2,824 research outputs found

    Dynamic Density Functional theory for steady currents: Application to colloidal particles in narrow channels

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    We present the theoretical analysis of the steady state currents and density distributions of particles moving with Langevin dynamics, under the effects of an external potential displaced at constant rate. The Dynamic Density Functional (DDF) formalism is used to introduce the effects of the molecular interactions, from the equilibrium Helmholtz free energy density functional. We analyzed the generic form of the DDF for one-dimensional external potentials and the limits of strong and weak potential barriers. The ideal gas case is solved in a closed form for generic potentials and compared with the numerical results for hard-rods, with the exact equilibrium free energy. The results may be of relevance for microfluidic devices, with colloidal particles moving along narrow channels, if external driving forces have to compete with the brownian fluctuations and the interaction forces of the particles

    Analytical mean-field approach to the phase-diagram of ultracold bosons in optical superlattices

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    We report a multiple-site mean-field analysis of the zero-temperature phase diagram for ultracold bosons in realistic optical superlattices. The system of interacting bosons is described by a Bose-Hubbard model whose site-dependent parameters reflect the nontrivial periodicity of the optical superlattice. An analytic approach is formulated based on the analysis of the stability of a fixed-point of the map defined by the self-consistency condition inherent in the mean-field approximation. The experimentally relevant case of the period-2 one-dimensional superlattice is briefly discussed. In particular, it is shown that, for a special choice of the superlattice parameters, the half-filling insulator domain features an unusual loophole shape that the single-site mean-field approach fails to capture.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Strong-coupling expansions for the topologically inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard model

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    We consider a Bose-Hubbard model with an arbitrary hopping term and provide the boundary of the insulating phase thereof in terms of third-order strong coupling perturbative expansions for the ground state energy. In the general case two previously unreported terms occur, arising from triangular loops and hopping inhomogeneities, respectively. Quite interestingly the latter involves the entire spectrum of the hopping matrix rather than its maximal eigenpair, like the remaining perturbative terms. We also show that hopping inhomogeneities produce a first order correction in the local density of bosons. Our results apply to ultracold bosons trapped in confining potentials with arbitrary topology, including the realistic case of optical superlattices with uneven hopping amplitudes. Significant examples are provided. Furthermore, our results can be extented to magnetically tuned transitions in Josephson junction arrays.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures,final versio

    Persistence of mean-field features in the energy spectrum of small arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian capturing the essential physics of the arrays of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates is addressed, focusing on arrays consisting of two (dimer) and three (trimer) sites. In the former case, some results concerning the persistence of mean-field features in the energy spectrum of the symmetric dimer are extended to the asymmetric version of the system, where the two sites are characterized by different on-site energies. Based on a previous systematic study of the mean-field limit of the trimer, where the dynamics is exhaustively described in terms of its fixed points for every choice of the significant parameters, an interesting mapping between the dimer and the trimer is emphasized and used as a guide in investigating the persistence of mean-field features in the rather complex energy spectrum of the trimer. These results form the basis for the systematic investigation of the purely quantum trimer extending and completing the existing mean-field analysis. In this respect we recall that, similar to larger arrays, the trimer is characterized by a non-integrable mean-field dynamics featuring chaotic trajectories. Hence, the correspondence between mean-field fixed points and quantum energy levels emphasized in the present work may provide a key to investigate the quantum counterpart of classical instability.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to appear on Journal of Physics B (Special Issue: Levico BEC workshop). Publication status update

    Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation of Biological Aging

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    A bit-string model of biological life-histories is parallelized, with hundreds of millions of individuals. It gives the desired drastic decay of survival probabilities with increasing age for 32 age intervals.Comment: PostScript file to appear in Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    Quantum signatures of self-trapping transition in attractive lattice bosons

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    We consider the Bose-Hubbard model describing attractive bosonic particles hopping across the sites of a translation-invariant lattice, and compare the relevant ground-state properties with those of the corresponding symmetry-breaking semiclassical nonlinear theory. The introduction of a suitable measure allows us to highlight many correspondences between the nonlinear theory and the inherently linear quantum theory, characterized by the well-known self-trapping phenomenon. In particular we demonstrate that the localization properties and bifurcation pattern of the semiclassical ground-state can be clearly recognized at the quantum level. Our analysis highlights a finite-number effect.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Mean-field phase diagram for Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians with random hopping

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    The zero-temperature phase diagram for ultracold Bosons in a random 1D potential is obtained through a site-decoupling mean-field scheme performed over a Bose-Hubbard (BH) Hamiltonian whose hopping term is considered as a random variable. As for the model with random on-site potential, the presence of disorder leads to the appearance of a Bose-glass phase. The different phases -i.e. Mott insulator, superfluid, Bose-glass- are characterized in terms of condensate fraction and superfluid fraction. Furthermore, the boundary of the Mott lobes are related to an off-diagonal Anderson model featuring the same disorder distribution as the original BH Hamiltonian.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Laser Physic

    Gutzwiller approach to the Bose-Hubbard model with random local impurities

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    Recently it has been suggested that fermions whose hopping amplitude is quenched to extremely low values provide a convenient source of local disorder for lattice bosonic systems realized in current experiment on ultracold atoms. Here we investigate the phase diagram of such systems, which provide the experimental realization of a Bose-Hubbard model whose local potentials are randomly extracted from a binary distribution. Adopting a site-dependent Gutzwiller description of the state of the system, we address one- and two-dimensional lattices and obtain results agreeing with previous findings, as far as the compressibility of the system is concerned. We discuss the expected peaks in the experimental excitation spectrum of the system, related to the incompressible phases, and the superfluid character of the {\it partially compressible phases} characterizing the phase diagram of systems with binary disorder. In our investigation we make use of several analytical results whose derivation is described in the appendices, and whose validity is not limited to the system under concern.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Some adjustments made to the manuscript and to figures. A few relevant observations added throughout the manuscript. Bibliography made more compact (collapsed some items
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