6 research outputs found

    Hepatobiliary organoids derived from leporids support the replication of hepatotropic lagoviruses

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    The genus Lagovirus of the family Caliciviridae contains some of the most virulent vertebrate viruses known. Lagoviruses infect leporids, such as rabbits, hares and cottontails. Highly pathogenic viruses such as Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus 1 (RHDV1) cause a fulminant hepatitis that typically leads to disseminated intravascular coagulation within 24-72 h of infection, killing over 95 % of susceptible animals. Research into the pathophysiological mechanisms that are responsible for this extreme phenotype has been hampered by the lack of a reliable culture system. Here, we report on a new ex vivo model for the cultivation of lagoviruses in cells derived from the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and European brown hare (Lepus europaeus). We show that three different lagoviruses, RHDV1, RHDV2 and RHDVa-K5, replicate in monolayer cultures derived from rabbit hepatobiliary organoids, but not in monolayer cultures derived from cat (Felis catus) or mouse (Mus musculus) organoids. Virus multiplication was demonstrated by (i) an increase in viral RNA levels, (ii) the accumulation of dsRNA viral replication intermediates and (iii) the expression of viral structural and non-structural proteins. The establishment of an organoid culture system for lagoviruses will facilitate studies with considerable implications for the conservation of endangered leporid species in Europe and North America, and the biocontrol of overabundant rabbit populations in Australia and New Zealand

    Zika virus noncoding RNA suppresses apoptosis and is required for virus transmission by mosquitoes

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    Flaviviruses, including Zika virus (ZIKV), utilise host mRNA degradation machinery to produce subgenomic flaviviral RNA (sfRNA). In mammalian hosts, this noncoding RNA facilitates replication and pathogenesis of flaviviruses by inhibiting IFN-signalling, whereas the function of sfRNA in mosquitoes remains largely elusive. Herein, we conduct a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments to define the role of ZIKV sfRNA in infected Aedes aegypti employing viruses deficient in production of sfRNA. We show that sfRNA-deficient viruses have reduced ability to disseminate and reach saliva, thus implicating the role for sfRNA in productive infection and transmission. We also demonstrate that production of sfRNA alters the expression of mosquito genes related to cell death pathways, and prevents apoptosis in mosquito tissues. Inhibition of apoptosis restored replication and transmission of sfRNA-deficient mutants. Hence, we propose anti-apoptotic activity of sfRNA as the mechanism defining its role in ZIKV transmission

    Determinants of Zika virus host tropism uncovered by deep mutational scanning

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    Arboviruses cycle between, and replicate in, both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, which for Zika virus (ZIKV) involves Aedes mosquitoes and primates. The viral determinants required for replication in such obligate hosts are under strong purifying selection during natural virus evolution, making it challenging to resolve which determinants are optimal for viral fitness in each host. Herein we describe a deep mutational scanning (DMS) strategy whereby a viral cDNA library was constructed containing all codon substitutions in the C-terminal 204 amino acids of ZIKV envelope protein (E). The cDNA library was transfected into C6/36 (Aedes) and Vero (primate) cells, with subsequent deep sequencing and computational analyses of recovered viruses showing that substitutions K316Q and S461G, or Q350L and T397S, conferred substantial replicative advantages in mosquito and primate cells, respectively. A 316Q/461G virus was constructed and shown to be replication-defective in mammalian cells due to severely compromised virus particle formation and secretion. The 316Q/461G virus was also highly attenuated in human brain organoids, and illustrated utility as a vaccine in mice. This approach can thus imitate evolutionary selection in a matter of days and identify amino acids key to the regulation of virus replication in specific host environments

    CCR2 plays a protective role in Rocio virus–induced encephalitis by promoting macrophage infiltration into the brain

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    Rocio virus (ROCV) is a highly neuropathogenic mosquito-transmitted flavivirus responsible for an unprecedented outbreak of human encephalitis during 1975-1976 in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Previous studies have shown an increased number of inflammatory macrophages into the central nervous system (CNS) of ROCV-infected mice, implying a role for macrophages in the pathogenesis of ROCV. Here, we showed that ROCV infection results in increased expression of C-C chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2) in the blood and in infiltration of macrophages into the brain. Moreover, we showed using C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) knockout mice that CCR2 expression was essential for macrophage infiltration in the brains during ROCV infection and that the lack of CCR2 resulted in increased disease severity and mortality. Thus, our findings show the protective role of CCR2-mediated infiltration of macrophages in the brain during ROCV infection