84 research outputs found

    International business negotiation strategies based on bargaining power assessment: the case of attracting investments

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    At present business solutions are used for development and implementation of negotiating strategies for international business, which are not universally suitable for business development in all situations in context of globalization, with current challenges, which are characterized by increasing risk, uncertainty and cultural differences. The purpose of the research is to provide a theoretical model for developing and implementing international business negotiation strategies, based on bargaining power assessment, as well as to conduct an experiment and test the suitability and adaptability of the developed model in an international business negotiation situation – in case of attracting investments. Research methods – scientific literature analysis, comparative, logical analysis and synthesis, comparative and generalisation methods, mathematical and statistic data analysis methods. According to the results, the developed model can be used to reinforce international business negotiations and electronic business negotiations, as an independent systemic unit of the negotiation process (a measure that is autonomous or requires only partial intervention of the negotiator)

    Assessment of bargaining power in preparation of international business negotiations strategies: case of wholesale trade

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    Recently businesses need to find the new ways to ensure business growth and competitiveness in the international market. Cultural diversity of international business brings new challenges in the development and implementation of negotiation strategies of businesses, in cooperation with foreign partners. At present business solutions are used for development and implementation of negotiating strategies for international business, which are not universally suitable for business development in all situations in context of globalization, with current challenges, which are characterized by increasing risk, uncertainty and cultural differences. New challenges in international business negotiations are caused by formation of common cultural and information space in a global scale, the new demands for information technology progress in development of international competition and accelerating innovation processes. International business negotiation strategy development and implementation are setting the essential features and causal relations and is relevant in practice by creating in each negotiation case the unique negotiation strategy, focused on maximizing the effectiveness of the international business with the aim of more efficient use of business negotiation potential - the negotiating power. In scientific problem solving it is necessary to offer such instruments, which would take into account bargaining power of participants in negotiations, and would allow real implementation of business strategies and constitute an appropriate contribution to their development. The article aims - to design a theoretical model for preparing and implementing strategies of international business negotiations, based on evaluations of bargaining powers and to verify experimentally its relevance and applicability

    Derybinių galių vertinimais grindžiamos tarptautinio verslo derybų strategijos

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    Disertacijoje nagrinėjama tematika yra ypač aktuali, nes vadybos ir verslo vadybos teorijoje nėra teorinių sprendimų, kaip vertinti derybines galias tarptautinio verslo derybose, ypač atsižvelgiant į tarptautinio verslo plėtrai itin aktualias daugiakultūriškumo aplinkybes ir į galimybes derybų metu taikyti nuotolines technologijas, o pačias derybas vykdyti elektroninėje erdvėje. Darbo tyrimų objektas – tarptautinio verslo derybų strategijos. Darbo tikslas – sukurti ir patikrinti tarptautinio verslo derybų strategijų rengimo ir įgyvendinimo modelį, pagrįstą derybinių galių vertinimais. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai ir aštuoni priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas mokslinės literatūros analizei. Čia atliekamas teorinis tyrimas, skirtas tarptautinio verslo deryboms ir jų strategijoms. Taip pat nagrinėjamos tarptautinio verslo derybų paramos sistemų, grindžiamų informacinių technologijų naudojimu, plėtros poreikiai ir perspektyvos. Antrajame skyriuje pateikiamas sukurtas derybinių galių vertinimais grindžiamos tarptautinio verslo derybų strategijos rengimo ir įgyvendinimo modelis. Šiame skyriuje pateiktas autoriaus sukurtas derybų strategijos rengimo algoritmas ir aprašyta empirinio tyrimo metodologija. Algoritmas paremtas autoriaus pateiktu derybų strategijos rengimo ir įgyvendinimo modeliu. Trečiajame skyriuje, tikrinant autoriaus pasiūlytą algoritmą, pateikiami atliktų penkių empirinių tyrimų rezultatai. Nagrinėjami tipiniai tarptautinio verslo derybų atvejai skirtingose ūkio šakose, pateikiamos šio algoritmo naudojimo perspektyvos. Disertacijos tema autorius publikavo 13 mokslinių straipsnių: vieną – tarptautinių konferencijų leidinyje, referuojamame Thomson Reuters duomenų bazėje Proceedings, dešimt – kitų tarptautinių duomenų bazių leidiniuose, du – konferencijų pranešimų rinkiniuose. Disertacijos tema perskaityta 11 pranešimų Lietuvos ir kitų šalių konferencijose

    Nonverbal Communication in Business Negotiations and Business Meetings

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    This paper examines the importance of reading the body language signals in business negotiations and business meetings. By observing the physical changes of the human body, gestures, can lead to a more or less realistic impression about opponent, feelings of the other person, his mood, thoughts, expectations, intentions, and their changes. In non-verbal body language are very much important things : human posture, dress, accessories, gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, smile, voice intonation, laughter, eye contact, eye signs, the distance between the communicators, touch, clap, dance, and physiological responses - sweating palms, forehead, paleness, resulting in acute facial, neck redness and others. Part of nonverbal communication signs, or in other words the body language signals are sent consciously (natural or play signs, signals), and the other part of the body signals is emitted into the environment unintentionally, when to the information received response is made immediately, instantly, instinctively and without thinking. Body language signals in business negotiations or business meetings are important in several aspects: reveal the other person’s, the opponent's physical and emotional state as well as its evolution; complement, reinforce or weaken the spoken language; allows those who are able to read nonverbal communication signs, to determine more or less accurately whether oral language is true

