37 research outputs found

    A novel IncA/C1 group conjugative plasmid, encoding VIM-1 metallo-beta-lactamase, mediates the acquisition of carbapenem resistance in ST104 Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from neonates in the intensive care unit of V. Monaldi Hospital in Naples

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    The emergence of carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae has raised major public health concern. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular epidemiology and the mechanism of carbapenem resistance acquisition of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from 20 neonates in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the V. Monaldi Hospital in Naples, Italy, from April 2015 to March 2016. Genotype analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) identified PFGE type A and subtypes A1 and A2 in 17, 2, and 1 isolates, respectively, and assigned all isolates to sequence type (ST) 104. K. pneumoniae isolates were resistant to all classes of β-lactams including carbapenems, fosfomycin, gentamicin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, but susceptible to quinolones, amikacin, and colistin. Conjugation experiments demonstrated that resistance to third-generation cephems and imipenem could be transferred along with an IncA/C plasmid containing the extended spectrum β-lactamase blaSHV -12 and carbapenem-hydrolyzing metallo-β-lactamase blaV IM-1 genes. The plasmid that we called pIncAC_KP4898 was 156,252 bp in size and included a typical IncA/C backbone, which was assigned to ST12 and core genome (cg) ST12.1 using the IncA/C plasmid MLST (PMLST) scheme. pIncAC_KP4898 showed a mosaic structure with blaV IM-1 into a class I integron, blaSHV -12 flanked by IS6 elements, a mercury resistance and a macrolide 2'-phosphotransferase clusters, ant(3″), aph(3″), aacA4, qnrA1, sul1, and dfrA14 conferring resistance to aminoglycosides, quinolones, sulfonamides, and trimethoprim, respectively, several genes predicted to encode transfer functions and proteins involved in DNA transposition. The acquisition of pIncAC_KP4898 carrying blaV IM-1 and blaSHV -12 contributed to the spread of ST104 K. pneumoniae in the NICU of V. Monaldi Hospital in Naples

    A Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Study on Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multicentric Italian Survey Insights

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    In January 2020, Chinese health authorities identified a novel coronavirus strain never before isolated in humans. It quickly spread across the world, and was eventually declared a pandemic, leading to about 310 million confirmed cases and to 5,497,113 deaths (data as of 11 January 2022). Influenza viruses affect millions of people during cold seasons, with high impacts, in terms of mortality and morbidity. Patients with comorbidities are at a higher risk of acquiring severe problems due to COVID-19 and the flu-infections that could impact their underlying clinical conditions. In the present study, knowledge, attitudes, and opinions of the general population regarding COVID-19 and influenza immunization were evaluated. A multicenter, web-based, cross-sectional study was conducted between 10 February and 12 July 2020, during the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections among the general population in Italy. A sample of 4116 questionnaires was collected at the end of the study period. Overall, 17.5% of respondents stated that it was unlikely that they would accept a future COVID-19 vaccine (n = 720). Reasons behind vaccine refusal/indecision were mainly a lack of trust in the vaccine (41.1%), the fear of side effects (23.4%), or a lack of perception of susceptibility to the disease (17.1%). More than 50% (53.8%; n = 2214) of the sample participants were willing to receive flu vaccinations in the forthcoming vaccination campaign, but only 28.2% of cases had received it at least once in the previous five seasons. A higher knowledge score about SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and at least one flu vaccination during previous influenza seasons were significantly associated with the intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and influenza. The continuous study of factors, determining vaccination acceptance and hesitancy, is fundamental in the current context, in regard to improve vaccination confidence and adherence rates against vaccine preventable diseases

    Microbe-host interplay in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis

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    Despite recent advances in understanding microbial diversity in skin homeostasis, the relevance of microbial dysbiosis in inflammatory disease is poorly understood. Here we perform a comparative analysis of skin microbial communities coupled to global patterns of cutaneous gene expression in patients with atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. The skin microbiota is analysed by 16S amplicon or whole genome sequencing and the skin transcriptome by microarrays, followed by integration of the data layers. We find that atopic dermatitis and psoriasis can be classified by distinct microbes, which differ from healthy volunteers microbiome composition. Atopic dermatitis is dominated by a single microbe (Staphylococcus aureus), and associated with a disease relevant host transcriptomic signature enriched for skin barrier function, tryptophan metabolism and immune activation. In contrast, psoriasis is characterized by co-occurring communities of microbes with weak associations with disease related gene expression. Our work provides a basis for biomarker discovery and targeted therapies in skin dysbiosis.Peer reviewe

    CD56highCD16−CD62L−NK cells accumulate in allergic contact dermatitis and contribute to the expression of allergic responses

