20 research outputs found


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    Urbanization and population density in the city of Pleven create the conditions for anthropogenic disasters involving modern hazards such as disease-causing microorganisms, toxins, dangerous chemicals, hazardous weapon substances, radiation, and nuclear explosions. The study was conducted under project No. 13/2022 at MU - Pleven, involving 240 foreign citizens from 31 countries. The participants were divided into two age groups: 18 to 25 years (64%) and 26 to 35 years (36%). Their duration of stay in Pleven was categorized into up to 5 years (54%) and over 5 years (46%). Interestingly, more than 50% of the participants had experienced more than one distress situation before. The study used a sociological method to examine the readiness to protect themselves during disasters. The results revealed alarmingly low levels of awareness regarding anthropogenic disasters or terrorist acts in the city of Pleven, with only 15% and 5% of respondents being aware of them, respectively. Furthermore, over 60% of the respondents did not know who organizes aid for the population during disasters. Both age groups demonstrated inadequate knowledge and preparedness in dealing with a biological weapon infection outbreak. About 53% of participants did not know what to do in case of danger, 75% were unaware of the emergency phone number during disasters, 56% could not provide first aid to victims, and 64% lacked knowledge of appropriate actions in the event of a terrorist act


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    According to official data from EM-DAT (the International Disaster Database for Disaster Epidemiology) in 2021, the number of catastrophic events related to natural disasters worldwide was 432, exceeding the average annual number of 347 from 2001 – 2020. In this context, a study involving 240 citizens from 31 different countries who were temporarily residing in the city of Pleven was conducted. This study aimed to gauge their willingness to take adequate action and provide medical assistance in various disasters. All foreign citizens temporarily residing in Pleven had experienced a disaster situation, with over half having experienced more than one. However, the awareness among these two analyzed groups about potential disaster threats was found to be very low. Our study revealed low awareness and a lack of willingness to act during disasters. Only 20% were familiar with early warning sirens; more than half did not have home or property insurance; 88% did not possess an evacuation backpack; and only 15% were knowledgeable about collective remedies. The study's results highlight the need for systematic, in-depth work from responsible institutions to prepare foreigners for potential disasters and accidents

    Митоинхибиращ и кластогенен ефект на води от антропогенно повлияни зони

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    The present study aims to analyse the effect of waters, anthropogenically influenced by various pollutants, on the mitotic division and chromosomal apparatus of cells by establishing their potential mitoinhibitory and clastogenic effect. The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of contaminated water was examined by the application of the Allium cepa test system. Mitotic depression has been established for samples with available anthropogenic contamination. Microscopic analysis showed an increased incidence of chromosomal aberrations in the test samples compared to the control, resulting from the genotoxic effect available. Chromosomal abnormalities of the type of lagging and ‘vagrant’ chromosomes, chromosomal fragments, anaphase and telophase bridges, micronuclei, as well as deviations from normal cell division such as K-mitoses and asynchronous mitoses have been observed. The analysis of the spectrum of chromosomal aberrations shows some differences in the frequency of occurrence of the different types of disorders, which reflects the specificity of the genotoxic effect of the water samples from the surveyed areas.Настоящото проучване има за цел да анализира влиянието на антропогенно повлияни от различни замърсители води върху митотичното делене и хромозомния апарат на клетките чрез установяване на потенциалния им митоинхибиращ и кластогенен ефект Чрез прилагане на Allium cepa тест-системата е проучено цитотоксичното и мутагенното действие на замърсените води. Констатирана е митотична депресия за пробите с налично антропогенно замърсяване. Микроскопският анализ показва увеличена честота на хромозомните аберации в опитните проби в сравнение с контролната, което е резултат от наличен генотоксичен ефект. Констатирани са хромозомни аномалии от типа на изоставащи и „скитащи” хромозоми, хромозомни фрагменти, анафазни и телофазни мостове, микроядра, както и отклонения от нормалното клетъчно делене като К-митози и асинхронни митози. Анализът на спектъра на хромозомните аберации показва известни различия в честотата на срещане на отделните типове нарушения, което отразява спецификата на генотоксичното действие на водните проби от проучваните зони

    Lukanka, a Semi-Dried Fermented Traditional Bulgarian Sausage: Role of the Bacterial Cultures in its Technological, Safety and Beneficial Characteristics

