102 research outputs found


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    The renovation of public lighting installations by replacing the traditional systems with LED technologies and introducing smart lighting control systems is a policy widely adopted to contain energy consumption and expenditure. Additionally, the long-term monitoring of the depreciation of the new lighting systems is a crucial issue. The aim of this study is to report the results of in-field measurements of new LED lighting systems in the city of Turin (Italy). A method was defined to assess: (i) energy performance (through data from the remote-control system); (ii) photometric performance (through in-field measurement campaigns); and (iii) depreciation of the photometric performance over a period of approximately 5 years. Results demonstrated that the new LED systems allow us to achieve an average energy saving of 51% compared to the ex-ante condition, improving the photometric performances and compiling the standard requirements by lowering the over-illumination levels. Moreover, the measured depreciation of the LED systems over time was compared with the predicted depreciation, estimated based on the calculation method proposed in Standards BS 5489-1:2020 and ISO/CIE TS 2012:2019. The results obtained showed that the measured depreciation of the photometric performance was closer to the predicted depreciation trend according to BS 5489-1:2020 (variations between 0% and 4%), while greater variations (between 17% and 23%) emerged considering the ISO/CIE TS 22012:2019

    Deepening inside the pictorial layers of Etruscan sarcophagus of Hasti Afunei: An innovative micro-sampling technique for Raman/SERS analyses

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    The Hasti Afunei sarcophagus is a large Etruscan urn, made up of two chalky alabaster monoliths. Dated from the last quarter of the third century BC, it was found in 1826 in the small town of Chiusi (Tuscany- Il Colle place) by a landowner, Pietro Bonci Casuccini, who made it part of his private collection. The noble owner’s collection was sold in 1865 to the Royal Museum of Palermo (today under the name of Antonino Salinas Regional Archaeological Museum), where it is still displayed. The sarcophagus is characterized by a complex iconography that is meticulously illustrated through an excellent sculptural technique, despite having subjected to anthropic degradation and numerous restorative actions during the last century. During the restoration campaign carried out between 2016 and 2017, a targeted diagnostic campaign was carried out to identify the constituent materials of the artefact, the pigments employed and the executive technique, in order to get an overall picture of conservation status and conservative criticalities. In particular, this last intervention has allowed the use of the innovative micro-sampling technique, patented by the Cultural Heritage research group of Sapienza, in order to identify the employee of lake pigments through SERS analyses. Together with this analysis, Raman and NMR technique have completed the information requested by restorers, for what concerns the wax employed as protective layers, and allowed to rebuild the conservation history of the sarcophagus. In fact, together with the identification of red ocher and yellow ocher, carbon black, Egyptian blue and madder lake, pigments compatible with the historical period of the work, modern pigments (probably green Paris, chrome orange, barium yellow, blue phtalocyanine) have been recognized, attributable with not documented intervention during the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. © 2019 by the authors

    Surgical treatment of retrosternal extraosseous Ewing Sarcoma in a 6-years old female: a clamshell approach with hemysternectomy and application of a non-crosslinked extracellular matrix

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    Background Ewing Sarcoma (ES) and Neuroblastoma (NB) belong to a family of tumours of primitive neuroectodermal origin (PNET) that occurs in both bone and soft tissue. Notwithstanding ES and NB are two distinct malignant tumours, sometimes there could be a link between them. Case report We describe a case of an extraosseous ES localized in the retrosternal region and the upper lobe of the right lung, which had been previously treated for NB in a 6 years old female. We treated this case with a clamshell approach which allows, in a one-step surgery, a complete excision of the mass reconstructing the hemysternectomy with a non-crosslinked matrix. Conclusion the clamshell approach is therefore useful to achieve the retrosternal space and the lung with a single surgical access. According to our experience, we consider appropriate to use a non-crosslinked matrix for sternal reconstruction

    Robot-assisted Heller myotomy for achalasia

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    Achalasia is a rare neuromuscular esophageal disorder in children. There are many surgical options to treatment including botulinum toxin (Botox) injections, oral pharmacologic therapies with nitrates and calcium channel blockers, pneumatic dilation (PD), and surgical myotomy (open surgery, endoscopy, laparoscopy and recently robotic approach). In pediatric age, usually, Heller's myotomy is the main choice. Laparoscopic approach is known and standardized. Few robotic have been published. We decided to report our first case to share our experience with scientific community

    A Urban Lighting Renovation Project to Optimize Environmental Performance and Reduce Energy Consumption: Results of a Measurement Campaign

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    In the last few years, the need to reduce costs and to limit energy consumption, together with the availability of financial and carbon reduction incentives led many public authorities to undertake the renovation of public lighting installations. In the North of Italy, a major program of public lighting renovation is being implemented in Torino since 2015. To verify the effectiveness of the interventions, the performance of the new LED lighting systems compared to the previous installations were assessed through measurement campaigns and computer simulations. The paper presents the main features of the project, the methodology adopted for the performance evaluation campaign and the results obtained in terms of both lighting performance (measured luminances and illuminances over representative areas) and energy performance (calculated Power Density and Annual Energy Consumption Indicators as defined in the EN 13201-5:2015)

    Preputialplasty: Can be considered an alternative to circumcision? When, how, why? Experience of Italian centre