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    Allergic contact dermatitis is a common disease caused by an exaggerated T cell-mediated immune response to skin-applied haptens. We show in this study that NK cells affect skin immune responses to haptens by releasing type 1 cytokines and inducing keratinocytes apoptosis. Immunohistochemical stainings demonstrated that NK lymphocytes constitute approximately 10% of the inflammatory infiltrate mostly distributed in the superficial dermis and in the epidermis at the site of intense spongiotic changes. More than 90% of NK cells isolated from allergic contact dermatitis skin showed a CD3-CD56(high)CD16- phenotype by FACS analysis. In addition, they uniformly expressed NKG2A, intermediate to high levels of perforin, and the activating receptors, NKG2D, NKp44, and NKp46, but lacked NKp30 and killer Ig-related receptors. Skin NK lymphocytes displayed a CXCR3+CCR6+CCR5+ chemokine receptor asset for homing into inflamed skin, but not CD62L and CCR7 for lymph node homing. When NK cells from nickel-allergic donors were exposed in vitro to the metal, they failed to proliferate, to upregulate CD69, and to release IFN-gamma, thus indicating that NK lymphocytes do not exhibit memory-like properties to haptens. However, IL-2 released by hapten-driven T lymphocytes rapidly induced the release of IFN-gamma by NK cells and promoted the NK-mediated apoptosis of autologous keratinocytes in a hapten-independent manner. Our findings underline the importance of the interaction between innate and adaptive immune mechanisms for amplification of skin allergic responses to haptens and full expression of allergic contact dermatitis

    IL-17 amplifies human contact hypersensitivity by licensing hapten nonspecific Th1 cells to kill autologous keratinocytes

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    Th17 is a newly identified lineage of effector T cells involved in autoimmunity and immune responses to pathogens. We demonstrate in this study the pathogenic role of IL-17-producing CD4(+) T lymphocytes in allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) to skin-applied chemicals. IL-17(+) T cells infiltrate ACD reactions and predominantly distribute at the site of heavy spongiosis. Skin IL-17(+) T cells were functionally and phenotypically heterogeneous: although pure Th17 prevailed in ACD skin, hapten responsiveness was restricted to Th1/IL-17 (IFN-gamma(+)IL-17(+)) and Th0/IL-17 (IFN-gamma(+)IL-17(+)IL-4(+)) fractions, and to lesser extent Th2/IL-17 cells. In the IFN-gamma-dominated ACD environment, IL-17-releasing T cells affect immune function of keratinocytes by promoting CXCL8, IL-6, and HBD-2 production. In addition, compared with Th1, supernatants from Th1/IL-17 T cells were much more efficient in inducing ICAM-1 expression on keratinocytes and keratinocyte-T cell adhesiveness in vitro. As a consequence, exposure to combined IFN-gamma and IL-17 rendered keratinocytes susceptible to ICAM-1-dependent Ag nonspecific T cell killing. Thus, IL-17 efficiently amplifies the allergic reaction by rendering virtually all of the T lymphocytes recruited at the site of skin inflammation capable to directly contribute to tissue damage

    IL-17 in atopic eczema: linking allergen-specific adaptive and microbial-triggered innate immune response

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with atopic eczema (AE) regularly experience colonization with Staphylococcus aureus that is directly correlated with the severity of eczema. Recent studies show that an impaired IL-17 immune response results in diseases associated with chronic skin infections. OBJECTIVE: We sought to elucidate the effect of IL-17 on antimicrobial immune responses in AE skin. METHODS: T cells infiltrating atopy patch test (APT) reactions were characterized for IL-17 secretion to varying stimuli. IL-17-dependent induction of the antimicrobial peptide human beta-defensin 2 (HBD-2) in keratinocytes was investigated. RESULTS: Approximately 10% of APT-infiltrating T cells secreted IL-17 after phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)/ionomycin stimulation. Among these, 33% belonged to the newly characterized subtype T(H)2/IL-17. Despite the capacity to secrete IL-17, specific T-cell clones released only low amounts of IL-17 on cognate allergen stimulation, whereas IL-4, IFN-gamma, or both were efficiently induced. IL-17 secretion was not enhanced by IL-23, IL-1 beta, or IL-6 but was enhanced by the S aureus-derived superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B. Both healthy and AE keratinocytes upregulated HBD-2 in response to IL-17, but coexpressed IL-4/IL-13 partially inhibited this effect. In vivo, additional application of staphylococcal enterotoxin B induced IL-17 in APT reactions, whereas IL-4, IFN-gamma, and IL-10 were marginally regulated. Induced IL-17 upregulated HBD-2 in human keratinocytes in vivo. CONCLUSION: IL-17-capable T cells, in particular T(H)2/IL-17 cells, infiltrate acute AE reactions. Although IL-17 secretion by specific T cells is tightly regulated, it can be triggered by bacteria-derived superantigens. The ineffective IL-17-dependent upregulation of HBD-2 in patients with AE is due to a partial inhibition by the type 2 microenvironment, which could partially explain why patients with AE do not clear S aureus