18 research outputs found

    Nine years of plan of the day for cervical cancer:Plan library remains effective compared to fully online-adaptive techniques

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    Background and purpose: Since 2011, our center has been using a library-based Plan-of-the-Day (PotD) strategy for external beam radiotherapy of cervical cancer patients to reduce normal tissue dose while maintaining adequate target coverage. With the advent of fully online-adaptive techniques such as daily online-adaptive replanning, further dose reduction may be possible. However, it is unknown how this reduction relates to plan library approaches, and how the most recent PotD strategies relate to no adaptation. In this study we compare the performance of our current PotD strategy with non-adaptive and fully online-adaptive techniques in terms of target volume size and normal tissue sparing. Materials and methods: Treatment data of 376 patients treated with the PotD protocol between June 2011 and April 2020 were included. The size of the Planning Target Volumes (PTVs) was reconstructed for different strategies: full online adaptation, no adaptation, and the latest clinical version of the PotD protocol. Normal tissue sparing was estimated by the difference in margin volume to construct the PTV and the volume overlap of the PTV with bladder and rectum. Results: The current version of our PotD approach reduced the PTV margin volume by a median of 250 cm3 compared to no adaptation. Bladder-PTV overlap decreased from a median of 142 to 71 cm3, and from 39 to 16 cm3 for rectum-PTV. Fully online-adaptive approaches could further decrease the PTV volume by 144 cm3 using a 5 mm margin for residual errors. In this scenario, bladder-PTV overlap was reduced to 35 cm3 and rectum-PTV overlap to 11 cm3. Conclusion: The current version of the PotD protocol is an effective technique to improve normal tissue sparing compared to no adaptation. Further sparing can be achieved using fully online-adaptive techniques, but at the cost of a more complex workflow and with a potentially limited impact. PotD-type protocols can therefore be considered as a suitable alternative to fully online-adaptive approaches.</p

    Bragatston study protocol: a multicentre cohort study on automated quantification of cardiovascular calcifications on radiotherapy planning CT scans for cardiovascular risk prediction in patients with breast cancer

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    Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an important cause of death in breast cancer survivors. Some breast cancer treatments including anthracyclines, trastuzumab and radiotherapy can increase the risk of CVD, especially for patients with pre-existing CVD risk factors. Early identification of patients at increased CVD risk may allow switching to less cardiotoxic treatments, active surveillance or treatment of CVD risk factors. One of the strongest independent CVD risk factors is the presence and extent of coronary artery calcifications (CAC). In clinical practice, CAC are generally quantified on ECGtriggered cardiac CT scans. Patients with breast cancer treated with radiotherapy routinely undergo radiotherapy planning CT scans of the chest, and those scans could provide the opportunity to routinely assess CAC before a potentially cardiotoxic treatment. The Bragatston study aims to investigate the association between calcifications in the coronary arteries, aorta and heart valves (hereinafter called ‘cardiovascular calcifications’) measured automatically on planning CT scans of patients with breast cancer and CVD risk. Methods and analysis In a first step, we will optimise and validate a deep learning algorithm for automated quantification of cardiovascular calcifications on planning CT scans of patients with breast cancer. Then, in a multicentre cohort study (University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam and Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), the association between cardiovascular calcifications measured on planning CT scans of patients with breast cancer (n≈16 000) and incident (non-)fatal CVD events will be evaluated. To assess the added predictive value of these calcifications over traditional CVD risk factors and treatment characteristics, a case-cohort analysis will be performed among all cohort members diagnosed with a CVD event during follow-up (n≈200) and a random sample of the baseline cohort (n≈600). Ethics and dissemination The Institutional Review Boards of the participating hospitals decided that the Medical R

    Model based patient pre-selection for intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) using automated treatment planning and machine learning

