12 research outputs found

    The impact of plaque type on strut embedment/protrusion and shear stress distribution in bioresorbable scaffold

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    AIMS: Scaffold design and plaque characteristics influence implantation outcomes and local flow dynamics in treated coronary segments. Our aim is to assess the impact of strut embedment/protrusion of bioresorbable scaffold on local shear stress distribution in different atherosclerotic plaque types. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifteen Absorb everolimus-eluting Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds were implanted in human epicardial coronary arteries. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed post-scaffold implantation and strut embedment/protrusion were analysed using a dedicated software. OCT data were fused with angiography to reconstruct 3D coronary anatomy. Blood flow simulation was performed and wall shear stress (WSS) was estimated in each scaffolded surface and the relationship between strut embedment/protrusion and WSS was evaluated. There were 9083 struts analysed. Ninety-seven percent of the struts (n = 8840) were well-apposed and 243 (3%) were malapposed. At cross-section level (n = 1289), strut embedment was significantly increased in fibroatheromatous plaques (76 ± 48 µm) and decreased in fibrocalcific plaques (35 ± 52 µm). Compatible with strut embedment, WSS was significantly higher in lipid-rich fibroatheromatous plaques (1.50 ± 0.81 Pa), whereas significantly decreased in fibrocalcified plaques (1.05 ± 0.91 Pa). After categorization of WSS as low (<1.0 Pa) and normal/high WSS (≥1.0 Pa), the percent of low WSS in the plaque subgroups were 30.1%, 31.1%, 25.4%, and 36.2% for non-diseased vessel wall, fibrous plaque, fibroatheromatous plaque, and fibrocalcific plaque, respectively (P-overall < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The composition of the underlying plaque influences strut embedment which seems to have effect on WSS. The struts deeply embedded in lipid-rich fibroatheromas plaques resulted in higher WSS compared with the other plaque types

    Growth and hemodynamics after early embryonic aortic arch occlusion

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    Yalçın, Hüseyin Çağatay (Dogus Author)The majority of severe clinically significant forms of congenital heart disease (CHD) are associated with great artery lesions, including hypoplastic, double, right or interrupted aortic arch morphologies. While fetal and neonatal interventions are advancing, their potential ability to restore cardiac function, optimal timing, location, and intensity required for intervention remain largely unknown. Here, we combine computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations with in vivo experiments to test how individual pharyngeal arch artery hemodynamics alter as a result of local interventions obstructing individual arch artery flow. Simulated isolated occlusions within each pharyngeal arch artery were created with image-derived three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of normal chick pharyngeal arch anatomy at Hamburger-Hamilton (HH) developmental stages HH18 and HH24. Acute flow redistributions were then computed using in vivo measured subject-specific aortic sinus inflow velocity profiles. A kinematic vascular growth-rendering algorithm was then developed and implemented to test the role of changing local wall shear stress patterns in downstream 3D morphogenesis of arch arteries. CFD simulations predicted that altered pressure gradients and flow redistributions were most sensitive to occlusion of the IVth arches. To evaluate these simulations experimentally, a novel in vivo experimental model of pharyngeal arch occlusion was developed and implemented using two-photon microscopy-guided femtosecond laser-based photodisruption surgery. The right IVth arch was occluded at HH18, and resulting diameter changes were followed for up to 24 h. Pharyngeal arch diameter responses to acute hemodynamic changes were predicted qualitatively but poorly quantitatively. Chronic growth and adaptation to hemodynamic changes, however, were predicted in a subset of arches. Our findings suggest that this complex biodynamic process is governed through more complex forms of mechanobiological vascular growth rules. Other factors in addition to wall shear stress or more complex WSS rules are likely important in the long-term arterial growth and patterning. Combination in silico/experimental platforms are essential for accelerating our understanding and prediction of consequences from embryonic/fetal cardiovascular occlusions and lay the foundation for noninvasive methods to guide CHD diagnosis and fetal intervention