18 research outputs found

    Biodiversity inventories in high gear: DNA barcoding facilitates a rapid biotic survey of a temperate nature reserve

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    Comprehensive biotic surveys, or ‘all taxon biodiversity inventories’ (ATBI), have traditionally been limited in scale or scope due to the complications surrounding specimen sorting and species identification. To circumvent these issues, several ATBI projects have successfully integrated DNA barcoding into their identification procedures and witnessed acceleration in their surveys and subsequent increase in project scope and scale. The Biodiversity Institute of Ontario partnered with the rare Charitable Research Reserve and delegates of the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference to complete its own rapid, barcode-assisted ATBI of an established land trust in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

    The role of conspiracist ideation and worldviews in predicting rejection of science

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    BACKGROUND: Among American Conservatives, but not Liberals, trust in science has been declining since the 1970's. Climate science has become particularly polarized, with Conservatives being more likely than Liberals to reject the notion that greenhouse gas emissions are warming the globe. Conversely, opposition to genetically-modified (GM) foods and vaccinations is often ascribed to the political Left although reliable data are lacking. There are also growing indications that rejection of science is suffused by conspiracist ideation, that is the general tendency to endorse conspiracy theories including the specific beliefs that inconvenient scientific findings constitute a "hoax." METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a propensity weighted internet-panel survey of the U.S. population and show that conservatism and free-market worldview strongly predict rejection of climate science, in contrast to their weaker and opposing effects on acceptance of vaccinations. The two worldview variables do not predict opposition to GM. Conspiracist ideation, by contrast, predicts rejection of all three scientific propositions, albeit to greatly varying extents. Greater endorsement of a diverse set of conspiracy theories predicts opposition to GM foods, vaccinations, and climate science. CONCLUSIONS: Free-market worldviews are an important predictor of the rejection of scientific findings that have potential regulatory implications, such as climate science, but not necessarily of other scientific issues. Conspiracist ideation, by contrast, is associated with the rejection of all scientific propositions tested. We highlight the manifold cognitive reasons why conspiracist ideation would stand in opposition to the scientific method. The involvement of conspiracist ideation in the rejection of science has implications for science communicators

    KELT-22Ab: A Massive Hot Jupiter Transiting a Near Solar Twin

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    We present the discovery of KELT-22Ab, a hot Jupiter from the KELT-South survey. KELT-22Ab transits the moderately bright (V11.1V\sim 11.1) Sun-like G2V star TYC 7518-468-1. The planet has an orbital period of P=1.3866529±0.0000027P = 1.3866529 \pm 0.0000027 days, a radius of RP=1.2850.071+0.12 RJR_{P} = 1.285_{-0.071}^{+0.12}~R_{J}, and a relatively large mass of MP=3.470.14+0.15 MJM_{P} = 3.47_{-0.14}^{+0.15}~ M_{J}. The star has R=1.0990.046+0.079 RR_{\star} = 1.099_{-0.046}^{+0.079}~ R_{\odot}, M=1.0920.041+0.045 MM_{\star} = 1.092_{-0.041}^{+0.045}~ M_{\odot}, Teff=576749+50 {T_{\rm eff}\,} = 5767_{-49}^{+50}~ K, logg=4.3930.060+0.039 {\log{g_\star}} = 4.393_{-0.060}^{+0.039}~ (cgs), and [m/H] = +0.2590.083+0.085 +0.259_{-0.083}^{+0.085}~, and thus, other than its slightly super-solar metallicity, appears to be a near solar twin. Surprisingly, KELT-22A exhibits kinematics and a Galactic orbit that are somewhat atypical for thin disk stars. Nevertheless, the star is rotating quite rapidly for its estimated age, shows evidence of chromospheric activity, and is somewhat metal rich. Imaging reveals a slightly fainter companion to KELT-22A that is likely bound, with a projected separation of 6\arcsec (\sim1400 AU). In addition to the orbital motion caused by the transiting planet, we detect a possible linear trend in the radial velocity of KELT-22A suggesting the presence of another relatively nearby body that is perhaps non-stellar. KELT-22Ab is highly irradiated (as a consequence of the small semi-major axis of a/R=4.97a/R_{\star} = 4.97), and is mildly inflated. At such small separations, tidal forces become significant. The configuration of this system is optimal for measuring the rate of tidal dissipation within the host star. Our models predict that, due to tidal forces, the semi-major axis of KELT-22Ab is decreasing rapidly, and is thus predicted to spiral into the star within the next Gyr

    Adrenomedullary function, obesity and permissive influences of catecholamines on body mass in patients with chromaffin cell tumours

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    BACKGROUND Obesity-associated activation of sympathetic nervous outflow is well documented, whereas involvement of dysregulated adrenomedullary hormonal function in obesity is less clear. This study assessed relationships of sympathoadrenal function with indices of obesity and influences of circulating catecholamines on body mass. METHODS Anthropometric and clinical data along with plasma and 24-h urine samples were collected from 590 volunteers and 1368 patients tested for phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL), among whom tumours were diagnosed in 210 individuals. RESULTS Among patients tested for PPGL, those with tumours less often had a body mass index (BMI) above 30 kg/m (12 vs. 31%) and more often a BMI under 25 kg/m (56 vs. 32%) than those without tumours (P < 0.0001). Urinary outputs of catecholamines in patients with PPGL were negatively related to BMI (r = -0.175, P = 0.0133). Post-operative weight gain (P < 0.0001) after resection of PPGL was positively related to presurgical tumoural catecholamine output (r = 0.257, P = 0.0101). Higher BMI in men and women and percent body fat in women of the volunteer group were associated with lower plasma concentrations and urinary outputs of adrenaline and metanephrine, the former indicating obesity-related reduced adrenaline secretion and the latter obesity-related reduced adrenomedullary adrenaline stores. Daytime activity was associated with substantial increases in urinary adrenaline and noradrenaline excretion, with blunted responses in obese subjects. CONCLUSIONS The findings in patients with PPGL support an influence of high circulating catecholamines on body weight. Additional associations of adrenomedullary dysfunction with obesity raise the possibility of a permissive influence of the adrenal medulla on the regulation of body weight