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    Background and purpose: Patient selection for intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT), using comparative photon therapy planning, is workload-intensive and time-consuming. Pre-selection aims at avoidance of manual IMPT planning for patients that are in the end ineligible. We investigated the use of machine learning together with automated IMPT treatment planning for pre-selection of head and neck cancer patients, and validated the methodology for the Dutch model based selection (MBS) approach. Materials & methods: For forty-five head and neck patients with a previous MBS, an IMPT plan was generated with non-clinical, fully-automated planning. Dosimetric differences of these plans with the corresponding previously generated photon plans, and the outcomes of the former MBS, were used to train a Gaussian naïve Bayes classifier for MBS outcome prediction. During training, strong emphasis was placed on avoiding misclassification of IMPT eligible patients (i.e. false negatives). Results: Pre-selection with the classifier resulted in 0 false negatives, 12 (27%) true negatives, 27 (60%) true positives, and only 6 (13%) false positive predictions. Using this pre-selection, the number of formal selection procedures with involved manual IMPT planning that resulted in a negative outcome could be reduced by 67%. Conclusion: With pre-selection, using machine learning and automated treatment planning, the percentage of patients with unnecessary manual IMPT planning for MBS could be drastically reduced, thereby saving costs, labor and time. With the developed approach, larger patient populations can be screened, and likely bias in pre-selection of patients can be mitigated by assisting the physician during patient pre-selection

    Surgical clips for position verification and correction of non-rigid breast tissue in simultaneously integrated boost (SIB) treatments

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    Background and purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate whether surgical clips in the lumpectomy cavity are representative for position verification of both the tumour bed and the whole breast in simultaneously integrated boost (SIB) treatments. Materials and methods: For a group of 30 patients treated with a SIB technique, kV and MV planar images were acquired throughout the course of the fractionated treatment. The 3D set-up error for the turnout bed was derived by matching the surgical clips (3-8 per patient) in two almost orthogonal planar kV images. By projecting the 3D set-up error derived from the planar kV images to the (u, v)-plane of the tangential beams, the correlation with the 2D set-up error for the whole breast, derived from the MV EPID images, was determined. The stability of relative clip positions during the fractionated treatment was investigated. In addition, for a subgroup of 15 patients, the impact of breathing was determined from fluoroscopic movies acquired at the linac. Results: The clip configurations were stable over the course of radiotherapy, showing an inter-fraction variation (1 SD) of 0.5 mm on average. Between the start and the end of the treatment, the mean distance between the clips and their center of mass was reduced by 0.9 mm. A decrease larger than 2 trim was observed in eight patients (17 clips). The top-top excursion of the clips due to breathing was generally less than 2.5 mm in all directions. Results: The population averages of the difference ( 1 SD) between kV and MV matches in the (u, v)plane were 0.2 +/- 1.8 mm and 0.9 +/- 1.5 mm, respectively. In 30% of the patients, time trends larger than 3 mm were present over the course of the treatment in either or in both kV and MV match results. Application of the NAL protocol based on the clips reduced the population mean systematic error to less than 2 mm in all directions, both for the turnout bed and the whole breast. Due to the observed time trends, these systematic errors can be further reduced to about 1 mm by using an eNAL protocol instead. Conclusions: The relative positions of implanted surgical clips in the lumpectomy cavity after breast-conserving surgery remain stable during the course of radiotherapy treatment. Application of a NAL or eNAL set-up correction protocol based on surgical clips allows for adequate treatment of both the turnout bed and the whole breast with tight CTV-PTV margins. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology 90 (2009) 110-11

    Clinical practicality and patient performance for surface-guided automated VMAT gating for DIBH breast cancer radiotherapy