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    Background: Production of different fermented meat products is a well-known practice done in different European countries since ancient times. Fermentation of primary materials and/or smoking and salting processes are part of the preservation processes and is important for the formation of final products which is inherent in South European countries. Originally, fermentation of meat products is intended for preservation and safe storage for long periods of time. However, nowadays, gastronomical properties of fermented meat products are essential in obtaining specific flavor, odor, color and structure of the sausages which consumers highly prefer. Emphasis is given on gastronomic characteristics, which results from the various combination of raw meat, specific spices and the natural microbiota or conducted fermentation processes by application of specific starter cultures. Seven bacterial genera (Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Micrococcus and Streptococcus) are commonly used as meat starter cultures. Complex fermentation processes that occur during the ripening of the fermented meat products are the results of the interaction between bacterial starter cultures, remaining enzymes in the muscle and fat tissue and available bacterial enzymes. Objective: The present overview aims to provide information related to the characterization of the specific microbiota associated with lukanka, a naturally-fermented semi-dried Bulgarian sausage. What is the specificity of its fermentation processes; how do different starter and indigenous meat microbiota interfere to form specific final products; what is the role of starter and adjunct cultures in the safety of the products; how is the Bulgarian lukanka classified in the perspective of other Mediterranean dry fermented sausages? These are some of the questions that this review will discuss

    Brand as a significant element of the regional development strategy at the example of Devin

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    The idea of (regional) branding is an important issue in modern business environment. Theoretical studies in this area are few, compared to research papers that have been dedicated to traditional brands and branding. A practical research on brand as an important element of regional development strategy can thus provide a series of useful information that marketers can use in their marketing strategies and in branding process in particular. The aim of this article is an assessment of regional branding, at the example of Devin. The article consists of two main parts. The first part focuses on defining regional branding and discussing why regional branding is important. The second part analyses the brand Devin and shows how a regional brand can evolve from a concept to reality

    Application of Starch-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles as a Colorimetric Sensor for Mercury(II) in 0.005 mol/L Nitric Acid

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    A sensitive and selective Hg2+ optical sensor has been developed based on the redox interaction of Hg2+ with starch-coated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in the presence of 0.005 mol L−1 HNO3. The relative intensity of the localized surface plasmon absorption band of AgNPs at 406 nm is linearly dependent on the concentration of Hg2+ with positive slope for the concentration range 0–12.5 μg L−1 and negative slope for the concentration range 25–500 μg L−1. Experiments performed demonstrated that metal ions (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Fe3+, Co2+, and Ni2+) do not interfere under the same conditions, due to the absence of oxidative activity of these ions, which guarantees the high selectivity of the proposed optical sensor towards Hg2+. The limits of detection and quantification were found to be 0.9 µg L−1 and 2.7 µg L−1, respectively, and relative standard deviations varied in the range 9–12% for Hg content from 0.9 to 12.5 μg L−1 and 5–9% for Hg levels from 25 to 500 μg L−1. The method was validated by analysis of CRM Estuarine Water BCR505. A possible mechanism of interaction between AgNPs and Hg2+ for both concentration ranges was proposed on the basis of UV-Vis, TEM, and SAED analyses

    Raffinose Capped Silver Nanoparticles: A New Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Sensor for Selective Quantification of Cr(VI) in Waste Waters

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    In this study, a new method for selective determination of Cr(VI) in water samples at pH 4 is presented using raffinose capped silver nanoparticles (Ag/Raff NPs) as an optical sensor. The method is based on the variation of LSPR absorption band intensity as a result of electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged Ag/Raff NPs and positive Cr(III) ions, in-situ produced by chemical reduction of Cr(VI) with ascorbic acid, combined with the fast kinetics of Cr(III) coordination to the –OH groups of the capping agent on the nanoparticle surface, further causing the nanoparticle aggregation. The calibration curve for Cr(VI) is linear in the range 2.5–7.5 μmol L−1, the limit of quantification achieved is 1.9 μmol L−1, and values of relative standard deviation vary from 3 to 5% for concentration level 1.9–7.5 μmol L−1. The interference studies performed in the presence of various metal ions show very good selectivity of Ag/Raff NPs toward Cr(VI) species. The added–found method is used to confirm the accuracy and precision of developed analytical approach

    Nanomaterials for elemental speciation

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    This is the final peer-reviewed manuscript accepted for publication in Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Citation of the published version is: J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 31, 1949-1973 (2016)