31 research outputs found

    Frequency-dependent Template Profiles for High-precision Pulsar Timing

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    Pulsar timing experiments require high-fidelity template profiles in order to minimize the biases in pulse time-of-arrival (TOA) measurements and their uncertainties. Efforts to acquire more precise TOAs given the fixed effective area of telescopes, finite receiver noise, and limited integration time have led pulsar astronomers to the solution of implementing ultra-wideband receivers. This solution, however, has run up against the problem that pulse profile shapes evolve with frequency, which raises the question of how to properly measure and analyze TOAs obtained using template-matching methods. This paper proposes a new method for one facet of this problem, that of template profile generation, and demonstrates it on the well-timed millisecond pulsar J1713+0747. Specifically, we decompose pulse profile evolution into a linear combination of basis eigenvectors, the coefficients of which change slowly with frequency such that their evolution is modeled simply by a sum of low-degree piecewise polynomial spline functions. These noise-free, high-fidelity, frequency-dependent templates can be used to make measurements of so-called "wideband TOAs" simultaneously with an estimate of the instantaneous dispersion measure. The use of wideband TOAs is becoming important for pulsar timing array experiments, as the volume of data sets comprised of conventional, subbanded TOAs are quickly becoming unwieldy for the Bayesian analyses needed to uncover latent gravitational wave signals. Although motivated by high-precision timing experiments, our technique is applicable in more general pulsar observations

    The NANOGrav 11-year Data Set: Pulse Profile Variability

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    Access to 50 years of data has led to the discovery of pulsar emission and rotation variability on timescales of months and years. Most of this long-term variability has been seen in long-period pulsars, with relatively little focus on recycled millisecond pulsars. We have analyzed a 38-pulsar subset of the 45 millisecond pulsars in the NANOGrav 11-year data set, in order to review their pulse profile stability. The most variability, on any timescale, is seen in PSRs J1713+0747, B1937+21, and J2145-0750. The strongest evidence for long-timescale pulse profile changes is seen in PSRs B1937+21 and J1643-1224. We have focused our analyses on these four pulsars in an attempt to elucidate the causes of their profile variability. Effects of scintillation seem to be responsible for the profile modifications of PSR J2145-0750. We see evidence that imperfect polarization calibration contributes to the profile variability of PSRs J1713+0747 and B1937+21, along with radio frequency interference around 2 GHz, but find that propagation effects also have an influence. The changes seen in PSR J1643-1224 have been reported previously, yet elude explanation beyond their astrophysical nature. Regardless of cause, unmodeled pulse profile changes are detrimental to the accuracy of pulsar timing and must be incorporated into the timing models where possible

    Measurements of pulse jitter and single-pulse variability in millisecond pulsars using MeerKAT

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    Using the state-of-the-art SKA precursor, the MeerKAT radio telescope, we explore the limits to precision pulsar timing of millisecond pulsars achievable due to pulse stochasticity (jitter). We report new jitter measurements in 15 of the 29 pulsars in our sample and find that the levels of jitter can vary dramatically between them. For some, like the 2.2 ms pulsar PSR J2241-5236, we measure an implied jitter of just ∼4 ns h-1, while others, like the 3.9 ms PSR J0636-3044, are limited to ∼100 ns h-1. While it is well known that jitter plays a central role to limiting the precision measurements of arrival times for high signal-to-noise ratio observations, its role in the measurement of dispersion measure (DM) has not been reported, particularly in broad-band observations. Using the exceptional sensitivity of MeerKAT, we explored this on the bright millisecond pulsar PSR J0437-4715 by exploring the DM of literally every pulse. We found that the derived single-pulse DMs vary by typically 0.0085 cm-3 pc from the mean, and that the best DM estimate is limited by the differential pulse jitter across the band. We postulate that all millisecond pulsars will have their own limit on DM precision which can only be overcome with longer integrations. Using high-time resolution filterbank data of 9 μs, we also present a statistical analysis of single-pulse phenomenology. Finally, we discuss optimization strategies for the MeerKAT pulsar timing program and its role in the context of the International Pulsar Timing Array

    Large High-precision X-Ray Timing of Three Millisecond Pulsars with NICER: Stability Estimates and Comparison with Radio