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    Background and purpose:To evaluate the performance of automated surface-guided gating for left-sided breast cancer with DIBH and VMAT. Materials and methods: Patients treated in the first year after introduction of DIBH with VMAT were retrospectively considered for analysis. With automated surface-guided gating the beam automatically switches on/off, if the surface region of interest moved in/out the gating tolerance (±3 mm, ±3°). Patients were coached to hold their breath as long as comfortably possible. Depending on the patient's preference, patients received audio instructions during treatment delivery. Real-time positional variations of the breast/chest wall surface with respect to the reference surface were collected, for all three orthogonal directions. The durations and number of DIBHs needed to complete dose delivery, and DIBH position variations were determined. To evaluate an optimal gating window threshold, smaller tolerances of ±2.5 mm, ±2.0 mm, and ±1.5 mm were simulated. Results: 525 fractions from 33 patients showed that median DIBH duration was 51 s (range: 30–121 s), and median 4 DIBHs per fraction were needed to complete VMAT dose delivery. Median intra-DIBH stability and intrafractional DIBH reproducibility approximated 1.0 mm in each direction. No large differences were found between patients who preferred to perform the DIBH procedure with (n = 21) and without audio-coaching (n = 12). Simulations demonstrated that gating window tolerances could be reduced from ±3.0 mm to ±2.0 mm, without affecting beam-on status. Conclusion: Independent of the use of audio-coaching, this study demonstrates that automated surface-guided gating with DIBH and VMAT proved highly efficient. Patients’ DIBH performance far exceeded our expectations compared to earlier experiences and literature. Furthermore, gating window tolerances could be reduced.</p

    Automated volumetric modulated arc therapy planning for whole pelvic prostate radiotherapy Automatisierte volumenmodulierte Arc-Therapieplanung für Ganzbecken-Prostatabestrahlung

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    markdownabstractBackground: For several tumor entities, automated treatment planning has improved plan quality and planning efficiency, and may enable adaptive treatment approaches. Whole-pelvic prostate radiotherapy (WPRT) involves large concave target volumes, which present a challenge for volumetric arc therapy (VMAT) optimization. This study evaluates automated VMAT planning for WPRT-VMAT and compares the results with manual expert planning. Methods: A system for fully automated multi-criterial plan generation was configured for each step of sequential-boost WPRT-VMAT, with final “autoVMAT” plans being automatically calculated by the Monaco treatment planning system (TPS; Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden). Configuration was based on manually generated VMAT plans (manualVMAT) of 5 test patients, the planning protocol, and discussions with the treating physician on wishes for plan improvements. AutoVMAT plans were then generated for another 30 evaluation patients and compared to manualVMAT plans. For all 35 patients, manualVMAT plans were optimized by expert planners using the Monaco TPS. Results: AutoVMAT plans exhibited strongly improved organ sparing and higher conformity compared to manualVMAT. On average, mean doses (Dmean) of bladder and rectum were reduced by 10.7 and 4.5 Gy, respectively, by autoVMAT. Prostate target coverage (V95%) was slightly higher (+0.6%) with manualVMAT. In a blinded scoring session, the radiation oncologist preferred autoVMAT plans to manualVMAT plans for 27/30 patients. All treatment plans were considered clinically acceptable. The workload per patient was reduced by > 70 min. Conclusion: Automated VMAT planning for complex WPRT dose distributions is feasible and creates treatment plans that are generally dosimetrically superior to manually optimized plans

    Automated volumetric modulated arc therapy planning for whole pelvic prostate radiotherapy

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    Background For several tumor entities, automated treatment planning has improved plan quality and planning efficiency, and may enable adaptive treatment approaches. Whole-pelvic prostate radiotherapy (WPRT) involves large concave target volumes, which present a challenge for volumetric arc therapy (VMAT) optimization. This study evaluates automated VMAT planning for WPRT-VMAT and compares the results with manual expert planning. Methods A system for fully automated multi-criterial plan generation was configured for each step of sequential-boost WPRT-VMAT, with final “autoVMAT” plans being automatically calculated by the Monaco treatment planning system (TPS; Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden). Configuration was based on manually generated VMAT plans (manualVMAT) of 5 test patients, the planning protocol, and discussions with the treating physician on wishes for plan improvements. AutoVMAT plans were then generated for another 30 evaluation patients and compared to manualVMAT plans. For all 35 patients, manualVMAT plans were optimized by expert planners using the Monaco TPS. Results AutoVMAT plans exhibited strongly improved organ sparing and higher conformity compared to manualVMAT. On average, mean doses (Dmean) of bladder and rectum were reduced by 10.7 and 4.5 Gy, respectively, by autoVMAT. Prostate target coverage (V95%) was slightly higher (+0.6%) with manualVMAT. In a blinded scoring session, the radiation oncologist preferred autoVMAT plans to manualVMAT plans for 27/30 patients. All treatment plans were considered clinically acceptable. The workload per patient was reduced by > 70 min. Conclusion Automated VMAT planning for complex WPRT dose distributions is feasible and creates treatment plans that are generally dosimetrically superior to manually optimized plans.(VLID)365878

