30 research outputs found
Laparoskopsko lijeÄenje karcinoida crvuljka ā prikaz sluÄaja
In this paper we present a case report of laparoscopic right hemicolectomy as the treatment of choice for appendiceal carcinoid tumor.
A 43-year-old female patient was presented with signs and symptoms of acute appendicitis. An open appendectomy was performed, and the inflamed appendix with a tumefaction on it\u27s tip was removed. Pathohistological examination revealed a carcinoid tumor of the appendix, 2 by 2.5 cm in size, with a small satellite carcinoid in the surrounding tissue. Carcinoid cells occupied the whole thickness of the appendiceal wall. Considering the above mentioned histological characteristics a second operation was indicated. Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy was performed. It was accomplished with the use of three trocar ports. Ileotransverseal anastomosis was finished extracorporeally with the use of a stapling device. Pathological examination revealed a nodule of carcinoid tissue less than 1 cm in diameter close to the cecal wall. The postoperative period was uneventful. The patient was urged to see the oncology specialist for consideration of further oncologic therapy.
Although appendectomy alone is effective in most cases of appendiceal carcinoid tumor, in some cases right hemicolectomy may be indicated. In such cases, the laparoscopic approach is safe and effective, and should be considered as the treatment of choice.U ovom radu prikazujemo sluÄaj laparoskopske desne hemikolektomije u lijeÄenju karcinoida crvuljka.
Bolesnica u dobi od 43 godine javila se lijeÄniku sa znakovima i simptomima akutnog apendicitisa. Obavljena je otvorena apendektomija i uklonjen je upaljeni crvuljak s tumefakcijom na vrhu. PatohistoloÅ”kim pregledom otkriven je karcinoid crvuljka veliÄine 2 x 2,5 cm, i mali satelitski karcinoid u okolnom tkivu. Karcinoidne stanice obuhvaÄale su Äitavu debljinu stijenke crvuljka. S obzirom na spomenute histoloÅ”ke znaÄajke indicirana je druga operacija. Laparoskopska desna hemiktomija obavljena je uvoÄenjem triju troakara. Ileotransverzalna anastomoza zavrÅ”ena je ekstrakorporalno s pomoÄu staplera. PatoloÅ”kim je pregledom u blizini stijenke crvuljka otkriven mali Ävor karcinoidnog tkiva manja od 1 cm u promjeru. Postoperacijski tijek protekao je bez poteÅ”koÄa. Bolesnica je hitno upuÄena onkologu radi daljnjeg onkoloÅ”kog lijeÄenja.
Iako je sama apedenktomija uÄinkovita u veÄini sluÄajeva karcinoida crvuljka, katkad je indicirana desna hemikolektomija. Držimo da je u tim sluÄajevima laparoskopski pristup siguran i uÄinkovit, i treba ga uzeti u obzir kao lijeÄenje izbora
Laparoskopsko lijeÄenje karcinoida crvuljka ā prikaz sluÄaja
In this paper we present a case report of laparoscopic right hemicolectomy as the treatment of choice for appendiceal carcinoid tumor.
A 43-year-old female patient was presented with signs and symptoms of acute appendicitis. An open appendectomy was performed, and the inflamed appendix with a tumefaction on it\u27s tip was removed. Pathohistological examination revealed a carcinoid tumor of the appendix, 2 by 2.5 cm in size, with a small satellite carcinoid in the surrounding tissue. Carcinoid cells occupied the whole thickness of the appendiceal wall. Considering the above mentioned histological characteristics a second operation was indicated. Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy was performed. It was accomplished with the use of three trocar ports. Ileotransverseal anastomosis was finished extracorporeally with the use of a stapling device. Pathological examination revealed a nodule of carcinoid tissue less than 1 cm in diameter close to the cecal wall. The postoperative period was uneventful. The patient was urged to see the oncology specialist for consideration of further oncologic therapy.