    Economic development and greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union countries

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    The paper analyses the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) relationship between greenhouse gases and main aspects of economic development based on the panel data of 20 countries of the EU, including the data of three Baltic States, in the period 1995–2011. The fixed effect panel model was used as a framework for the analysis. The commonly used models confirmed the presence of the inverse U-shaped relationship. The novel contribution of this paper is that the factor referring to the global financial crisis was tested in expanded EKC model. Higher energy taxes, primary production of nuclear heat and R&D decrease the level of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The size of agriculture, industry and construction, as well as the primary production of solid fuels have a positive sign, which means that a higher value of these indicators is associated with a higher level of GHG. This implies that the analysed set of factors can be applied to adjust the EKC trend in the region and might be useful for the climate change policy adjustment

    Mapping the future sustainable competitiveness resources: Aspects of forests ownership

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    Competitiveness race in the global economy, on the one side, and the acknowledgement of the sustainable development dimension, on the other side, brings Europe against extraordinary challenges but also to great opportunities. Mapping the future sustainable competitiveness creates a need for research initiatives to develop the new concept of competitiveness, with much of the research focusing on how sustainable development and competitiveness interact. The changing policy context, growing role of sustainable development, the transition to a green economy and the new European Union strategy Europe 2020 (2010) for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth leads to the “rethinking” of the main drivers of the sustainable competitiveness in the long prosperity and the future competitiveness leadership. The approach to natural resources, especially forests, as to the one of the future sustainable competitiveness resources, with the specific focus on its ownership is addressed in this article. Santrauka Lenktyniavimas del konkurencingumo pozicijos globalioje ekonomikoje ir vis didejantis darnaus vystymosi svarbos pripažinimas kelia Europai dideliu iššūkiu, o kartu atveria nauju galimybiu. Darnaus ateities konkurencingumo šaltiniu paieškos lemia naujas moksliniu tyrimu iniciatyvas, kuriomis būtu pletojama darnaus konkurencingumo koncepcija, apimanti darnaus vystymosi ir konkurencingumo saryši. Kintanti politine aplinka, didejanti darnaus vystymosi svarba, perejimas prie “žalios” ekonomikos ir nauja Europos Sajungos pažangaus, darnaus ir integracinio augimo strategija “Europa 2020” skatina iš naujo ivertinti pagrindinius ilgalaikio darnaus konkurencingumo šaltinius. Straipsnyje pletojamas požiūris i gamtos išteklius, ypač miškus, kaip i viena iš ateities darnaus konkurencingumo šaltiniu, kartu detalizuojant kai kuriuos mišku nuosavybes aspektus. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: konkurencingumas, darnus vystymasis, darnus konkurencingumas, natūralūs ištekliai, miškai, miškininkyste, nuosavybe, valstybiniai miškai, privatūs miška

    Prisistatymo strategijos dalykiniuose verslo pokalbiuose ir derybose

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    CC BY 4.0The paper aims to analyse the phenomenon of self-presentation in business surroundings - a behavioural mode by which it is strived under public business surroundings to achieve an agreement and to avoid repudiating orienting to universally adapted norms and other people’s expectations. in the article the main strategies of self-presentation are described, which are used in business meetings and negotiation situations. The motivation of self-presentation develops under public situations, because it is characteristic of a person to take an interest in people how they consider and evaluate other people. Therefore, a person realising himself as a social object, tries to perceive and see himself as such who can be seen by others, and, representing himself correspondingly in business meetings and negotiation, tries to show himself to be accepted and evaluated, and/or in such a way that when regulating other people’s impressions on himself, when getting particular results in business, he or she could confirm his (her) own identity. The paper enlarges the understanding of self-presentation, which influences both person’s identity and his state shaping in business interaction

    How Does Environmental Data from ESG Concept Affect Stock Returns: Case of the European Union and US Capital Markets

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    This article examines the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of firms, with a focus on the environmental pillar of the ESG concept. It is believed that the price of equities as well as sector-specific characteristics may be affected by ESG data. It also contributes to the argument that environmental performance and governance quality are related. The purpose of this paper is to statistically validate the separated environmental data from the ESG concept and investigate its impact on the equity price in the EU and the United States. Using simple linear regressions and a fixed effect panel data model, the association between environmental score and governance score, as well as equity price and environmental score, was estimated. This study examines the 500 largest US corporations comprising the S&P 500 index (S&P) and the 600 largest EU companies comprising the STOXX Europe 600 index (STOXX) (SXXP). This article analyzes ESG statistics for the period 2015–2020. The results indicate that a higher government score has a favorable effect on environmental pledges and that changes in stock price depend in part on environmental data. The novel contribution of this paper is that the results suggest a sector-specific contribution to the model, and it would be fascinating to analyze sector disparities and their ESG-related policies in greater detail. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-02-08 Full Text: PD

