18 research outputs found

    Unrealistic Optimism and Demographic Influence on Oral Health-Related Behaviour and Perception in Adolescents in Croatia

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    Znanje i motivacija smatraju se osnovnim odrednicama zdravstveno-higijenskih navika. U ovom radu željeli smo proučiti utjecaj demografskih karakteristika, percepcije, motivacije i educiranosti adolescenata na oralno zdravlje i njihove oralnohigijenske navike. Ispitivanje je provedeno anonimno, anketnim upitnikom godine 2006. na uzorku od 302 srednjoÅ”kolca u dobi od 17 do 19 godina, u tri grada u različitim regijama koriÅ”tene su neparametrijske statističke metode za analizu podataka. Percepcija adolescenata o oralnom zdravlju na visokoj je razini, za razliku od niske percepcije oralnih bolesti. Iako različiti demografski, socijalni i spolni čimbenici utječu na oralnohigijenske navike, na njih manje utječe znanje adolescenata. Pa čak i oni s većim znanjem o oralnim bolestima i prevenciji, nisu čeŔće primjenjivali osnovne higijenske navike, niti su se čeŔće koristili pomoćnim sredstvima, mijenjali četkicu, posjećivali stomatologa ili izbjegavali Å”ećer. Očito je da adolescenti ne izvlače smisao iz informacija o riziku za vlastito zdravlje, niti mogu jednostavno prepoznati vezu vlastita ponaÅ”anja i rizika kojem se izlažu. To je povezano s nerealnim optimizmom i tendencijom da se negativni događaji uočavaju rjeđe, a pozitivni čeŔće na sebi nego na drugima.Knowledge and motivation are considered to be essential determinants of health-related behaviour. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of demographic characteristics, perception, knowledge and motivation regarding oral health of adolescents on their habits in oral hygiene. The study was conducted in 2006 in the sample of 302 secondary school students, aged 17 to 19, from three cities in different Croatian regions using a questionnaire. Data were analysed by nonparametric statistics. Adolescents have relatively high perception regarding oral health, but their perception of oral diseases is quite low. Although different demographic, social and gender-related factors affect oral health behaviours, they are less affected by adolescentsā€™ knowledge. And in fact those who were better educated about oral diseases and prevention didnā€™t practice basic hygiene significantly more often, nor used additional products, changed their toothbrush, visited dentist or avoided sugar. It is obvious that young people do not draw personal implications from health risk information, or can not easily recognise the link between their own behaviour and the risk they are putting themselves into. It has been related to unrealistic optimism, the tendency to perceive negative events as less likely and positive events as more likely to oneself than to others


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    Svrhe rada su dobiti epidemioloÅ”ke i etioloÅ”ke podatke o problemu kserostomije u dijelu hrvatske populacije i utvrditi dosljednost pridržavanja klasifikacijskih kriterija American European Consensus Group (AECG) za Sjƶgrenov sindrom (SSj), s ciljem identificiranja moguće potrebe za poboljÅ”anjem dijagnostičkog postupka u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici kserostomije. Retrospektivno istraživanje provedeno je u Zavodu za oralnu medicinu među bolesnicima primljenima zbog osjećaja suhih usta. Uključne kriterije zadovoljilo je 395 bolesnika. Napravljena je baza epidemioloÅ”kih, kliničkih i sijalometrijskih podataka, nalaza seroloÅ”kih, scintigrafskih, ultrazvučnih i patohistoloÅ”kih pretraga žlijezda slinovnica te podataka o farmakoterapiji. Rabili su se deskriptivni statistički postupci. Salivarna hipofunkcija dokazana je u 74% bolesnika. NajčeŔći vjerojatni uzrok kserostomije bila je farmakoterapija. SSj je dokazan u 6,7% ispitanika sa kserostomijom, dok u 8% postoji visoka sumnja, ali biopsija labijalnih slinovnica nije učinjena, Å”to upućuje na nepridržavanje kriterija AECG za dijagnostiku SSj-a. Nužno je provoditi kriterije AECG u obradi bolesnika sa suhim ustima i provesti edukaciju liječnika opće prakse, stomatologa i bolesnika o kserogenim nuspojavama farmakoterapije.The aims were to obtain epidemiological and etiological data on xerostomia in cross section of Croatian population, and to evaluate adherence to Ā»American European Consensus GroupĀ« (AECG) classification criteria for Sjƶgrenā€™s syndrome (SSj), in order to identify possible need for improvements in differential diagnosis of xerostomia. A retrospective study among patients seen at the Department of oral medicine for complaints of dry mouth was performed. Three hundred and ninety-five patients met inclusion criteria. A data base was formed, comprising epidemiological, clinical and sialometric data, immunological, scintigraphic, ultrasonographic and histopathological findings of salivary glands, coupled with drug intake listings. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Objective salivary hypofunction was found in 74% of our patients. The most common probable cause of xerostomia was side effect of pharmacotherapy. SSj was diagnosed in 6.7% of patients with xerostomia, whereas in another 8% of patients Sjƶgrenā€™s syndrome was strongly suspected, but labial gland biopsy wasnā€™t performed, indicating a lack of adherence to AECG criteria for SSj diagnosis. Application of AECG criteria in differential diagnosis of patients with dry mouth is mandatory, as well as educating general practitioners, dentists and patients on xerogenic side effects of pharmacotherapy


