33 research outputs found

    Thioredoxin Reductase Activity Predicts Gold Nanoparticle Radiosensitization Effect

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    Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) have been shown to be effective contrast agents for imaging and emerge as powerful radiosensitizers, constituting a promising theranostic agent for cancer. Although the radiosensitization effect was initially attributed to a physical mechanism, an increasing number of studies challenge this mechanistic hypothesis and evidence the importance of oxidative stress in this process. This work evidences the central role played by thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) in the GNP-induced radiosensitization. A cell type-dependent reduction in TrxR activity was measured in five different cell lines incubated with GNPs leading to differences in cell response to X-ray irradiation. Correlation analyses demonstrated that GNP uptake and TrxR activity inhibition are associated to a GNP radiosensitization effect. Finally, Kaplan-Meier analyses suggested that high TrxR expression is correlated to low patient survival in four different types of cancer. Altogether, these results enable a better understanding of the GNP radiosensitization mechanism, which remains a mandatory step towards further use in clinic. Moreover, they highlight the potential application of this new treatment in a personalized medicine context

    Space Radiobiology

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    The study of the biologic effects of space radiation is considered a “hot topic,” with increased interest in the past years. In this chapter, the unique characteristics of the space radiation environment will be covered, from their history, characterization, and biological effects to the research that has been and is being conducted in the field. After a short introduction, you will learn the origin and characterization of the different types of space radiation and the use of mathematical models for the prediction of the radiation doses during different mission scenarios and estimate the biological risks due to this exposure. Following this, the acute, chronic, and late effects of radiation exposure in the human body are discussed before going into the detailed biomolecular changes affecting cells and tissues, and in which ways they differ from other types of radiation exposure. The next sections of this chapter are dedicated to the vast research that has been developed through the years concerning space radiation biology, from small animals to plant models and 3D cell cultures, the use of extremophiles in the study of radiation resistance mechanisms to the importance of ground-based irradiation facilities to simulate and study the space environment

    Metallic Nanoparticles: A Useful Prompt Gamma Emitter for Range Monitoring in Proton Therapy?

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    In clinical practice, dose delivery in proton therapy treatment is affected by uncertainties related to the range of the beam in the patient, which requires medical physicists to introduce safety margins on the penetration depth of the beam. Although this ensures an irradiation of the entire clinical target volume with the prescribed dose, these safety margins also lead to the exposure of nearby healthy tissues and a subsequent risk of side effects. Therefore, non-invasive techniques that allow for margin reduction through online monitoring of prompt gammas emitted along the proton tracks in the patient are currently under development. This study provides the proof-of-concept of metal-based nanoparticles, injected into the tumor, as a prompt gamma enhancer, helping in the beam range verification. It identifies the limitations of this application, suggesting a low feasibility in a realistic clinical scenario but opens some avenues for improvement