23 research outputs found

    Addressing semen loss concerns: towards culturally appropriate HIV/AIDS interventions in Gujarat, India.

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    A situation analysis of sexual networking and sexual health in an industrial area of Gujarat, India, identified anxiety about masturbation and other semen loss concerns as major preoccupations among young men. This paper describes how the Deepak Charitable Trust addressed these concerns in their HIV prevention programme for young men aged 15 to 30. Flowcharts were used as participatory learning tools and to obtain data on the perceived consequences of masturbation, both before and after intervention activities. Research was also done on the relation between semen-related anxieties and sexual risk behaviour by DCT and two other NGOs among young men engaging in unsafe sexual behaviour. DCT advocates addressing masturbation and other semen loss concerns in all sexual health campaigns in South Asia, based on the magnitude of these concerns, their potential to confound syndromic management of STIs and their significance as an idiom of psychosocial distress. Masturbation and associated anxieties about sexual performance are seen as health issues and discussed as such by the programme. There is immediate identification among young men, whether or not they are already sexually active, and it provides an excellent entry point for sexual health and safer sex education. The community response to these efforts has been entirely positive

    ACM forum

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    Determinants of Rural-to-Urban Labour Movements in Mexico: Household Perspective

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    The purpose of this paper is to test specific hypotheses about the detenninants of temporary ruralto- urban migration (circulation) by male heads of households for the putpose of engaging in wage employmenL Data from a sample of 145 rural households located in the central Mexican highlands are used to estimate the model. The circulation equation is formulated as a polychotomous, ordered-response model and is estimated using logistic regression. The results of the model suggest that males' level of education and previous circulation experience have a positive and significant impact on the probability of circulation. By comparison, land has a negative effect, and ecooomic status has a U-shaped effect. Age and the nmnber of adults in the household are fotmd to have a statistically weak association with the dependent variable

    Preliminary assessment of radiological doses in alternative waste management systems without an MRS facility

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    This report presents generic analyses of radiological dose impacts of nine hypothetical changes in the operation of a waste management system without a monitored retrievable storage (MRS) facility. The waste management activities examined in this study include those for handling commercial spent fuel at nuclear power reactors and at the surface facilities of a deep geologic repository, and the transportation of spent fuel by rail and truck between the reactors and the repository. In the reference study system, the radiological doses to the public and to the occupational workers are low, about 170 person-rem/1000 metric ton of uranium (MTU) handled with 70% of the fuel transported by rail and 30% by truck. The radiological doses to the public are almost entirely from transportation, whereas the doses to the occupational workers are highest at the reactors and the repository. Operating alternatives examined included using larger transportation casks, marshaling rail cars into multicar dedicated trains, consolidating spent fuel at the reactors, and wet or dry transfer options of spent fuel from dry storage casks. The largest contribution to radiological doses per unit of spent fuel for both the public and occupational workers would result from use of truck transportation casks, which are smaller than rail casks. Thus, reducing the number of shipments by increasing cask sizes and capacities (which also would reduce the number of casks to be handled at the terminals) would reduce the radiological doses in all cases. Consolidating spent fuel at the reactors would reduce the radiological doses to the public but would increase the doses to the occupational workers at the reactors

    PNL technical review of pressurized thermal-shock issues. [PWR]

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    Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) was asked to develop and recommend a regulatory position that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) should adopt regarding the ability of reactor pressure vessels to withstand the effects of pressurized thermal shock (PTS). Licensees of eight pressurized water reactors provided NRC with estimates of remaining effective full power years before corrective actions would be required to prevent an unsafe operating condition. PNL reviewed these responses and the results of supporting research and concluded that none of the eight reactors would undergo vessel failure from a PTS event before several more years of operation. Operator actions, however, were often required to terminate a PTS event before it deteriorated to the point where failure could occur. Therefore, the near-term (less than one year) recommendation is to upgrade, on a site-specific basis, operational procedures, training, and control room instrumentation. Also, uniform criteria should be developed by NRC for use during future licensee analyses. Finally, it was recommended that NRC upgrade nondestructive inspection techniques used during vessel examinations and become more involved in the evaluation of annealing requirements

    Common variation in the <em>ADAM8</em> gene affects serum sADAM8 concentrations and the risk of myocardial infarction in two independent cohorts.

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    OBJECTIVE: The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2995300 in the metalloproteinase-disintegrin gene ADAM8 has been shown to affect the areas of complicated coronary plaques and the risk of fatal myocardial infarction (MI) in men. This study was set up to further investigate the role of ADAM8 in MI AIM: To investigate the possible association of the ADAM8 SNPs rs2995300 and rs2275725 with ADAM8 mRNA levels, serum soluble ADAM8 (sADAM8) concentrations, and MI risk METHODS: Samples from the Finnish cardiovascular study (FINCAVAS, N=2156) and the angiography and genes study (ANGES, N=1000) were genotyped. Serum sADAM8 concentrations were determined with ELISA (N=443). ADAM8 mRNA levels in atherosclerotic plaques were analysed from the tampere vascular study (TVS, N=53) samples. RESULTS: A significantly increased MI risk for carriers of the rs2995300C allele and the rs2275725 A allele was revealed in the meta-analysis of the ANGES and FINCAVAS patient data (OR=1.42, P&lt;0.001 and OR=1.43, P&lt;0.001). The risk increase was comparable to that caused by smoking in these cohorts. The risk allele carriers also had higher sADAM8 serum concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The risk alleles of the investigated ADAM8 SNPs were associated with elevated sADAM8 serum levels and MI risk. The present results implicate ADAM8 in the development of CVDs and suggest its prognostic and therapeutic potential