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    Svrhe rada su dobiti epidemioloÅ”ke i etioloÅ”ke podatke o problemu kserostomije u dijelu hrvatske populacije i utvrditi dosljednost pridržavanja klasifikacijskih kriterija American European Consensus Group (AECG) za Sjƶgrenov sindrom (SSj), s ciljem identificiranja moguće potrebe za poboljÅ”anjem dijagnostičkog postupka u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici kserostomije. Retrospektivno istraživanje provedeno je u Zavodu za oralnu medicinu među bolesnicima primljenima zbog osjećaja suhih usta. Uključne kriterije zadovoljilo je 395 bolesnika. Napravljena je baza epidemioloÅ”kih, kliničkih i sijalometrijskih podataka, nalaza seroloÅ”kih, scintigrafskih, ultrazvučnih i patohistoloÅ”kih pretraga žlijezda slinovnica te podataka o farmakoterapiji. Rabili su se deskriptivni statistički postupci. Salivarna hipofunkcija dokazana je u 74% bolesnika. NajčeŔći vjerojatni uzrok kserostomije bila je farmakoterapija. SSj je dokazan u 6,7% ispitanika sa kserostomijom, dok u 8% postoji visoka sumnja, ali biopsija labijalnih slinovnica nije učinjena, Å”to upućuje na nepridržavanje kriterija AECG za dijagnostiku SSj-a. Nužno je provoditi kriterije AECG u obradi bolesnika sa suhim ustima i provesti edukaciju liječnika opće prakse, stomatologa i bolesnika o kserogenim nuspojavama farmakoterapije.The aims were to obtain epidemiological and etiological data on xerostomia in cross section of Croatian population, and to evaluate adherence to Ā»American European Consensus GroupĀ« (AECG) classification criteria for Sjƶgrenā€™s syndrome (SSj), in order to identify possible need for improvements in differential diagnosis of xerostomia. A retrospective study among patients seen at the Department of oral medicine for complaints of dry mouth was performed. Three hundred and ninety-five patients met inclusion criteria. A data base was formed, comprising epidemiological, clinical and sialometric data, immunological, scintigraphic, ultrasonographic and histopathological findings of salivary glands, coupled with drug intake listings. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Objective salivary hypofunction was found in 74% of our patients. The most common probable cause of xerostomia was side effect of pharmacotherapy. SSj was diagnosed in 6.7% of patients with xerostomia, whereas in another 8% of patients Sjƶgrenā€™s syndrome was strongly suspected, but labial gland biopsy wasnā€™t performed, indicating a lack of adherence to AECG criteria for SSj diagnosis. Application of AECG criteria in differential diagnosis of patients with dry mouth is mandatory, as well as educating general practitioners, dentists and patients on xerogenic side effects of pharmacotherapy

    Unrealistic Optimism and Demographic Influence on Oral Health-Related Behaviour and Perception in Adolescents in Croatia

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    Znanje i motivacija smatraju se osnovnim odrednicama zdravstveno-higijenskih navika. U ovom radu željeli smo proučiti utjecaj demografskih karakteristika, percepcije, motivacije i educiranosti adolescenata na oralno zdravlje i njihove oralnohigijenske navike. Ispitivanje je provedeno anonimno, anketnim upitnikom godine 2006. na uzorku od 302 srednjoÅ”kolca u dobi od 17 do 19 godina, u tri grada u različitim regijama koriÅ”tene su neparametrijske statističke metode za analizu podataka. Percepcija adolescenata o oralnom zdravlju na visokoj je razini, za razliku od niske percepcije oralnih bolesti. Iako različiti demografski, socijalni i spolni čimbenici utječu na oralnohigijenske navike, na njih manje utječe znanje adolescenata. