190 research outputs found


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    AMMOS: A Software Platform to Assist in silico Screening

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    Three software packages based on the common platform of AMMOS (Automated Molecular Mechanics Optimization tool for in silico Screening) for assisting virtual ligand screening purposes have been recently developed. DG-AMMOS allows generation of 3D conformations of small molecules using distance geometry and molecular mechanics optimization. AMMOS_SmallMol is a package for structural refinement of compound collections that can be used prior to docking experiments. AMMOS_ProtLig is a package for energy minimization of protein-ligand complexes. It performs an automatic procedure for molecular mechanics minimization at different levels of flexibility - from rigid to fully flexible structures of both the ligand and the receptor. The packages have been tested on small molecules with a high structural diversity and proteins binding sites of completely different geometries and physicochemical properties. The platform is developed as an open source software and can be used in a broad range of in silico drug design studies

    Big Data and AI – A transformational shift for government: So, what next for research?

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    Big Data and artificial intelligence will have a profound transformational impact on governments around the world. Thus, it is important for scholars to provide a useful analysis on the topic to public managers and policymakers. This study offers an in-depth review of the Policy and Administration literature on the role of Big Data and advanced analytics in the public sector. It provides an overview of the key themes in the research field, namely the application and benefits of Big Data throughout the policy process, and challenges to its adoption and the resulting implications for the public sector. It is argued that research on the subject is still nascent and more should be done to ensure that the theory adds real value to practitioners. A critical assessment of the strengths and limitations of the existing literature is developed, and a future research agenda to address these gaps and enrich our understanding of the topic is proposed

    Про недоліки реформування системи органів управління державним майном

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    Пенчева Г. М. Про недоліки реформування системи органів управління державним майном / Г. М. Пенчева // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : збірник наук. праць. Вип. 65 / НУ «ОЮА» , редкол. С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.) та ін., відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – С. 419-427.Статтю присвячено аналізу проекту реформування системи органів управління державним майном шляхом створення єдиної державної холдингової компанії та субхолдингів, аналізу системи та повноважень державних органів управління. Визначено його основні недоліки, обґрунтовано недоцільність та формальність таких перетворень


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    Object of study: Studies of lung helminths from various groups were performed. Elaboration of biological and taxonomic classification of these species has been proposed.Materials and methods: 16 species from families Cervidae, Bovidae, Leporidae and humans were studied for lung helminths inRussia (South and central),Armenia,Bulgaria,Poland. The helminths found were studied using a scope of traditional and elaborated helminthological methods.Results and discussion: In lungs of mammals studied 23 helminth species have been found including 1 of Taeniidae (Echinococcus granulosus), 4 of Dictyocaulidae and 18 of Protostrongylidae. We have divided species composition of these lung helminths into three biological groups. The first biological group included nematodes from Dictyocaulidae family. Life cycles of those helminths are monoxenous (they are geohelminths). The second group includes helminths from family Protostrongylidae. Their life cycles include intermediate hosts – land snails and so they are dixenous (biohelminths). The third group includes an agent of a quite dangerous zoonosis – Echinococcus granulosis larvae. These cestodes also develop per dixenous type, but their intermediate hosts are vertebrates with definitive hosts also vertebrate, mostly carnivores. Taxonomic classification for family Protostrongylidae haelminths is also proposed.Цель исследования: Провести изучение различных групп легочных гельминтов; разработать биологическую и таксономическую классификацию данного вида гельминтов.Материалы и методы: Проведены исследования 16 видов гельминтов семейств Cervidae, Bovidae, Leporidae, а также легочных гельминтов человека на территории России (Юг и центральные районы), Армении, Болгарии, Польши. Обнаруженные гельминты были изучены с использованием традиционных и новых методов гельминтологического исследования.Результаты и обсуждение: В легких у исследованных млекопитающих, найдено 23 вида гельминтов, включая 1 Taeniidae (Echinococcus granulosus), 4 Dictyocaulidae и 18 Protostrongylidae. Мы разделили все эти легочные гельминты на три биологические группы. В первую группу (геогельминты) вошли нематоды семейства Dictyocaulidae. Жизненный цикл данного вида гельминтов моноксенический, осуществляется прямым путём, без промежуточных хозяев. Вторая группа (биогельминты) включала в себя гельминты семейства Protostrongylidae. Характерным признаком является участие в их биологическом цикле промежуточных хозяев — наземных моллюсков. К третьей группе были отнесены возбудители довольно опасного зооноза – Echinococcus granulosis larvae. Эти цестоды развиваются со сменой хозяев, но их промежуточными хозяевами являются позвоночные млекопитающие, имеющие окончательных хозяев – также позвоночных, в основном, плотоядных животных. Нами также предложена таксономическая классификация семейства Protostrongylidae haelminths

    On the parasites of genus Angiostrongylus (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) and some cases of Angiostrongylus daskalovi in badgers from bulgaria

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    In the course of studies on filariid infections in wild carnivorous in Bulgaria nematodes of genus Angiostrongylus were found in the heart and pulmonary arteries of badgers. The detected specimens were examined morphologically and metrically, which allowed us to identify them as Angiostrongylusdaskalovi . A morphometrical description of the species is given in accordance with the present materials.В ходе исследования филариидных инвазий в Болгарии в сердце и легочных артериях барсуков обнаружены нематоды рода Angiostrongylus . Эти образцы исследовались морфологически и метрически, что позволило, с учетом также географического и гостального распространения, идентифицировать их как Angiostrongylus daskalovi Janchev et Genov 1988. Приводится морфометрическое описание вида по данным текущих исследований

    Big Data and AI – A transformational shift for government: So, what next for research?

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    Big Data and artificial intelligence will have a profound transformational impact on governments around the world. Thus, it is important for scholars to provide a useful analysis on the topic to public managers and policymakers. This study offers an in-depth review of the Policy and Administration literature on the role of Big Data and advanced analytics in the public sector. It provides an overview of the key themes in the research field, namely the application and benefits of Big Data throughout the policy process, and challenges to its adoption and the resulting implications for the public sector. It is argued that research on the subject is still nascent and more should be done to ensure that the theory adds real value to practitioners. A critical assessment of the strengths and limitations of the existing literature is developed, and a future research agenda to address these gaps and enrich our understanding of the topic is proposed

    A Comprehensive Evaluation of Sdox, a Promising H2S-Releasing Doxorubicin for the Treatment of Chemoresistant Tumors

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    Sdox is a hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-releasing doxorubicin effective in P-glycoprotein-overexpressing/doxorubicin-resistant tumor models and not cytotoxic, as the parental drug, in H9c2 cardiomyocytes. The aim of this study was the assessment of Sdox drug-like features and its absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME)/toxicity properties, by a multi- and transdisciplinary in silico, in vitro, and in vivo approach. Doxorubicin was used as the reference compound. The in silico profiling suggested that Sdox possesses higher lipophilicity and lower solubility compared to doxorubicin, and the off-targets prediction revealed relevant differences between Dox and Sdox towards several cancer targets, suggesting different toxicological profiles. In vitro data showed that Sdox is a substrate with lower affinity for P-glycoprotein, less hepatotoxic, and causes less oxidative damage than doxorubicin. Both anthracyclines inhibited CYP3A4, but not hERG currents. Unlike doxorubicin, the percentage of zebrafish live embryos at 72 hpf was not affected by Sdox treatment. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that Sdox displays a more favorable drug-like ADME/toxicity profile than doxorubicin, different selectivity towards cancer targets, along with a greater preclinical efficacy in resistant tumors. Therefore, Sdox represents a prototype of innovative anthracyclines, worthy of further investigations in clinical settings