312 research outputs found

    Reasoning on Schemata of Formulae

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    A logic is presented for reasoning on iterated sequences of formulae over some given base language. The considered sequences, or "schemata", are defined inductively, on some algebraic structure (for instance the natural numbers, the lists, the trees etc.). A proof procedure is proposed to relate the satisfiability problem for schemata to that of finite disjunctions of base formulae. It is shown that this procedure is sound, complete and terminating, hence the basic computational properties of the base language can be carried over to schemata

    Generating Schemata of Resolution Proofs

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    Two distinct algorithms are presented to extract (schemata of) resolution proofs from closed tableaux for propositional schemata. The first one handles the most efficient version of the tableau calculus but generates very complex derivations (denoted by rather elaborate rewrite systems). The second one has the advantage that much simpler systems can be obtained, however the considered proof procedure is less efficient

    Instantiation of SMT problems modulo Integers

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    Many decision procedures for SMT problems rely more or less implicitly on an instantiation of the axioms of the theories under consideration, and differ by making use of the additional properties of each theory, in order to increase efficiency. We present a new technique for devising complete instantiation schemes on SMT problems over a combination of linear arithmetic with another theory T. The method consists in first instantiating the arithmetic part of the formula, and then getting rid of the remaining variables in the problem by using an instantiation strategy which is complete for T. We provide examples evidencing that not only is this technique generic (in the sense that it applies to a wide range of theories) but it is also efficient, even compared to state-of-the-art instantiation schemes for specific theories.Comment: Research report, long version of our AISC 2010 pape

    The Complexity of Prenex Separation Logic with One Selector

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    We first show that infinite satisfiability can be reduced to finite satisfiability for all prenex formulas of Separation Logic with k1k\geq1 selector fields (\seplogk{k}). Second, we show that this entails the decidability of the finite and infinite satisfiability problem for the class of prenex formulas of \seplogk{1}, by reduction to the first-order theory of one unary function symbol and unary predicate symbols. We also prove that the complexity is not elementary, by reduction from the first-order theory of one unary function symbol. Finally, we prove that the Bernays-Sch\"onfinkel-Ramsey fragment of prenex \seplogk{1} formulae with quantifier prefix in the language \exists^*\forall^* is \pspace-complete. The definition of a complete (hierarchical) classification of the complexity of prenex \seplogk{1}, according to the quantifier alternation depth is left as an open problem

    Linear Temporal Logic and Propositional Schemata, Back and Forth (extended version)

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    This paper relates the well-known Linear Temporal Logic with the logic of propositional schemata introduced by the authors. We prove that LTL is equivalent to a class of schemata in the sense that polynomial-time reductions exist from one logic to the other. Some consequences about complexity are given. We report about first experiments and the consequences about possible improvements in existing implementations are analyzed.Comment: Extended version of a paper submitted at TIME 2011: contains proofs, additional examples & figures, additional comparison between classical LTL/schemata algorithms up to the provided translations, and an example of how to do model checking with schemata; 36 pages, 8 figure

    A Decidable Class of Nested Iterated Schemata (extended version)

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    Many problems can be specified by patterns of propositional formulae depending on a parameter, e.g. the specification of a circuit usually depends on the number of bits of its input. We define a logic whose formulae, called "iterated schemata", allow to express such patterns. Schemata extend propositional logic with indexed propositions, e.g. P_i, P_i+1, P_1, and with generalized connectives, e.g. /\i=1..n or i=1..n (called "iterations") where n is an (unbound) integer variable called a "parameter". The expressive power of iterated schemata is strictly greater than propositional logic: it is even out of the scope of first-order logic. We define a proof procedure, called DPLL*, that can prove that a schema is satisfiable for at least one value of its parameter, in the spirit of the DPLL procedure. However the converse problem, i.e. proving that a schema is unsatisfiable for every value of the parameter, is undecidable so DPLL* does not terminate in general. Still, we prove that it terminates for schemata of a syntactic subclass called "regularly nested". This is the first non trivial class for which DPLL* is proved to terminate. Furthermore the class of regularly nested schemata is the first decidable class to allow nesting of iterations, i.e. to allow schemata of the form /\i=1..n (/\j=1..n ...).Comment: 43 pages, extended version of "A Decidable Class of Nested Iterated Schemata", submitted to IJCAR 200

    Schemata of Formulæ in the Theory of Arrays

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    Research paper - http://tableaux13.loria.fr/International audienceWe consider schemata of quantifier-free formulæ, defined using indexed symbols and iterated connectives ranging over intervals (such as ⋁ni=1ϕ or ⋀ni=1ϕ ), and interpreted in the theory of arrays (with the usual functions for storing and selecting elements in an array). We first prove that the satisfiability problem is undecidable (it is clearly semi-decidable). We then consider a natural restriction on the considered structures and we prove that it makes the logic decidable by providing a sound, complete and terminating proof procedure

    Reasoning on Dynamic Transformations of Symbolic Heaps

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    Building on previous results concerning the decidability of the satisfiability and entailment problems for separation logic formulas with inductively defined predicates, we devise a proof procedure to reason on dynamic transformations of memory heaps. The initial state of the system is described by a separation logic formula of some particular form, its evolution is modeled by a finite transition system and the expected property is given as a linear temporal logic formula built over assertions in separation logic