67 research outputs found

    Flujos geograficos en el Ecuador : intercambios de bienes, personas e informacion

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    Le présent numéro de la collection Estudios de Geografia est consacré au thÚme des flux géographiques en Equateur et de ceux qui existent entre ce pays et le monde extérieur. Deux des six articles de ce document portent sur les flux des aliments à l'intérieur du pays et en terme d'importation, un sur les flux de bois, un sur les flux portuaires, un sur les migrations intérieures, le dernier traitant des relations internationales de l'Equateu

    Magnetic Beads Based Immunoaffinity Capillary Electrophoresis of Total Serum IgE with Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection

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    A magnetic beads based immunoaffinity capillary electrophoresis method for total Immunoglobulin E quantification in serum has been developed. The method combines speed, automation ability, and minimal sample consumption. Only 1 ÎŒL of serum is required while the whole immunoaffinity capillary electrophoresis method is performed in less than 50 min. The concomitant use of online immunocapture, transient isotachophoresis, and laserinduced fluorescence detection provides a sensitivity in the low picomolar range and a highly linear fluorescence response over 4 orders of magnitude (IgE concentration ranging from 2.4 to 2400 ng/mL). After validation with a reference material, the method has been successfully applied to the quantification of total IgEs in patient sera. The results compared well with classical ImmunoCap data

    Relating soil C and organic matter fractions to structural stability

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    Soil organic matter (SOM) is important for maintaining soil structural stability (SSS). The influence of soil organic carbon (SOC) and different organic matter components on various SSS measures were quantified. We used a silt loam soil with a wide range of SOC(0.0080-0.0427 kg kg-1 minerals) sampled in spring 2015 from the Highfield Ley-Arable Long-Term Experiment at Rothamsted Research. Four treatments were sampled: Bare fallow, continuous arable rotation, ley-arable rotation, and grass. Soils were tested for clay dispersibility (DispClay), clay-SOM disintegration (DI, the ratio between clay content without and with SOM removal) and dispersion of particles <20 ÎŒm. The SSS tests were related to SOC, permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC), hot water-extractable carbon (HWC), mid-infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS) and mineral fines/SOC ratio. SSS increased with increasing content of SOM components. The relationships between SOM components and SSS followed a broken-stickregression with a change point at ~0.0230 kg SOC kg-1 minerals (clay/SOC~10) coinciding with a change from the tilled treatments to the grass treatment. We found a greater influence of SOC, POXC and HWC on SSS at contents below the change point than above. A stronger linear relation between POXC and DispClay compared to SOC and HWC suggests that POXC was a better predictor of the variation in DispClay. POXC and HWC were less related to DI than SOC. The grass treatment had a very stable structure, shown in all SSS tests, probably due to the absence of tillage and large annual inputs of stabilizing agents. This suggests that a change in management from arable rotation to permanent grass is an effective tool for improving SSS

    Integration of various stacking processes in carrier ampholyte-based capillary electrophoresis

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    Field-enhanced sample stacking, field-enhanced sample injection as well as electrokinetic supercharging have been successfully integrated in carrier ampholyte-based capillary electrophoresis. Through the analysis of different test sample mixtures, it has been shown that the carrier ampholyte-based background electrolytes, in spite of their very low conductivity, allow efficient online preconcentration of analytes by fieldamplified techniques. Sensitivity enhancement factors of the same magnitude as those usually encountered with classical conductive background electrolytes have been obtained in such carrier ampholyte-based buffers. Depending on the online preconcentration method that has been integrated, sensitivity enhancement factors between 50 and several thousands have been reached

    IntĂ©rĂȘts et limites des « indices macrophytes » pour qualifier la mĂ©sologie et la physico-chimie des cours d'eau : exemples armoricains, picards et lorrains

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    L'estimation de la qualitĂ© des cours d'eau, Ă  la fois en terme de milieu physique et de qualitĂ© de l'eau, est une nĂ©cessitĂ© croissante. Les « indices macrophytes » peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s en complĂ©mentaritĂ© de mĂ©thodes plus usuelles, analyses d'eau ou indices biotiques. Certains indices macrophytes proposĂ©s par la littĂ©rature ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©s et testĂ©s sur 5 riviĂšres du Nord de la France, correspondant Ă  des substrats gĂ©ologiques et Ă  des situations de pollution et/ou de trophie contrastĂ©es. Ce sont : le Diagnostic PhytoĂ©cologique Ă  partir des indices d'Ellenberg, le Plant Score de Harding, l'Indice Trophique de Newbold & Holmes, le Taux de Dommage de Haslam. Une comparaison avec les analyses d'eau a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Les diagnoses sont globalement concordantes, mais leur acuitĂ© est variable. Les listes d'espĂšces fournies par les auteurs sont en gĂ©nĂ©ral trĂšs incomplĂštes et Ă©ludent de nombreux problĂšmes de taxonomie. Le niveau de bioindication (notion de « trophie », paramĂštre Ă©cologique analytique comme les orthophosphates, ...) en fonction de l'Ă©tat physique du cours d'eau, est rarement prĂ©cisĂ©. Les indices proposĂ©s dans les trois premiĂšres mĂ©thodes citĂ©es sont rarement Ă©tayĂ©s par l'analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e des distributions espĂšces/facteurs (profils Ă©cologiques). La mĂ©thode de Haslam prĂ©sente un caractĂšre intĂ©grateur marquĂ© fondĂ© sur l'Ă©cologie des cours d'eau, mĂȘme si l'aspect floristique est incomplet. Son application en France est obĂ©rĂ©e par la mĂ©connaissance des phytocĂ©noses de rĂ©fĂ©rence et des sĂ©quences de dĂ©gradation, et par l'absence d'une grille prĂ©cise de trophie-substrat gĂ©ologique nĂ©cessaire pour l'estimation des altĂ©rations de la qualitĂ© de l'eau. Les mĂ©thodes de Harding et de Newbold & Holmes sont de mise en Ɠuvre plus simple et donnent des indications assez cohĂ©rentes. MalgrĂ© ces rĂ©serves, la dĂ©finition d'indices semble intĂ©ressante et correspond Ă  une demande des gestionnaires. Des propositions d'amĂ©lioration des mĂ©thodes existantes, ainsi que des Ă©lĂ©ments pour l'Ă©laboration d'un indice synthĂ©tique sont prĂ©sentĂ©s