Although appendectomy alone is effective in most cases of appendiceal carcinoid tumor, in some cases right hemicolectomy may be indicated. In such cases, the laparoscopic approach is safe and effective, and should be considered as the treatment of choice.U ovom radu prikazujemo sluÄaj laparoskopske desne hemikolektomije u lijeÄenju karcinoida crvuljka.
Bolesnica u dobi od 43 godine javila se lijeÄniku sa znakovima i simptomima akutnog apendicitisa. Obavljena je otvorena apendektomija i uklonjen je upaljeni crvuljak s tumefakcijom na vrhu. PatohistoloÅ”kim pregledom otkriven je karcinoid crvuljka veliÄine 2 x 2,5 cm, i mali satelitski karcinoid u okolnom tkivu. Karcinoidne stanice obuhvaÄale su Äitavu debljinu stijenke crvuljka. S obzirom na spomenute histoloÅ”ke znaÄajke indicirana je druga operacija. Laparoskopska desna hemiktomija obavljena je uvoÄenjem triju troakara. Ileotransverzalna anastomoza zavrÅ”ena je ekstrakorporalno s pomoÄu staplera. PatoloÅ”kim je pregledom u blizini stijenke crvuljka otkriven mali Ävor karcinoidnog tkiva manja od 1 cm u promjeru. Postoperacijski tijek protekao je bez poteÅ”koÄa. Bolesnica je hitno upuÄena onkologu radi daljnjeg onkoloÅ”kog lijeÄenja.
Iako je sama apedenktomija uÄinkovita u veÄini sluÄajeva karcinoida crvuljka, katkad je indicirana desna hemikolektomija. Držimo da je u tim sluÄajevima laparoskopski pristup siguran i uÄinkovit, i treba ga uzeti u obzir kao lijeÄenje izbora
Mukokela u bolesnice s recidivom karcinoma dojke - prikaz sluÄaja i pregled literature
Mucocele or cystic distention of the appendix is a rare entity found in only 0.25% of all appendectomies and 8% of all appendicular tumors. We report a case of a 68-year-old female patient in whom asymptomatic mucocele was found at abdominal CT imaging a month after excision of recurrent invasive ductal carcinoma to the right pectoral region, and 26 years after modifed radical mastectomy. After adequate preoperative treatment, a right hemicolectomy was performed with the final pathology of mucocele of the appendix.Mukokela, odnosno cistiÄno proÅ”irenje apendiksa rijetka je pojava koja se pronalazi u samo 0,25 % apendektomija, te Äini samo 8 % svih tumora crvuljka. Prikazujemo sluÄaj 68-godiÅ”nje pacijentice kod koje je asimptomatska mukokela pronaÄena na CT-u abdomena mjesec dana nakon ekscizije recidiva duktalnog invazivnog karcinoma desne pektoralne regije, 26 godina nakon modificirane radikalne mastektomije. Nakon odgovarajuÄe preoperativne obrade uÄinjena je desna hemikolektomija s konaÄnim patohistoloÅ”kim nalazom mukokele apendiksa
Transanal ekscizija za rektalni karcinom - multidisciplinarni pristup?