    Higher school potential as a social-economic category: conception, essence and functions

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    The article presents a description of higher shool potential as a social economic category. Treating sistematically, higher shool potential is a complex of interacting elements having a structure, which, in its turn, is described by a complex of permanent relations, ties and dependencies. Higher shool potential, as a system, is characterized by continuity, proportionality of elements, proportionality of the parts of an element, balance, hierarchy, functional uninterruptedness.The authors of the present article claim that a specific role must be given to the the most important element of pedagogical and research-technical activities—the human intellectual potential. It should be noted that economic and social activities become more intellectual, accordingly, in the manufacture of products, goods and services, intellectual activities take a more important place. Therefore, pedagogical and research–technical activities in a higher school, as one of the most important generator and supplier of innovations in the economic and social field, should have the highest human intellectual potential—the research–pedagogical intellectual potential. The persons wishing to engage in pedagogical and research–technical activities at higher schools must have exclusive capabilities, research intuition, pedagogical mastership and other properties, without which they do not suit for this kind of activities. Therefore, the authors of the article present their conception and definition, describe the functions of higher shool potencial as well as its content and the results of its functioning. The article claims that the potential of a higher school under the conditions of market economy performs the following functions: marketing function (including diagnostic and analytical ones); study programmes corresponding to economic needs development and realization; scientific forecast (prognosis); development and realization of innovations (pedagogic, scientific–technical); innovations realization in practice. The authors draw a conclusion that the functioning of a higher school potential in the context of increasing competition requires active development of the marketing function.Straipsnyje pateiktas aukštosios mokyklos potencialo, kaip socialinės ekonominės kategorijos, apibūdinimas. Teigiama, kad aukštosios mokyklos potencialas – tai kompleksas tarpusavyje sąveikaujančių elementų, turinčių atitinkamą struktūrą, kuri savo ruožtu apibūdinama kaip visuma nuotolinius santykių, ryšių, sąveikų ir priklausomybių. Šiam potencialui, kaip sistemai, būdingas vientisumas, elementų proporcingumas, atskiro elemento dalių proporcingumas. Aukštosios mokyklos potencialui, kaip dinamiškai sistemai, būdingas vystymosi subalansuotumas, hierarchiškumas, funkcionavimo nenutrūkstamumas. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad ypač reikšmingas vaidmuo turi tekti svarbiausiam aukštosios mokyklos pedagoginės ir mokslinės-techninės veiklos elementui, veiksniui – žmogiškajam intelektiniam potencialui. Visuomenės ekonominė ir socialinė veikla tampa vis intelektualesnė, todėl ir produktų, prekių bei paslaugų gamyboje intelektualinė veikla užima vis svarbesnę vietą. Taigi ir aukštosios mokyklos pedagoginė bei mokslinė-techninė veikla, kaip vienas svarbiausių ekonominės ir socialinės srities inovacijų generatorių ir tiekėjų, turi disponuoti aukščiausios kokybės žmogiškuoju intelektiniu potencialu – moksliniu-pedagoginiu intelektiniu potencialu. Asmenims, aukštojoje mokykloje norintiems užsiimti pedagogine ir mokslinetechnine veikla, būtini išskirtiniai kūrybiniai sugebėjimai, mokslinė intuicija, pedagoginis meistriškumas bei kitos savybės, be kurių jie netiktų šiai veiklai. Aptartos aukštosios mokyklos potencialo funkcijos, išryškintas jų turinys, apibūdinti funkcionavimo rezultatai. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad rinkos ekonomikos sąlygomis aukštosios mokyklos potencialas atlieka tokias funkcijas: 1) rinkodaros (taip pat diagnostinę, analitinę ir kt.); 2) studijų programų, atitinkančių ūkio ir ekonomikos poreikius, kūrimo, įsisavinimo, tobulinimo bei įgyvendinimo;3) mokslinio numatymo (prognozavimo); 4) inovacijų (taip pat ir naujų mokslinių, mokslinių-techninių rezultatų) kūrimo bei įvaldymo; 5) inovacijų (pedagoginių ir mokslinių, mokslinių-techninių) įgyvendinimo praktikoje. Aukštoji mokykla, funkcionuodama rinkos sąlygomis, savo potencialą realizuoja ir kaip mokslinės-techninės veiklos, ir kaip švietimo bei išsilavinimo paslaugų potencialą

    Energy consumption, economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union countries

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    This paper investigates the relationship between economic growth, greenhouse gas emissions and other factors based on the panel data of 22 countries of the EU in the period 1995–2014. The fixed effect panel model was used as a framework for the analysis. The novel contribution of this paper is that the factors of economic growth, energy consumption, energy taxes as well as R&D were tested in one expanded EKC model, including the data of three Baltic States. The regression coefficients referring to GDP, Energy consumption have a positive sign, while R&D and Energy taxes have a negative sign. The empirical analysis combines two steps of evaluation of panel models of different groups of countries. The results imply that the analysed factors (energy consumption, energy taxes as well as R&D) can be applied to adjust the EKC trend in the region and might be useful for the climate change policy adjustment