1,308 research outputs found

    Microwave and Millimeter Wave Techniques

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    Contains reports on one research project.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-71-C-0300

    Electromagnetic self-forces and generalized Killing fields

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    Building upon previous results in scalar field theory, a formalism is developed that uses generalized Killing fields to understand the behavior of extended charges interacting with their own electromagnetic fields. New notions of effective linear and angular momenta are identified, and their evolution equations are derived exactly in arbitrary (but fixed) curved spacetimes. A slightly modified form of the Detweiler-Whiting axiom that a charge's motion should only be influenced by the so-called "regular" component of its self-field is shown to follow very easily. It is exact in some interesting cases, and approximate in most others. Explicit equations describing the center-of-mass motion, spin angular momentum, and changes in mass of a small charge are also derived in a particular limit. The chosen approximations -- although standard -- incorporate dipole and spin forces that do not appear in the traditional Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac or Dewitt-Brehme equations. They have, however, been previously identified in the test body limit.Comment: 20 pages, minor typos correcte

    Plasma Electronics

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    Contains research objectives and reports on twelve research projects.National Science Foundation under Grant G-9330U. S. Navy (Office of Naval Research) under Contract Nonr-1841(78)U. S. NavyLincoln Laboratory, Purchase Order DDL B-00306U. S. ArmyU. S. Air Force under Air Force Contract AF19(604)-740

    Momentum of an electromagnetic wave in dielectric media

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    Almost a hundred years ago, two different expressions were proposed for the energy--momentum tensor of an electromagnetic wave in a dielectric. Minkowski's tensor predicted an increase in the linear momentum of the wave on entering a dielectric medium, whereas Abraham's tensor predicted its decrease. Theoretical arguments were advanced in favour of both sides, and experiments proved incapable of distinguishing between the two. Yet more forms were proposed, each with their advocates who considered the form that they were proposing to be the one true tensor. This paper reviews the debate and its eventual conclusion: that no electromagnetic wave energy--momentum tensor is complete on its own. When the appropriate accompanying energy--momentum tensor for the material medium is also considered, experimental predictions of all the various proposed tensors will always be the same, and the preferred form is therefore effectively a matter of personal choice.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX 4. Removed erroneous factor of mu/mu_0 from Eq.(44

    A Neuropsychoanalytical approach to the hard problem of consciousness

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    A neuropsychoanalytical approach to the ‘hard problem’ of consciousness revolves around the distinction between the subject and objects of consciousness. In contrast to the mainstream of cognitive science, neuropsychoanalysis prioritises the subject. The subject of consciousness is the indispensable page upon which its objects are inscribed. This has implications for our conception of the mental. The subjective being of consciousness is not registered in the classical exteroceptive modalities; it is not a cognitive representation, not a memory trace. Cognitive representations are ‘mental solids,’ embedded within subjective consciousness, and their tangible and visible (etc.) properties are projected onto reality. It is important to recognise that mental solids (e.g. the body-as-object) are no more real than the subjective being they are represented in (the body-as-subject). Moreover, pure subjectivity is not without content or quality. This aspect of consciousness is conventionally described quantitatively as the level of consciousness, ‘wakefulness’. But it feels like something to be awake. The primary modality of this aspect of consciousness is affect. Some implications of this frame of reference are discussed here, in broad brush strokes. This is an electronic version of an article published as Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 173-185. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219635214400032, © World Scientific Publishing Company, http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/jin

    Defining Meyer's loop-temporal lobe resections, visual field deficits and diffusion tensor tractography

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    Anterior temporal lobe resection is often complicated by superior quadrantic visual field deficits (VFDs). In some cases this can be severe enough to prohibit driving, even if a patient is free of seizures. These deficits are caused by damage to Meyer's loop of the optic radiation, which shows considerable heterogeneity in its anterior extent. This structure cannot be distinguished using clinical magnetic resonance imaging sequences. Diffusion tensor tractography is an advanced magnetic resonance imaging technique that enables the parcellation of white matter. Using seed voxels antero-lateral to the lateral geniculate nucleus, we applied this technique to 20 control subjects, and 21 postoperative patients. All patients had visual fields assessed with Goldmann perimetry at least three months after surgery. We measured the distance from the tip of Meyer's loop to the temporal pole and horn in all subjects. In addition, we measured the size of temporal lobe resection using postoperative T1-weighted images, and quantified VFDs. Nine patients suffered VFDs ranging from 22% to 87% of the contralateral superior quadrant. In patients, the range of distance from the tip of Meyer's loop to the temporal pole was 24–43 mm (mean 34 mm), and the range of distance from the tip of Meyer's loop to the temporal horn was –15 to +9 mm (mean 0 mm). In controls the range of distance from the tip of Meyer's loop to the temporal pole was 24–47 mm (mean 35 mm), and the range of distance from the tip of Meyer's loop to the temporal horn was –11 to +9 mm (mean 0 mm). Both quantitative and qualitative results were in accord with recent dissections of cadaveric brains, and analysis of postoperative VFDs and resection volumes. By applying a linear regression analysis we showed that both distance from the tip of Meyer's loop to the temporal pole and the size of resection were significant predictors of the postoperative VFDs. We conclude that there is considerable variation in the anterior extent of Meyer's loop. In view of this, diffusion tensor tractography of the optic radiation is a potentially useful method to assess an individual patient's risk of postoperative VFDs following anterior temporal lobe resection