Incidence of rectal cancer in Croatia was 1174 cases in 2012. Most cases were diagnosed at an advanced stage, however there are a few diagnosed in cT1-2N0M0 stage which opens a window for transanal resection. These patients have to be staged meticulously not to disregard possible local spread of disease and nodal involvement. Endorectal ultrasound is not always easily available, therefore MRI is usually the method of choice for preoperative staging. Nevertheless, since the implementation of this mode of treatment advances in neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy and multidisciplinary approach
to treatment have blurred these clear cut indications. In this paper we discuss specificities in selection, treatment and follow up of these patients.Incidencija karcinoma rektuma u Hrvatskoj je oko 1174 sluÄajeva u 2012 godini. VeÄina sluÄajeva je dijagnosticirana u poodmaklim stadijima bolesti, ipak odre|en broj se dijagnosticira u cT1-T2N0M0 stadiju Å”to otvara moguÄnost za transanalnu eksciziju. Pacijenti kod kojih se predvi|a trananalna ekscizija moraju biti u potpunosti slikovno obraÄena kako se preoperativno ne bi previdjela proÅ”irenja bolest. Endorektalni ultrazvuk nije Å”iroko dostupan, tako da se najÄeÅ”Äe koristi MR pri odluci o vrsti zahvata. UnatoÄ dosta jasno definiranim indikacijama za ovaj zahvat, napredak u neoadjuvantom i adjuvantnom pristupu te multidisciplinarnosti lijeÄenja je iste relativizirao. U ovom preglednom radu raspravit Äemo izbor, vrstu lijeÄenja i praÄenja ovih pacijenat
Masivna endometrioza koja kliniÄki oponaÅ”a tumor ā neuobiÄajen sluÄaj intususcepcije crvuljka
Appendiceal intussusception is a rare clinical entity that, in women of reproductive age, may be caused by endometriosis. We report a case of a 36-year-old woman presenting with abdominal pain. The patient underwent laparoscopic surgery, during which a suspicion of a cecal tumor was raised. A laparoscopic right hemicolectomy was performed. The patohistological exam showed an intussuscepted appendix, and the cause of the intussusception was massive endometriosis involving the colon, ileum, and appendix. It is important not to mistake appendiceal intussusception and appendiceal endometriosis with other intraabdominal pathologies whose symptoms they can mimic.Intususcepcija crvuljka je rijedak kliniÄki entitet koji u žena reproduktivne dobi može biti uzrokovan endometriozom. U Älanku je prikazan sluÄaj 36-ogodiÅ”nje žene koja se javila u hitnu službu s bolovima u abdomenu. UÄinjena je laparoskopska operacija tijekom koje je postavljena sumnja na tumor cekuma te je napravljena desnostrana hemikolektomija. PatohistoloÅ”ki nalaz je pokazao intususcepciju crvuljka Äiji je uzrok bio opsežna endometrioza koja je zahvatila debelo crijevo, ileum i crvuljak. Važno je prepoznati intususcepciju i endometriozu crvuljka, jer ih je lako zamijeniti za drugu intraabdominalnu patologiju, Äije simptome mogu oponaÅ”ati
Sentimag biopsija limfnog Ävora stražara u konzervativnoj kirurgiji dojke ā preliminarni rezultati
Segmentectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy is a golden standard for early breast cancer (clinical and radiological cT1-2, c N0). Recently, superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticle tracer has been introduced enabling intraoperative tracer injection. We prospectively recorded data on tumor histology, marked lymph nodes and their final histology and patient characteristics for early breast cancer patients who underwent breast conservative surgery. At 128 female breast cancer patients underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy by SentiMag. Three patients were excluded from further analysis
because the postoperative pathology report was ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The identifi cation rate was 95.2 % (119 of 125). Of the 19.2 % (24 of 125) patients with lymph node involvement, 1.6% (2 of 125) had micrometastasis, and 1 % (1 of 125) had single tumor cells within the sentinel, l at least a micrometastasis. Of 30 positive lymph nodes removed, 24 (80 %) were true sentinel nodes. The average lymph node retrieval rate was 2.3 nodes per patient. SentiMagās performance was comparable to published data and to standard sentinel with blue patent die and/or technetium. The benefi t of easier application and logistics is a great advantage.Segmentektomija i biopsija limfnog Ävora stražara zlatni su standard za kirurÅ”ko lijeÄenje ranog raka dojke (kliniÄki i radioloÅ”ki cT1-2, c N0). Äestice superparamagnetskog željeznog oksida (superparamagnetic iron oxide, SPIO) od nedavno se
koriste kao unutaroperacijski nanoÄestiÄni obilježivaÄ. Prospektivno smo bilježili demografske podatke o bolesnicama, histologiju tumora te oznaÄenih i neoznaÄenih limfnih Ävorova. U 128 bolesnica uÄinjena je biopsija limfnog Ävora stražara u aksili detektorom SentiMag. Tri bolesnice su iskljuÄene, jer je konaÄan patohistoloski nalaz bio carcinoma ductale in situ (DCIS). Limfni Ävor je pronaÄen u 119 od 125 bolesnica (95.2%), pozitivne limfne Ävorove su imale 24 (19.2%), makrometasaze 2 (1.6%) i mikrometastaze 1 bolesnica (0.08%). Od 30 pozitivnih odstranjenih limfnih Ävorava, obilježenih je bilo 24 (80
%). ProsjeÄno su po bolesnici izvaÄena 2.3 limfna Ävora. MoguÄnost otkrivanja limfnog Ävora stražara SentiMagom usporediva je s dosad objavljenim podatcima i zlatnim standardom. Prednosti metode su lakÅ”e rukovanje i minimalna logistika
Introduction: Association of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection with the length of dialysis in dialysis patients is contradictory.
