284 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a distinct wing-body configuration at Mach 6: Experiment, theory, and the hypersonic isolation principle

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    An experimental investigation has been conducted to determine the effect of wing leading edge sweep and wing translation on the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing body configuration at a free stream Mach number of about 6 and Reynolds number (based on body length) of 17.9 x 10 to the 6th power. Seven wings with leading edge sweep angles from -20 deg to 60 deg were tested on a common body over an angle of attack range from -12 deg to 10 deg. All wings had a common span, aspect ratio, taper ratio, planform area, and thickness ratio. Wings were translated longitudinally on the body to make tests possible with the total and exposed mean aerodynamic chords located at a fixed body station. Aerodynamic forces were found to be independent of wing sweep and translation, and pitching moments were constant when the exposed wing mean aerodynamic chord was located at a fixed body station. Thus, the Hypersonic Isolation Principle was verified. Theory applied with tangent wedge pressures on the wing and tangent cone pressures on the body provided excellent predictions of aerodynamic force coefficients but poor estimates of moment coefficients

    Low speed aerodynamic characteristics of a lifting-body hypersonic research aircraft configuration

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    An experimental investigation of the low-speed longitudinal, lateral, and directional stability characteristics of a lifting-body hypersonic research airplane concept was conducted in a low-speed tunnel with a 12-foot (3.66-meter) octagonal test section at the Langley Research Center. The model was tested with two sets of horizontal and vertical tip controls having different planform areas, a center vertical tail and two sets of canard controls having trapezoidal and delta planforms, and retracted and deployed engine modules and canopy. This investigation was conducted at a dynamic pressure of 239.4 Pa (5 psf) (Mach number of 0.06) and a Reynolds number of 2 million based on the fuselage length. The tests were conducted through an angle-of-attack range of 0 deg to 30 deg and through horizontal-tail deflections of 10 deg to minus 30 deg. The complete configuration exhibited excessive positive static longitudinal stability about the design center-of-gravity location. However, the configuration was unstable laterally at low angles of attack and unstable directionally throughout the angle-of-attack range. Longitudinal control was insufficient to trim at usable angles of attack. Experiments showed that a rearward shift of the center of gravity and the use of a center-located vertical tail would result in a stable and controllable vehicle

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 deg swept double-delta wing at Mach number 0.2

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    A wind-tunnel of the static longitudinal, lateral and directional stability characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 deg swept double-delta wing was conducted in the Langley low-turbulence pressure tunnel. The configuration variables included wing planform, tip fins, center fin, and scramjet engine modules. A mach number of 0.2 was investigated over a Reynolds number (based on fuselage length) range of 2,200,000 to 19.75 x 1,000,000 (with a majority of tests at 10.0 x 1,000,000. Tests were conducted through an angle-of-attack range from about -2 deg to 34 deg at angles of sideslip of 0 deg to 5 deg, and at elevon deflection of 0 deg, -5 deg, -10 deg, -15 deg, and -20 deg. The drag coefficient of the integrated scramjet engine appears relatively constant with Reynolds number at the test Mach number of 0.2. Mild pitch-up was exhibited by the models equipped with tip fins. The forward delta, a highly swept forward portion of the wing, was destabilizing. The center fin model has a higher trimmed maximum lift-drag ratio and a wider trim lift and angle-of-attack range than the tip fin model. Both the tip fin models and center fin models exhibited positive dihedral effect and positive directional stability. Roll control was positive for the tip fin model, but yaw due to roll control was unfavorable

    Wall-temperature effects on the aerodynamics of a hydrogen-fueled transport concept in Mach 8 blowdown and shock tunnels

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    Results are presented from two separate tests on the same blended wing-body hydrogen fueled transport model at a Mach number of about 8 and a range of Reynolds numbers (based on theoretical body length) of 0.597 x 10 to the 6th power to about 156.22 x 10 to the 6th power. Tests were made in conventional hypersonic blowdown tunnel and a hypersonic shock tunnel at angles of attack of -2 deg to about 8 deg, with an extensive study made at a constant angle of attack of 3 deg. The model boundary-layer flow varied from laminar at the lower Reynolds numbers to predominantly turbulent at the higher Reynolds numbers. Model wall temperatures and stream static temperatures varied widely between the two tests, particularly at the lower Reynolds numbers. These temperature differences resulted in marked variations of the axial-force coefficients between the two tests, due in part to the effects of induced pressure and viscous interaction variations. The normal-force coefficient was essentially independent of Reynolds number. Analysis of results utilized current theoretical computer programs and basic boundary-layer theory

    Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 deg swept delta wing

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    An experimental investigation of the low-speed static longitudinal, lateral and directional stability characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 deg swept delta wing was conducted in a low-speed tunnel with a 12-foot (3.66 meter) octagonal test section. Aircraft component variations included: (1) fuselage shape modifications, (2) tip fins, (3) center vertical fin, (4) wing camber, and (5) wing planform. This investigation was conducted at a dynamic pressure of 262.4 Pa (5.48 psf), a Mach number of 0.06, and a Reynolds number of 2.24 million, based on body length. Tests were conducted through an angle-of-attack range of 0 deg to 30 deg with elevon deflections from +5.0 deg to minus 30.0 deg. The complete configuration exhibited positive static longitudinal, lateral and directional stability up to angles of attack of at least 20 deg and was trimmable to lift coefficients of at least 0.70 with elevon deflections of minus 30 deg

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 deg swept double-delta wing at Mach numbers from 0.80 to 1.20, with summary of data from 0.20 to 6.0

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    The static longitudinal, lateral, and directional stability characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 deg swept double-delta wing were investigated. Force tests were conducted in the Langley 8 foot transonic pressure tunnel for a Reynolds number (based on fuselage length) range of 6.30 x 10 to the 6th power to 7.03 x 10 to the 6th power, at angles of attack from about -4 deg to 23 deg, and at angles of sideslip of 0 deg and 5 deg. The configuration variables included the wing planform, tip fins, the center vertical tail, and scramjet engine modules. Variations of the more important aerodynamic parameters with Mach number for Mach numbers from 0.20 to 6.0 are summarized. A state-of-the-art example of theoretically predicting performance parameters and static longitudinal and directional stability over the Mach number range is included

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 degree swept double delta wing at Mach numbers from 1.50 to 2.86

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    An experimental investigation of the static longitudinal, lateral, and directional stability characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 70 deg swept double-delta wing was conducted in the Langley unitary plan wind tunnel. The configuration variables included wing planform, tip fins, center fin, and scramjet engine modules. The investigation was conducted at Mach numbers from 1.50 to 2.86 and at a constant Reynolds number, based on fuselage length, of 3,330,000. Tests were conducted through an angle-of-attack range from about -4 deg to 24 deg with angles of sideslip of 0 deg and 3 deg and at elevon deflections of 0, -10, and -20 deg. The complete configuration was trimmable up to angles of attack of about 22 deg with the exception of regions at low angles of attack where positive elevon deflections should provide trim capability. The angle-of-attack range for which static longitudinal stability also exists was reduced at the higher Mach numbers due to the tendency of the complete configuration to pitch up at the higher angles of attack. The complete configuration was statically stable directionally up to trimmed angles of attack of at least 20 deg for all Mach numbers M with the exception of a region near 4 deg at M = 2.86 and exhibited positive effective dihedral at all positive trimmed angles of attack

    Experimental low-speed and calculated high-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a hypersonic research airplane concept having a 65 deg swept delta wing

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    An experimental wind-tunnel investigation has been carried out to determine the static longitudinal, lateral, and directional stability and control characteristics of a model of a large-body, delta-wing hypersonic research airplane concept at low speed. This investigation was conducted at a dynamic pressure of 239.4 Pa (5 psf) and a Reynolds number, based on fuselage length, of 2 million. The configuration variables included vertical fins, engine modules, canards, and a canopy. The aerodynamic results of a computer study at Mach numbers of 3 to 12 are presented

    Linear Stochastic Models of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

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    We investigate in this work the validity of linear stochastic models for nonlinear dynamical systems. We exploit as our basic tool a previously proposed Rayleigh-Ritz approximation for the effective action of nonlinear dynamical systems started from random initial conditions. The present paper discusses only the case where the PDF-Ansatz employed in the variational calculation is ``Markovian'', i.e. is determined completely by the present values of the moment-averages. In this case we show that the Rayleigh-Ritz effective action of the complete set of moment-functions that are employed in the closure has a quadratic part which is always formally an Onsager-Machlup action. Thus, subject to satisfaction of the requisite realizability conditions on the noise covariance, a linear Langevin model will exist which reproduces exactly the joint 2-time correlations of the moment-functions. We compare our method with the closely related formalism of principal oscillation patterns (POP), which, in the approach of C. Penland, is a method to derive such a linear Langevin model empirically from time-series data for the moment-functions. The predictive capability of the POP analysis, compared with the Rayleigh-Ritz result, is limited to the regime of small fluctuations around the most probable future pattern. Finally, we shall discuss a thermodynamics of statistical moments which should hold for all dynamical systems with stable invariant probability measures and which follows within the Rayleigh-Ritz formalism.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, seceq.sty for sequential numbering of equations by sectio