330 research outputs found
Collective Motion of Polarized Dipolar Fermi Gases in the Hydrodynamic Regime
Recently, a seminal STIRAP experiment allowed the creation of 40K-87Rb
molecules in the rovibrational ground state [K.-K. Ni et al., Science 322, 231
(2008)]. In order to describe such a polarized dipolar Fermi gas in the
hydrodynamic regime, we work out a variational time-dependent Hartree-Fock
approach. With this we calculate dynamical properties of such a system as, for
instance, the frequencies of the low-lying excitations and the time-of-flight
expansion. We find that the dipole-dipole interaction induces anisotropic
breathing oscillations in momentum space. In addition, after release from the
trap, the momentum distribution becomes asymptotically isotropic, while the
particle density becomes anisotropic
Quantum Fluctuations in Dipolar Bose Gases
We investigate the influence of quantum fluctuations upon dipolar Bose gases
by means of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory. Thereby, we make use of the local
density approximation to evaluate the dipolar exchange interaction between the
condensate and the excited particles. This allows to obtain the Bogoliubov
spectrum analytically in the limit of large particle numbers. After discussing
the condensate depletion and the ground-state energy correction, we derive
quantum corrected equations of motion for harmonically trapped dipolar Bose
gases by using superfluid hydrodynamics. These equations are subsequently
applied to analyze the equilibrium configuration, the low-lying oscillation
frequencies, and the time-of-flight dynamics. We find that both atomic magnetic
and molecular electric dipolar systems offer promising scenarios for detecting
beyond mean-field effects.Comment: Published in PR
Thermodynamical Properties of a Rotating Ideal Bose Gas
In a recent experiment, a Bose-Einstein condensate was trapped in an
anharmonic potential which is well approximated by a harmonic and a quartic
part. The condensate was set into such a fast rotation that the centrifugal
force in the corotating frame overcompensates the harmonic part in the plane
perpendicular to the rotation axis. Thus, the resulting trap potential became
Mexican-hat shaped. We present an analysis for an ideal Bose gas which is
confined in such an anharmonic rotating trap within a semiclassical
approximation where we calculate the critical temperature, the condensate
fraction, and the heat capacity. In particular, we examine in detail how these
thermodynamical quantities depend on the rotation frequency.Comment: Author Information under
Rotating Fermi gases in an anharmonic trap
Motivated by recent experiments on rotating Bose-Einstein condensates, we
investigate a rotating, polarized Fermi gas trapped in an anharmonic potential.
We apply a semiclassical expansion of the density of states in order to
determine how the thermodynamic properties depend on the rotation frequency.
The accuracy of the semiclassical approximation is tested and shown to be
sufficient for describing typical experiments. At zero temperature, rotating
the gas above a given frequency leads to a `donut'-shaped
cloud which is analogous to the hole found in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein
condensates. The free expansion of the gas after suddenly turning off the trap
is considered and characterized by the time and rotation frequency dependence
of the aspect ratio. Temperature effects are also taken into account and both
low- and high-temperature expansions are presented for the relevant
thermodynamical quantities. In the high-temperature regime a virial theorem
approach is used to study the delicate interplay between rotation and
Phase transitions and molecular dynamics of n-hexadecanol confined in silicon nanochannels
We present a combined x-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy study on
the phase behavior and molecular dynamics of n-hexadecanol in its bulk state
and confined in an array of aligned nanochannels of 8 nm diameter in mesoporous
silicon. Under confinement the transition temperatures between the liquid, the
rotator RII and the crystalline C phase are lowered by approximately 20K. While
bulk n-hexadecanol exhibits at low temperatures a polycrystalline mixture of
orthorhombic beta- and monoclinic gamma-forms, geometrical confinement favors
the more simple beta-form: only crystallites are formed, where the chain axis
are parallel to the layer normal. However, the gamma-form, in which the chain
axis are tilted with respect to the layer normal, is entirely suppressed. The
beta-crystallites form bi-layers, that are not randomly orientated in the
pores. The molecules are arranged with their long axis perpendicular to the
long channel axis. With regard to the molecular dynamics, we were able to show
that confinement does not affect the inner-molecular dynamics of the CH_2
scissor vibration and to evaluate the inter-molecular force constants in the C
phase.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure
Fast Converging Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials I: Recursive Calculation of Short-Time Expansion of the Propagator
In this and subsequent paper arXiv:1011.5185 we develop a recursive approach
for calculating the short-time expansion of the propagator for a general
quantum system in a time-dependent potential to orders that have not yet been
accessible before. To this end the propagator is expressed in terms of a
discretized effective potential, for which we derive and analytically solve a
set of efficient recursion relations. Such a discretized effective potential
can be used to substantially speed up numerical Monte Carlo simulations for
path integrals, or to set up various analytic approximation techniques to study
properties of quantum systems in time-dependent potentials. The analytically
derived results are numerically verified by treating several simple models.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure
Disorder-Induced Shift of Condensation Temperature for Dilute Trapped Bose Gases
We determine the leading shift of the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature
for an ultracold dilute atomic gas in a harmonic trap due to weak disorder by
treating both a Gaussian and a Lorentzian spatial correlation for the quenched
disorder potential. Increasing the correlation length from values much smaller
than the geometric mean of the trap scale and the mean particle distance to
much larger values leads first to an increase of the positive shift to a
maximum at this critical length scale and then to a decrease.Comment: Author information under
Beyond Mean-Field Low-Lying Excitations of Dipolar Bose Gases
We theoretically investigate various beyond mean-field effects on Bose gases
at zero temperature featuring the anisotropic and long-range dipole-dipole
interaction in addition to the isotropic and short-range contact interaction.
Within the realm of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory, we consider static
properties and low-lying excitations of both homogeneous and harmonically
trapped dipolar bosonic gases. For the homogeneous system, the condensate
depletion, the ground-state energy, the equation of state, and the speed of
sound are discussed in detail. Making use of the local density approximation,
we extend these results in order to study the properties of a dipolar Bose gas
in a harmonic trap and in the regime of large particle numbers. After deriving
the equations of motion for the general case of a triaxial trap, we analyze the
influence of quantum fluctuations on important properties of the gas, such as
the equilibrium configuration and the low-lying excitations in the case of a
cylinder-symmetric trap. In addition to the monopole and quadrupole oscillation
modes, we also discuss the radial quadrupole mode. We find that the latter
acquires a quantum correction exclusively due to the dipole-dipole interaction.
As a result, we identify the radial quadrupole as a reasonably accessible
source for the signature of dipolar many-body effects and stress the enhancing
character that dipolar interactions have for quantum fluctuations in the other
oscillation modes.Comment: Version published in PR
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