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    The Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) is an X-ray astrophysics payload on the International Space Station. It enables unprecedented high-precision timing of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) without the pulse broadening and delays due to dispersion and scattering within the interstellar medium that plague radio timing. We present initial timing results from a year of data on the MSPs PSR B1937+21 and PSR J0218+4232, and nine months of data on PSR B1821-24. NICER time-of-arrival uncertainties for the three pulsars are consistent with theoretical lower bounds and simulations based on their pulse shape templates and average source and background photon count rates. To estimate timing stability, we use the sigma(z) measure, which is based on the average of the cubic coefficients of polynomial fits to subsets of timing residuals. So far we are achieving timing stabilities sigma(z) approximate to 3 x 10(-14) for PSR B1937+21 and on the order of 10 (-12) for PSRs B1821-24 and J0218+4232. Within the span of our NICER data we do not yet see the characteristic break point in the slope of sigma(z); detection of such a break would indicate that further improvement in the cumulative root-mean-square timing residual is limited by timing noise. We see this break point in our comparison radio data sets for PSR B1821-24 and PSR B1937+21 on timescales of 2 yr

    Tests of gravitational symmetries with pulsar binary J1713+0747

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    Symmetries play a fundamental role in modern theories of gravity. The strong equivalence principle (SEP) constitutes a collection of gravitational symmetries which are all implemented by general relativity. Alternative theories, however, are generally expected to violate some aspects of SEP. We test three aspects of SEP using observed change rates in the orbital period and eccentricity of binary pulsar J1713+0747: (1) the gravitational constant's constancy as part of locational invariance of gravitation; (2) the universality of free fall (UFF) for strongly self-gravitating bodies; (3) the post-Newtonian parameter \\hat{α }_3 in gravitational Lorentz invariance. Based on the pulsar timing result of the combined data set from the North American Nanohertz Gravitational Observatory and the European Pulsar Timing Array, we find \\dot{G}/G = (-0.1 ± 0.9) × 10^{-12} yr^{-1}, which is weaker than Solar system limits, but applies for strongly self-gravitating objects. Furthermore, we obtain an improved test for a UFF violation by a strongly self-gravitating mass falling in the gravitational field of our Galaxy, with a limit of |Δ| < 0.002 (95 per cent C.L.). Finally, we derive an improved limit on the self-acceleration of a gravitationally bound rotating body, to a preferred reference frame in the Universe, with -3× 10^{-20} \\lt \\hat{α }_3 \\lt 4× 10^{-20} (95 per cent C.L.). These results are based on direct UFF and \\hat{α }_3 tests using pulsar binaries, and they overcome various limitations of previous tests of this kind

    The nanograv nine-year data set: Excess noise in millisecond pulsar arrival times

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    Gravitational wave (GW) astronomy using a pulsar timing array requires high-quality millisecond pulsars (MSPs), correctable interstellar propagation delays, and high-precision measurements of pulse times of arrival. Here we identify noise in timing residuals that exceeds that predicted for arrival time estimation for MSPs observed by the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves. We characterize the excess noise using variance and structure function analyses. We find that 26 out of 37 pulsars show inconsistencies with a white-noise-only model based on the short timescale analysis of each pulsar, and we demonstrate that the excess noise has a red power spectrum for 15 pulsars. We also decompose the excess noise into chromatic (radio-frequency-dependent) and achromatic components. Associating the achromatic red-noise component with spin noise and including additional power-spectrum-based estimates from the literature, we estimate a scaling law in terms of spin parameters (frequency and frequency derivative) and data-span length and compare it to the scaling law of Shannon & Cordes. We briefly discuss our results in terms of detection of GWs at nanohertz frequencies

    The NANOGrav 11 yr Data Set: Solar Wind Sounding through Pulsar Timing

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    The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) has observed dozens of millisecond pulsars for over a decade. We have accrued a large collection of dispersion measure (DM) measurements sensitive to the total electron content between Earth and the pulsars at each observation. All lines of sight cross through the solar wind (SW), which produces correlated DM fluctuations in all pulsars. We develop and apply techniques for extracting the imprint of the SW from the full collection of DM measurements in the recently released NANOGrav 11 yr data set. We filter out long-timescale DM fluctuations attributable to structure in the interstellar medium and carry out a simultaneous analysis of all pulsars in our sample that can differentiate the correlated signature of the wind from signals unique to individual lines of sight. When treating the SW as spherically symmetric and constant in time, we find the electron number density at 1 au to be 7.9 +/- 0.2 cm(-3). We find our data to be insensitive to long-term variation in the density of the wind. We argue that our techniques paired with a high-cadence, low-radio-frequency observing campaign of near-ecliptic pulsars would be capable of mapping out large-scale latitudinal structure in the wind