This study was conducted in order to determine the association between the duration of dialysis and the HP infection status in the
dialysis patients. Furthemore, biochemical parameters were monitored in two subject groups that were included in this study.
Subjects and methods: The study included 51 patients on chronic hemodialysis program who had gastrointestinal symptoms. The
subjects were divided in two groups per the length of dialysis treatment. In this study we analyzed age, gender, the time period since
the onset of the chronic hemodialysis program, body mass index, biochemical parameters, and whether the patients have arterial
hypertension and/or diabetes. The presence of HP antigen was determined in the stool samples with use of he UlcoGnost AG test plate.
Results: The incidence of HP infection in hemodialysis patients, with some of the gastrointestinal symptoms, was 25.5%. Patients
on hemodialysis for less than 24 months had lower incidence of HP infection than those on hemodialysis program for more than 24
months. HP positive and HP negative subjects were also compared by gender, age, biochemical parameters and body mass index.
There was no statistical significant difference between the groups in any of those characteristics. When comparing the HP status of
the subjects with the presence of arterial hypertension and diabetes, no statistically significant difference was found between the
Conclusion: This study showed negative correlation between HP infection and the length of hemodialysis program. Analysis of
age, gender, body mass index, biochemical parameters, presence of arterial hypertension and/or diabetes showed no statistically
significant difference was found between the hemodialysis patients who were HP positive and those who were HP negative.
Additional studies are needed to elucidate the correlation mechanism between the HP infection and the duration of dialysis, in order
to examine how long the dialysis time period is the most susceptible to HP infection, and then to improve the prognosis of patients
with renal disease
KirurÅ”ko lijeÄenje kolorektalnih metastaza u jetri
Approximately 50% of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) will developduring their lifespan. Majority of colorectal liver metastases (CLM) patients will be unresectable at the time of diagnosis due to extensive intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic disease. R0 liver resection is still the only available treatment that allows long-term survival. In last two decades, the 5-year overall survival (OS) after curative liver resection of CLM has increased up to 58%. These improved outcomes are mainly due to multidisciplinary treatment of these patients. The definition of resectability has changed, so nowdays, the goal is the completion of R0 resection and normal liver function maintenance. Conversional (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy, portal vein embolization, two-stage hepatectomy, and tumour ablation are effective approaches to improve resectability for initially unresectable patients. The role of perioperative chemotherapy, for clearly resectable patients, still needs to be clarified. It results in longer disease-free survival (DFS) and OS times, but it is not clear whether it is the neoadjuvant or the adjuvant
component that provides the benefit.Disadvantages of neoadjuvant chemotherapy are either progression or complete remission during treatment, and their managment is challenging. According to available data the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy after CLM resection is questionable. However, the ideal chemotherapy and its optimal sequencing in the course of treatment are uncertain.Equally, the influence of chemotherapy-associated toxicity on the outcome of liver resection needs to be further explored. There is debate over whether the primary tumour and metastases should be removed at the
