4 research outputs found

    Eosinophilic granuloma of the skull bone: a case report Langenharns cell granulomatosis

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    Eosinophilic granuloma is a rare benign tumor which is a variety of histiocytosis-X with unknown etiology. Eosinophilic granuloma occurs as single or multiple lesions of bone destruction. The eosinophilic granuloma of the skull can be asymptomatic or presented with pain and swelling. We present a clinical case of 20-years-old female patient who has entered the Neurosurgery clinic of “St. Marina” University Hospital with clinical manifestation of growing and painful tumor formation in the left frontal area for several weeks. MRI scan discovered evidence of a tumor formation on the left frontal side of the skull, suspicious for an eosinophilic granuloma. Under general anesthesia, an operative treatment was performed. Total extirpation of the tumor mass was achieved and cranioplasty with titanium mesh of the bone defect was performed. Posteratively, the patient had a good cosmetic effect, she was mobilized on the first day after the intervention and discharged from the hospital on the 5th day. Surgery-related complications were not observed. In the postoperative period the patient was followed-up by a hematologist. It is important and recommended for clinicians to include eosinophilic granuloma in the differential diganosis of bone lesions in patients because of the possible expansion of the disease if untreated. A follow-up of a year is necessary for possible recurrence

    Multiple proliferating trichilemmal cysts of the skalp: a case report. Multiple proliferating pilar tumors of the scalp

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    Proliferating trichilemmal cyst, also known as proliferating pilar scalp tumor, is a rare benign tumor of the hair follicle. While trichilemmal cysts are common intradermal or subcutaneous cysts, occuring in 5–10% of the population, only 2% will develop into proliferative trichilemmal cyst. The differential diagnosis should include lesions such as malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumor and squamous cell carcinoma. Surgical treatment is the only effective method for treating these rare cysts. We present a case report of a 78-years-old female patient who hasentered the Neurosurgery clinic of “St. Marina” University Hospital with clinical manifestation of rapidly growing from several months subcutaneous formation on the head and the presence of two smaller ones. MRI scan discovered three subcutaneous tumor formations suspicious for trichilem cysts, one of which was gigantic in size. After clinical discussion, under general anesthesia an operative treatment was performed with total extirpation of the cysts. Postoperatively, surgery-related complications were not observed. The patient was mobilized and verticalized on the day after intervention and discharged on the 5th day. As a result, a good cosmetic effect was obtained. Proliferating trichilemmal cyst is an uncommon neoplasm, and reporting of these lesions are important due to the good clinical evolution compared to the malignant macroscopic and microscopic feature of these tumor formations

    Investigation of voice characteristics and their modification in dental prosthetics

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    Each person's voice is unique. Voice quality is characterized by intelligibility of speech (correlation between voice pitch, volume, timbre and speech speed). Changes in the oral cavity due to tooth loss and resorption of processus alveolaris maxillae or processus alveolaris mandibulae can cause defects in the patient's voice and speech. When using incorrect or functionally low-quality dentures, other changes can be observed, such as skipping, replacing, distorting, adding sounds, as well as nasal speaking. Restrictions or changes in the normal movement of the jaws may interfere with the transmission of acoustic energy through the oral cavity, thereby affecting both the voice characteristics and capabilities, and the balance of the oral resonance. Phonetic adaptation of prosthetic patients depends on the choice and placement of artificial teeth, on the thickness, size and placement of the prosthetic base, optimal tongue space, individual adaptive ability, and the patient's ability to recognize the sound. This report presents the possibilities for maximum restoration of voice characteristics in effective collaboration between the dental team and specialists in otolaryngology and speech therapy

    3D Printed Prototypes of Cast Metal Denture Frameworks Fabricated by Laser Stereolithography Printer // Лети метални конструкции по 3D принтирани прототипи чрез лазерен стереолитографски принтер

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    Additive technologies represent a relatively new direction in the development of dental medicine. An essential characteristic of additive manufacturing technology is the fabrication of details with a complex configuration of their surface and core. In addition, it allows the simultaneous production of a considerable number of details. Thereby the additive manufacturing saves time and allows the fabrication of intricate objects. The additive technologies in dental medicine are used to manufacture dentures, denture prototypes, cast, or models for further denture manufacturing. One of the most commonly used additive manufacturing method, also used in dentistry, is stereolithography. This technology has been well known for four decades, but there are fundamental issues that remain unsolved. Besides, contemporary dental practice tries to integrate this new approach into conventional methods for denture fabrication. Therefore, the presented scientific research aims to improve the conditions for the fabrication of cast metal dentures using 3D printed prototypes manufactured by laser stereolithography printer and improve the casting conditions by integrating innovative fabrication methods in practice.Сравнително ново направление в денталната медицина е технологията за послойно изграждане на протезни конструкции. Незаменимо качество на адитивните технологии е, че предоставя възможност да се създават сложни детайли по отношение на своята повърхност и сърцевина. Наред с това позволяват изработването на редица обекти едновременно, като по този начин спестяват време и дават възможност за материализиране на детайли, чието създаване досега е било невъзможно. В денталната медицина, адитивните технологии могат да се използват за изработка на протезни конструкции, техни прототипи, които в последствие да бъдат отлети, или работни модели, които да служат за завършване на протезната конструкция. Един от най-достъпните и развити (респективно широко застъпени в денталната медицина) методи за 3D принтиране е стереолитографията. Това е технология позната на човечеството от близо четири десетилетия, но въпреки това продължава търсенето на решения на някои фундаментални въпроси. Заедно с това интерес за практиката представлява интегрирането на този съвременен подход в конвенционалните методи на изработка на протезни конструкции. Именно поради тази причина целта на настоящия научен труд е да се проучат възможностите за изработване на лети метални конструкции по 3D принтирани прототипи чрез лазерен стереолитографски принтер, както и да се подобрят условията за леене, чрез интегриране на иновативни технологични подходи