28 research outputs found

    Impact of the TCR Signal on Regulatory T Cell Homeostasis, Function, and Trafficking

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    Signaling through the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) is important for the homeostasis of naïve and memory CD4+ T cells. The significance of TCR signaling in regulatory T (Treg) cells has not been systematically addressed. Using an Ox40-cre allele that is prominently expressed in Treg cells, and a conditional null allele of the gene encoding p56Lck, we have examined the importance of TCR signaling in Treg cells. Inactivation of p56Lck resulted in abnormal Treg homeostasis characterized by impaired turnover, preferential redistribution to the lymph nodes, loss of suppressive function, and striking changes in gene expression. Abnormal Treg cell homeostasis and function did not reflect the involvement of p56Lck in CD4 function because these effects were not observed when CD4 expression was inactivated by Ox40-cre.The results make clear multiple aspects of Treg cell homeostasis and phenotype that are dependent on a sustained capacity to signal through the TCR

    Alloplastische Implantate in der Kopf- und Halschirurgie.

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    Special regulatory T-cell review: regulatory T cells and the intestinal tract – patrolling the frontier

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    Tolerance to self and harmless antigens is one of the central features of the immune system, and it is obtained through a combination of multiple mechanisms. Discriminating between pathogens and non-pathogenic antigens is especially important in the intestine, which constitutes the main contact surface between the body and the outside environment. Recently, the role of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) in the establishment and maintenance of tolerance has been the focus of numerous studies. In this review, we briefly discuss the historical background leading to the identification of Foxp3+ Treg and give an overview of their role in controlling systemic and mucosal immune responses

    Metabolic adaptation orchestrates tissue context-dependent behavior in regulatory T cells.

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    The diverse distribution and functions of regulatory T cells (Tregs) ensure tissue and immune homeostasis; however, it remains unclear which factors can guide distribution, local differentiation, and tissue context-specific behavior in Tregs. Although the emerging concept that Tregs could re-adjust their transcriptome based on their habitations is supported by recent findings, the underlying mechanisms that reprogram transcriptome in Tregs are unknown. In the past decade, metabolic machineries have been revealed as a new regulatory circuit, known as immunometabolic regulation, to orchestrate activation, differentiation, and functions in a variety of immune cells, including Tregs. Given that systemic and local alterations of nutrient availability and metabolite profile associate with perturbation of Treg abundance and functions, it highlights that immunometabolic regulation may be one of the mechanisms that orchestrate tissue context-specific regulation in Tregs. The understanding on how metabolic program instructs Tregs in peripheral tissues not only represents a critical opportunity to delineate a new avenue in Treg biology but also provides a unique window to harness Treg-targeting approaches for treating cancer and autoimmunity with minimizing side effects. This review will highlight the metabolic features on guiding Treg formation and function in a disease-oriented perspective and aim to pave the foundation for future studies