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    Background: Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin cannot be portrayed on the glans. It is a physiological and common condition in the pediatric age. The pathological form derives from an inflammatory or traumatic lesion. Circumcision is the most common surgical treatment of phimosis but it is a controversial practice, especially in occidental world. Methods: We enrolled 61 patients with pathological phimosis (22/balanoposthitis, 18/painful erection, 21/ urinary discomfort) between 2015-2017. Results: All patients underwent preputialplasty. Conclusions: Various alternatives to circumcision have been described, as manual retraction therapy, topical steroid therapy, and many types of preputialplasty. We report our technique

    A rare cause of acute scrotum in a child: torsion of an epididymal cyst. Case report and review of the literature

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    Torsion of an epididymal cyst is an extremely rare cause of acute scrotum in children and in young boys. Its reported incidence is 5-20%. The treatment is usually conservative. Many cases (up to 60%) regress spontaneously, especially if below 3 cm. Few cases have been reported in Literature (7 cases/2018). We add our patient as eighth case. He was a 13-year-old boy who was admitted for acute scrotum. Ultrasound excluded torsion of the testis and he was managed for 5 day conservatively. Based on clinical history and physical exam, we decided to perform a prompt surgery that revealed a torsion of epididymal cyst that was confirmed by histological exam

    Assessment and governance of Ecosystem Services for improving management effectiveness of Natura 2000 sites

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    The Natura 2000 network is the cornerstone of the EU Biodiversity Strategy aimed at halting the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Yet in many EU Member States the level of development and execution of management plans and conservation measures of Natura 2000 sites is often very low due to scarce financial resources; for this reason management effectiveness is rarely achieved. This paper presents initial insights from the Life+ MGN project and highlights the costs and benefits associated with 2 out of 21 Natura 2000 study sites in Italy in order to present a new governance approach relying on the qualitative and quantitative valuation of Ecosystem Services (ES). Preliminary results suggest that the quantification of costs and benefits related to the Natura 2000 network is crucial for reaching Natura 2000 conservation objectives and measuring management effectiveness

    aberrant inos signaling is under genetic control in rodent liver cancer and potentially prognostic for the human disease

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    Mounting evidence underlines the role of inducible nitric oxidesynthase (iNOS) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) develop-ment, but its functional interactions with pathways involved inHCC progression remain uninvestigated. Here, we analyzed inpreneoplastic and neoplastic livers from Fisher 344 and BrownNorway rats, possessing different genetic predisposition to HCC,in transforming growth factor-a (TGF-a) and c-Myc–TGF-atransgenic mice, characterized by different susceptibility toHCC, and in human HCC: (i) iNOS function and interactionswith nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) and Ha-RAS/extracellularsignal-regulated kinase (ERK) during hepatocarcinogenesis;(ii) influence of genetic predisposition to liver cancer on thesepathways and role of these cascades in determining a susceptibleor resistant phenotype and (iii) iNOS prognostic value in humanHCC. We found progressive iNos induction in rat and mouse liverlesions, always at higher levels in the most aggressive models rep-resented by HCC of rats genetically susceptible to hepatocarcino-genesis and c-Myc–TGF-a transgenic mice. iNOS, inhibitor of kBkinase/NF-kB and RAS/ERK upregulation was significantly higherin HCC with poorer prognosis (as defined by patients' survivallength) and positively correlated with tumor proliferation, genomicinstability and microvascularization and negatively with apoptosis.Suppression of iNOS signaling by aminoguanidine led to decreasedHCC growth and NF-kB and RAS/ERK expression and increasedapoptosis both in vivo and in vitro. Conversely, block of NF-kBsignaling by sulfasalazine or short interfering RNA (siRNA) orERK signaling by UO126 caused iNOS downregulation in HCCcell lines. These findings indicate that iNOS cross talk with NF-kB and Ha-RAS/ERK cascades influences HCC growth and prog-nosis, suggesting that key component of iNOS signaling could rep-resent important therapeutic targets for human HCC.IntroductionHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent anddeadliest human cancers worldwide. Current therapies do not improvesignificantly the prognosis of patients with unresectable HCC (1,2).This emphasizes the need to investigate the molecular mechanismsresponsible for HCC development to identify new targets for earlydiagnosis, chemoprevention and treatment.Numerous genes regulating susceptibility to HCC and controllinggrowth, progression and redifferentiation of preneoplastic and neo-plastic lesions have been mapped in rodents (3). Decrease in growthability and/or marked redifferentiation of preneoplastic lesion char-acterizes rodent strains resistant to hepatocarcinogenesis (3,4). Con-sequently, studies on the mechanisms underlying the acquisition ofa phenotype susceptible/resistantto hepatocarcinogenesis in rodentstrains, carrying preneoplastic lesions differently prone to progressto HCC, may lead to the discovery of prognostic markers and ther-apeutic targets for the human disease. Dysplastic nodules and HCCinduced in susceptible Fisher 344 (F344) rats show upregulation ofc-Myc, Cyclin D1, E and A and E2f1 genes, increased cyclinD1–Cdk4, cyclin E–Cdk2 and E2f1–Dp1 complexes and retinoblas-toma protein (pRb) hyperphosphorylation (4–6). These changes areabsent or less pronounced in liver lesions from resistant Brown Norway(BN) rats, where a block of
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