same time or in a staged manner. Targeted therapy with novel biological agents such as bevacizumab and cetuximab, in addition to traditional chemotherapy, has been shown to improve the survival of unresectable CLM patients. The majority of patients will develop recurrent disease in the liver within the first two years after surgery, despite any mode of treatment that they have received. Therefore, a repeat resection is recommended as the only chance to prolong DFS and OS. Consequently, all of these issues demand an modern oncosurgical and multidisciplinary approach to the each individual with
liver surgeon having a central role in treatment planning.Oko 50% bolesnika s rakom debelog crijeva razviti Äe metastaze u jetri tijekom svog životnog vijeka. Nažalost, veÄina bolesnika sa metastatskim kolorektalnim karicnomom Äe biti inoperabilna u vrijeme postavljanja dijagnoze zbog opsežne intrahepatiÄke i / ili ekstrahepatiÄke bolesti. R0 resekcija jetre je joÅ” uvijek jedini dostupni oblik lijeÄenja koji omoguÄuje dugoroÄno preživljenje. U posljednja dva desetljeÄa, 5-godiÅ”nje preživljenje nakon kurativne resekcije jetre poraslo je na 58%. Ti poboljÅ”ani rezultati su uglavnom posljedica multidisciplinarnog lijeÄenja tih bolesnika, iako je optimalnog algoritam joÅ” uvijek upitan. Definicija resektabilnosti se promijenila, pa se danas kao cilj lijeÄenja postavlja moguÄnost R0 resekcije uz normalno postoperativno održavanje jetrene funkcije. Neoadjuvantna kemoterapija, embolizacija poralne vene, hepatekto mija u dva akta ilokalna ablacija su uÄinkoviti pristupi u konverziji inicijalno inoperabilnih pacijenata u operabilne. Ulogu perioperativne kemoterapije, za evidentno operabilne bolesnike, joÅ” treba razjasniti. Perioperativna kemoterapija rezultira duljim periodom bez bolesti i ukupnim preživljenjem, ali nije jasno da li je neoadjuvanta ili adjuvantna komponenta ta koja pruža korist. Potencijalni nedostaci neoadjuvantne kemoterapije su ili napredovanje ili potpuna remisija tijekom lijeÄenja, a lijeÄenje tih bolesnika je izazov. Prema sadaÅ”njim podacima iz literature, uÄinkovitost adjuvantne kemoterapije nakon resekcije metastatskog kolorektalnog karcinoma je upitna. Isto tako, idealni kemoterapijski protokol, sa ili bez bioloÅ”kih agensa, i njeno optimalno sekvenciranje u tijeku lijeÄenja je upitno. Isto tako, utjecaj, s
kemoterapijom povezane toksiÄnosti, na ishod kirurÅ”kog lijeÄenja treba dodatno istražiti. JoÅ” uvijek se raspravlja o tome da li primarni tumor i metastaze treba ukloniti u isto vrijeme ili operacijama u dva akta. Za jasno inoperabilnog bolesnika, joÅ” je uvijek upitno da li primarni tumor
treba resecirati. Ciljana terapija s novim bioloÅ”kim agensima, kao Å”to su bevacizumab i cetuksimab, uz tradicionalne kemoterapijske protokole, dokazano poboljÅ”ava preživljenje kod definitivno inoperabilnih bolesnika. VeÄina bolesnika s metastatskim kolorektalnim karcinomom (55% -60%), Äe se razviti intrahepatalni recidiv unutar prve dvije godine nakon kirurÅ”kog zahvata, bez obzira na modalitet lijeÄenja. Stoga se ponovljene resekcije jetre preporuÄuju kao jedina moguÄa opcija koja može produžiti život ovim bolesnicima. Prema tome, sva ova otvorena pitanja zahtijevaju suvremenionko-kirurÅ”ki pristup svakom pojedinom bolesniku, u sklopu multidisciplinarnog tima, s kirurgomu glavnoj ulozi kod planiranja lijeÄenja