814 research outputs found

    Psychiatric profile of motor subtypes of de novo drug-naïve Parkinson's disease patients

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    Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder. It is well established that different motor subtypes of PD evolve with different clinical courses and prognoses. The complete psychiatric profile underlying these different phenotypes since the very early stage of the disease is debated. Aims of the study: We aimed at investigating the psychiatric profile of the three motor subtypes of PD (akinetic-rigid, tremor-dominant, and mixed) in de novo drug-naïve patients with PD. Methods: Sixty-eight patients with PD, divided into 39 akinetic-rigid (AR), seven mixed (MIX), and 22 tremor-dominant (TD) patients underwent a complete assessment of psychiatric, cognitive, and motor symptoms. Results: No significant differences were found among groups. Conclusions: Our results suggest that a differentiation of the psychiatric symptoms associated with specific motor subtypes of PD is not detectable in de novo drug-naïve patients. Previous evidence that emerges later along the disease progression may be a consequence of the dopaminergic and nondopaminergic damage increase

    Pathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Basic Science in the Light of Real-World Epidemiology

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    Major advances in the last few decades have favored the view of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) as a disease of hyper- or, more often, paradoxical hyporesponsiveness of the gut-associated immune system. The relevant pivot seems to be the loss of the balance between gut-associated pro-inflammatory lymphocytes and the indwelling microbiome species, with inner regulatory circuits (regulatory T-lymphocytes, T-reg) and outer factors (such as drugs, tobacco, diet components) contributing to complicate the matter. Light might be shed by the observation of the real-world IBD epidemiology, which may help unveil the factors that tend to cluster IBD cases to certain geographical areas. A transitional mind frame between bench and real-world gastroenterology could hopefully contribute to restrain the mounting epidemic of IBD in the Western world and to halt the more recent increases seen in many Eastern countries

    Meaningful research for autistic people? Ask autistics!

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    The educational experiences of autistic children with and without extreme demand avoidance behaviours

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    Extreme demand avoidance (EDA) is increasingly described as part of the autism spectrum and is sometimes diagnosed as Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). Yet little is known, about the educational experiences of children with and without EDA behaviours. Using an online survey collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, 211 parents reported on the school experiences of their autistic children. 57 parents had a child with an additional diagnosis of PDA (AUT-PDA); 91 had a child with no diagnosis of PDA but, according to parent report, displayed EDA behaviours (AUT-EDA); and 63 had a child with neither a PDA diagnosis nor EDA behaviours (AUT). Results demonstrated that there were few group differences in terms of the frequency of failed school placements and exclusions. However, children in the AUT-EDA/-PDA groups had higher levels of behaviour that challenges, which were particularly high in those with a PDA diagnosis. There were no significant differences in school exclusions, but the fact that these occurred across all groups is of concern. Qualitative results suggested overwhelmingly negative school experiences for all groups but especially the AUT-EDA and AUT-PDA groups. Parents attributed such experiences to misunderstanding of their children’s diagnoses and a lack of targeted support

    Reduced face identity aftereffects in relatives of children with autism

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