a small set of 4 points (the minimal number of points that would be used in a real procedure) for the camera-image plane calibration and for the registration between real and virtual model of the abdomen, is enough to provide a calibration/registration accuracy within the requirements

    EndoAbS dataset: Endoscopic abdominal stereo image dataset for benchmarking 3D stereo reconstruction algorithms

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    none5siembargoed_20190801Penza, Veronica; Ciullo, Andrea S.; Moccia, Sara; Mattos, Leonardo S.; De Momi, ElenaPenza, Veronica; Ciullo, Andrea S.; Moccia, Sara; Mattos, Leonardo S.; De Momi, Elen

    Total solar irradiance during the last five centuries

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    The total solar irradiance (TSI) varies on timescales of minutes to centuries. On short timescales it varies due to the superposition of intensity fluctuations produced by turbulent convection and acoustic oscillations. On longer timescales, it changes due to photospheric magnetic activity, mainly because of the facular brightenings and dimmings caused by sunspots. While modern TSI variations have been monitored from space since the 1970s, TSI variations over much longer periods can only be estimated either using historical observations of magnetic features, possibly supported by flux transport models, or from the measurements of the cosmogenic isotope (e.g., 14C or 10Be) concentrations in tree rings and ice cores. The reconstruction of the TSI in the last few centuries, particularly in the 17th/18th centuries during the Maunder minimum, is of primary importance for studying climatic effects. To separate the temporal components of the irradiance variations, specifically the magnetic cycle from secular variability, we decomposed the signals associated with historical observations of magnetic features and the solar modulation potential Φ by applying an empirical mode decomposition algorithm. Thus, the reconstruction is empirical and does not require any feature contrast or field transport model. The assessed difference between the mean value during the Maunder minimum and the present value is ≃2.5 W m−2. Moreover it shows, in the first half of the last century, a growth of ≃1.5 W m−2, which stops around the middle of the century to remain constant for the next 50 years, apart from the modulation due to the solar cycle

    Automatic workflow for narrow-band laryngeal video stitching

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    In narrow band (NB) laryngeal endoscopy, the clinician usually positions the endoscope near the tissue for a correct inspection of possible vascular pattern alterations, indicative of laryngeal malignancies. The video is usually reviewed many times to refine the diagnosis, resulting in loss of time since the salient frames of the video are mixed with blurred, noisy, and redundant frames caused by the endoscope movements. The aim of this work is to provide to the clinician a unique larynx panorama, obtained through an automatic frame selection strategy to discard non-informative frames. Anisotropic diffusion filtering was exploited to lower the noise level while encouraging the selection of meaningful image features, and a feature-based stitching approach was carried out to generate the panorama. The frame selection strategy, tested on on six pathological NB endoscopic videos, was compared with standard strategies, as uniform and random sampling, showing higher performance of the subsequent stitching procedure, both visually, in terms of vascular structure preservation, and numerically, through a blur estimation metric

    Label-based Optimization of Dense Disparity Estimation for Robotic Single Incision Abdominal Surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgical techniques have led to novel approaches such as Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS), which allows the reduction of post-operative infections and patient recovery time, improving surgical outcomes. However, the new techniques pose also new challenges to surgeons: during SILS, visualization of the surgical field is limited by the endoscope field of view, and the access to the target area is limited by the fact that instruments have to be inserted through a single port. In this context, intra-operative navigation and augmented reality based on pre-operative images have the potential to enhance SILS procedures by providing the information necessary to increase the intervention accuracy and safety. Problems arise when structures of interest change their pose or deform with respect to pre-operative planning, as usually happens in soft tissue abdominal surgery. This requires online estimation of the deformations to correct the pre-operative plan, which can be done, for example, through methods of depth estimation from stereo endoscopic images (3D reconstruction). The denser the reconstruction, the more accurate the deformation identification can be. This work presents an algorithm for 3D reconstruction of soft tissue, focusing on the refinement of the disparity map in order to obtain an accurate and dense point map. This algorithm is part of an assistive system for intra-operative guidance and safety supervision for robotic abdominal SILS . Results show that comparing our method with state-of-the-art CPU implementations, the percentage of valid pixel obtained with our method is 24% higher while providing comparable accuracy. Future research will focus on the development of a real-time implementation of the proposed algorithm, potentially based on a hybrid CPU-GPU processing framework

    EndoAbS dataset: Endoscopic abdominal stereo image dataset for benchmarking 3D stereo reconstruction algorithms

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    Background: 3D reconstruction algorithms are of fundamental importance for augmented reality applications in computer-assisted surgery. However, few datasets of endoscopic stereo images with associated 3D surface references are currently openly available, preventing the proper validation of such algorithms. This work presents a new and rich dataset of endoscopic stereo images (EndoAbS dataset). Methods: The dataset includes (i) endoscopic stereo images of phantom abdominal organs, (ii) a 3D organ surface reference (RF) generated with a laser scanner and (iii) camera calibration parameters. A detailed description of the generation of the phantom and the camera–laser calibration method is also provided. Results: An estimation of the overall error in creation of the dataset is reported (camera–laser calibration error 0.43 mm) and the performance of a 3D reconstruction algorithm is evaluated using EndoAbS, resulting in an accuracy error in accordance with state-of-the-art results (<2 mm). Conclusions: The EndoAbS dataset contributes to an increase the number and variety of openly available datasets of surgical stereo images, including a highly accurate RF and different surgical conditions

    Long Term Safety Area Tracking (LT-SAT) with online failure detection and recovery for robotic minimally invasive surgery.

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    Despite the benefits introduced by robotic systems in abdominal Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), major complications can still affect the outcome of the procedure, such as intra-operative bleeding. One of the causes is attributed to accidental damages to arteries or veins by the surgical tools, and some of the possible risk factors are related to the lack of sub-surface visibilty. Assistive tools guiding the surgical gestures to prevent these kind of injuries would represent a relevant step towards safer clinical procedures. However, it is still challenging to develop computer vision systems able to fulfill the main requirements: (i) long term robustness, (ii) adaptation to environment/object variation and (iii) real time processing. The purpose of this paper is to develop computer vision algorithms to robustly track soft tissue areas (Safety Area, SA), defined intra-operatively by the surgeon based on the real-time endoscopic images, or registered from a pre-operative surgical plan. We propose a framework to combine an optical flow algorithm with a tracking-by-detection approach in order to be robust against failures caused by: (i) partial occlusion, (ii) total occlusion, (iii) SA out of the field of view, (iv) deformation, (v) illumination changes, (vi) abrupt camera motion, (vii), blur and (viii) smoke. A Bayesian inference-based approach is used to detect the failure of the tracker, based on online context information. A Model Update Strategy (MUpS) is also proposed to improve the SA re-detection after failures, taking into account the changes of appearance of the SA model due to contact with instruments or image noise. The performance of the algorithm was assessed on two datasets, representing ex-vivo organs and in-vivo surgical scenarios. Results show that the proposed framework, enhanced with MUpS, is capable of maintain high tracking performance for extended periods of time ( ≃ 4 min - containing the aforementioned events) with high precision (0.7) and recall (0.8) values, and with a recovery time after a failure between 1 and 8 frames in the worst case
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