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation in sport science: a commentary

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    The aim of this commentary is to provide a brief overview of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and highlight how this technique can be used to investigate the acute and chronic responses of the central nervous system to exercise. We characterise the neuromuscular responses to TMS and discuss how these measures can be used to investigate the mechanisms of fatigue in response to locomotor exercise. We also discuss how TMS might be used to study the corticospinal adaptations to resistance exercise training, with particular emphasis on the responses to shortening/lengthening contractions and contralateral training. The limited data to date suggest that TMS is a valuable technique for exploring the mechanisms of central fatigue and neural adaptation

    Master Equation for Retrodiction of Quantum Communication Signals

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    We derive the master equation that governs the evolution of the measured state backwards in time in an open system. This allows us to determine probabilities for a given set of preparation events from the results of subsequent measurements, which has particular relevance to quantum communication.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Effects of Age of Onset of Tonic-Clonic Seizures on Neuropsychological Performance in Children

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    Forty-eight children (aged 9 to 15 years) with tonic-clonic seizures were administered a neuropsychological test battery. The children with seizures of early onset (before age 5) were significantly impaired relative to the children with later onset on 8 of the 14 measures in the battery. The deficits were seen on tasks whose requirements included the repetition of a simple motor act, attention and concentration, memory, and complex problem solving. These findings emphasize the need for further research to determine the causal factors of the greater dysfunction seen in the early onset group. RÉSUMÉ Quarante huit enfants ÁgÉs de 9 À 15 ans souffrant de crises Épileptiques tonico-cloniques ont ÉtÉÉtudiÉs avec une batterie de tests neuropsychologiques. Pour huit des quatorze mesures de cette batterie de tests les enfants dont les cirses avaient dÉbutÉ prÉcocÉment (avant cinq ans) se sont avÉrÉs Étre signiflcativement dÉtÉriorÉs par rapport À ceux dont les crises avaient dÉbutÉ plus tardivement. Les dÉficits se sont manifestÉs pour des tÁches nÉcessitant la rÉpÉtition d'un acte moteur simple, attention et concentration, mÉmoire et capacitÉÀ rÉsoudre des problÈmes complexes. Ces rÉsultats mettent l'accent sur la nÉcessitÉ de poursuivre les recherches afin de dÉterminer les facteurs responsables de la plus grande dysfonction observÉe chez les enfants dont l'Épilepsie a dÉbutÉ tÔt dans la vie. RESUMEN Se ha aplicado una bateria de tests neuro-psicolÓgicos a 48 niÑos de 9 a 15 aÑos de edad que padecÍan ataques tonico-clÓnicos. Los niÑos con ataques de comienzo precoz (antes de los 5 aÑos) mostraron incapacidades significativas compareÁndolos con niÑos con comienzos mÁs tardios en 8 de los 14 tests de la bateria. Los defectos fueron detectados en las pruebas cuyos requisitos incluÍan la repeticiÓn de un acto motor simple, atenciÓn y concentraciÓn, memoria y resoluciÓn de problemas complejos. Estos hallazgos indican la necesidad de continuar la inves-tigaciÓn para determinar los factores causales de la mayor disfunciÓn observada en el grupo de comienzo precoz. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 48 Kinder (9 bis 15 Jahre alt) mit tonisch-klonischen KrÄmpfen wurden mit einer neuropsychologischen Testbatterie untersucht. Die Kinder mit einem FrÜhbeginn der AnfÄlle (vor dem Alter von 5 Jahren) zeigten sich bei 8 von 14 Tests der Serie deutlich beeintrÄchtigt im VerhÄltnis zu Kindern mit spÄterem Anfallsbeginn. Die Defekte traten bei Aufgaben auf, die folgende AnsprÜche stellten: Wiederholung einer einfachen motorischen Handlung, Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration, GedÄchtnis und komplexes ProblemlÖsen. Diese Befunde deuten auf die Notwendigkeit weiterer Untersuchungen, um die ursÄchlichen Faktoren der grÖßeren Funktionseinbuße zu bestimmen, die bei Patienten mit frÜhem Anfallsbeginn beobachtet wird.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65238/1/j.1528-1157.1981.tb04102.x.pd