4 research outputs found

    Computational model, based on machine learning, to predict the level of success in legal cases

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    ABSTRACT With the development of information and communication technologies, new opportunities and applications of many technologies are emerging that before could not be thought to be used, in this sense artificial intelligence is the technology that has gained greater strength, accompanied by the development of hardware that makes its execution possible and of software tools that make its implementation possible. The neural network is one of the most used techniques in the field of artificial intelligence. This work is based on analyzing possible cases of labor judicial problems, when workers who have suffered an abuse by employers are faced with. The success of the case according to the model presented, is based on being able to have the majority of documentation that evidences both the employment relationship, responsibilities of the employees, documents that support the payment of remuneration, documents that evidence any fault committed by the employee between others, a computational model was developed with a graphical user interface to make its application more practical. The model presents an effectiveness level of 93%, analyzed with 400 cases between positive and negative. For the training process, 100 cases corresponding to positive cases and 100 cases corresponding to negative cases were used. The model is practical in its use and can be scalable to different areas in the legal field

    Las cláusulas abusivas de limitación y exclusión de responsabilidad en la prestación de servicios en las plataformas de economía colaborativa New Delivery Player

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    En el actual contexto de la utilización de las tecnologías de la información en el consumo, ha cobrado importancia las plataformas de economía colaborativa, y en especial aquellas que están dedicadas a la prestación del reparto o delivery de alimentos. Así han aparecido numerosos actores que han presentado un nuevo reto a la normativa de protección al consumidor toda vez que el modelo a través del cual se presta dicho servicio resulta hoy diferente al comercio tradicional. Uno de los problemas más evidentes son los de la determinación de la responsabilidad de las nuevas plataformas de reparto o delivery de alimentos -también conocidas como New Delivery Player- respecto a las prestaciones que se brindan mediante dichas plataformas. El presente trabajo pretende enfocarse en un aspecto importante de este fenómeno: la inclusión de cláusulas de limitación y exclusión de responsabilidad. A partir de un análisis sobre la realidad de este nuevo mercado, así como del marco jurídico normativo actual, el presente trabajo busca verificar si estas cláusulas constituyen abusivas, esto es, si son contrarias a los derechos de los consumidores

    El rendimiento de los emprendimientos financiados por el Crédito de Desarrollo Humano (CDH) en Ecuador

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    http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7415902 The Human Development Credit (CDH) is a mechanism created by the Ecuadorian government as a complementary program to the Human Development Bond (BDH), whose objective is to create financial autonomy for the beneficiaries of the bond. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the real destination of the CDH and its impact on the performance of the enterprise. In addition, it is required to know if the beneficiaries of the program of interest comply with the purpose established by the MIES through this program. This research makes use of the documentary information available in the records of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion about the beneficiaries of the BDH and the CDH; additionally, the methodology of exploratory analysis is used for which 242 surveys were conducted with beneficiaries of the microcredit granted by the State. The research population is located mainly in the urban parishes of Loja canton. In addition, with the application of the Kruskall-Wallis test, profitability variables and credit destinations are crossed, it was determined that the yields vary according to the sector where the investment is made, likewise, that the manufacturing industry is the one that grants better returns in relation to the other activities, while the destinations such as animal husbandry, agriculture among others do not grant significant differences, in addition there is a concentration in the activity of animal husbandry. Also, it is important to mention that not all respondents reported having started a business; that is, the money was not used in the generation of a business, but was used in activities such as debt repayment, purchase of electronic equipment, among others.http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7415902 El Crédito de Desarrollo Humano (CDH) es un mecanismo creado por el Gobierno ecuatoriano como programa complementario al Bono de Desarrollo Humano (BDH), cuyo objetivo es crear autonomía financiera en los beneficiarios del bono. El presente trabajo plantea como objetivo evaluar el destino real del CDH y su impacto en el rendimiento del emprendimiento. Además, se requiere conocer si los beneficiarios del programa de interés cumplen con el propósito establecido por el MIES a través de este programa. Esta investigación hace uso de la información documental disponible en los registros del Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social acerca de los beneficiarios del BDH y del CDH; adicionalmente, se utiliza la metodología del análisis exploratorio para lo cual se levantaron 242 encuestas a beneficiarios del microcrédito otorgado por el Estado. La población investigada se localiza principalmente en las parroquias urbanas del cantón Loja. Además, con la aplicación de la prueba Kruskall-Wallis se cruzan variables de rentabilidad y los destinos del crédito, se determinó que los rendimientos varían según el sector en donde se invierta, así mismo, que la industria manufacturera es la que mejores réditos otorga en relación con las otras actividades, mientras que los destinos como crianza de animales, agricultura entre otras no otorgan diferencias significativas, además se observa una concentración en la actividad de la crianza de animales. También, es importante mencionar que no todos los encuestados manifestaron haber emprendido; es decir, el dinero no fue utilizado en la generación de negocio, sino que se lo utilizó en actividades como pago de deudas, compra de equipos electrónicos, entre otros

    Methodology for the use of machine learning, applied in predicting the level of success in legal cases

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    ICTs have allowed the applications of artificial intelligence to grow exponentially, where different applications are being presented, based on the application of neural networks as prediction mechanisms for different processes and applications, in the present work the use of the Neural networks for the legal case prediction process, in which the analysis of approximately 200 cases was used between cases that had "positive and negative" final results, the expected results after implementing the solution in the MATLAB tool, they presented us effectiveness results in a value of 93%, as a conclusion we can indicate that the model provided allows us to be applied in other conditions as well as to be scaled, taking into account the historical data that may be available for the training process.Campus At