34 research outputs found

    Glutathione-S-transferase subtypes α and π as a tool to predict and monitor graft failure or regeneration in a pilot study of living donor liver transplantation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST) subtype α and π are differentially expressed in adult liver tissue. Objective of the study was if GST α and p may serve as predictive markers for liver surgery, especially transplantations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>13 patients receiving living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) and their corresponding donors were analyzed for standard serum parameters (ALT, AST, gGT, bilirubin) as well as GST-α and -π before LDLT and daily for 10 days after LDLT. Patients (R) and donors (D) were grouped according to graft loss (R1/D1) or positive outcome (R2/D2) and above named serum parameters were compared between the groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>R1 showed significantly increased GST-α and significantly lower GST-π levels than R2 patients or the donors. There was a positive correlation between GST-α and ALT, AST as well as bilirubin and a negative correlation to γGT. However, γGT correlated positively with GST-π. Graft failure was associated with combined low GST-π levels in donors and their recipients before living donor liver transplantation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest that high GST-α serum levels reflect ongoing liver damage while GST-P indicates the capacity and process of liver regeneration. Additionally, GST-π may be useful as marker for optimizing donor and recipient pairs in living donor liver transplantation.</p

    Die Ionosph�rentemperaturen

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    Synchrones Auftreten eines Adenokarzinoms und eines Non-Hodgkin B-Zell-Lymphoms bei einem Patienten mit einem variablen Immundefektsyndrom (CVID) [When malignancy hits twice - synchronous gastric carcinoma and non-Hodgkin-B-cell lymphoma in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency]

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    Patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) generally bear a higher risk of non Hodgkin B-cell lymphomas and solid tumors, in particular gastric adenocarcinoma.Here we report a case of a 58-year-old male CVID patient who developed both malignancies within a very short period, as documented by two subsequent esophagogastroduodenoscopies performed within 4 months. While the first upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for routine surveillance purposes was uneventful, the second one after developing unexplained weight loss revealed two new neoplastic lesions in the stomach. The histological evaluation revealed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma infiltrating the muscularis propria forcing gastrectomy as well as a high-grade B-non-Hodgkin-lymphoma with detection of a MYC- and BCL6-translocation, necessitating chemotherapy with R-CHOP.This case emphasizes the necessity of high awareness for gastric neoplasia in patients with CVID and highlights the need of a standardized yet not established endoscopic surveillance protocol for this vulnerable group

    Integral scatter characteristics

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    Abstract Ž. Thin Solid Films 387 2001 165�168 Optimisation

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    The special features of the CISCuT material require cell concepts that differ from conventional CuInS2 solar cells. For the n-type CISCuT bulk material, a p-type buffer is required. In this paper, the currently used p-type CuŽ O,S. buffer layer is replaced 2 by the higher bandgap material CuI. On 10-mm cells the efficiency profit made by the replacement of CuŽ O,S. with CuI is demonstrated. For larger cell areas, two different cell configurations are described. In the first concept, a ZnO:Al window layer is deposited on top of the CuI buffer layer. The second concept uses a metal grid as a front contact. Theoretical considerations point out the consequences of the given concepts for the CISCuT cell performance. For the Cu�CISCuT�CuI�ZnO:Al layer configuration, an additional tunnel junction is expected at the interface between the p-type CuI and the n-type ZnO:Al. In the metal grid concept, CuI doping with iodine is required to lower the sheet resistance of the layer. Some precautions against iodine out-diffusion have to be taken. For the window layer configuration on an area of 400 mm2, a cell performance of 5.2 % wa