    On the Importance of Individualized, Non-Coplanar Beam Configurations in Mediastinal Lymphoma Radiotherapy, Optimized With Automated Planning

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    Background and purpose: Literature is non-conclusive regarding selection of beam configurations in radiotherapy for mediastinal lymphoma (ML) radiotherapy, and published studies are based on manual planning with its inherent limitations. In this study, coplanar and non-coplanar beam configurations were systematically compared, using a large number of automatically generated plans. Material and methods: An autoplanning workflow, including beam configuration optimization, was configured for young female ML patients. For each of 25 patients, 24 plans with different beam configurations were generated with autoplanning: 11 coplanar CP_x plans and 11 non-coplanar NCP_x plans with x = 5 to 15 IMRT beams with computer-optimized, patient-specific configurations, and the coplanar VMAT and non-coplanar Butterfly VMAT (B-VMAT) beam angle class solutions (600 plans in total). Results: Autoplans compared favorably with manually generated, clinically delivered plans, ensuring that beam configuration comparisons were performed with high quality plans. There was no beam configuration approach that was best for all patients and all plan parameters. Overall there was a clear tendency towards higher plan quality with non-coplanar configurations (NCP_x≥12 and B-VMAT). NCP_x≥12 produced highly conformal plans with on average reduced high doses in lungs and patient and also a reduced heart Dmean, while B-VMAT resulted in reduced low-dose spread in lungs and left breast. Conclusions: Non-coplanar beam configurations were favorable for young female mediastinal lymphoma patients, with patient-specific and plan-parameter-dependent dosimetric advantages of NCP_x≥12 and B-VMAT. Individualization of beam configuration approach, considering also the faster delivery of B-VMAT vs. NCP_x≥12, can importantly improve the treatments

    Evaluation of image-guided and surface-guided radiotherapy for breast cancer patients treated in deep inspiration breath-hold: A single institution experience

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    Introduction: Nowadays, deep inspiratory breath-hold is a common technique to reduce heart dose in left-sided breast radiotherapy. This study evaluates the evolution of the breath-hold technique in our institute, from portal imaging during dose delivery to continuous monitoring with surface-guided radiotherapy (SGRT). Materials and methods: Setup data and portal imaging results were analyzed for 98 patients treated before 2014, and SGRT data for 228 patients treated between 2018 and 2020. For the pre-SGRT group, systematic and random setup errors were calculated for different correction protocols. Residual errors and reproducibility of breath-holds were evaluated for both groups. The benefit of using SGRT for initial positioning was evaluated for another cohort of 47 patients. Results: Online correction reduced the population mean error from 3.9 mm (no corrections) to 1.4 mm. Despite online setup correction, deviations greater than 3 mm were observed in about 10% and 20% of the treatment beams in ventral-dorsal and cranial-caudal directions, respectively. However, these percentages were much smaller than with offline protocols or no corrections. Mean absolute differences between breath-holds within a fraction were smaller in the SGRT-group (1.69 mm) than in the pre-SGRT-group (2.10 mm), and further improved with addition of visual feedback (1.30 mm). SGRT for positioning did not improve setup accuracy, but slightly reduced the time for imaging and setup correction, allowing completion within 3.5 min for 95% of fractions. Conclusion: For accurate radiotherapy breast treatments using deep inspiration breath-hold, daily imaging and correction is required. SGRT provides accurate information on patient positioning during treatment and improves patient compliance with visual feedback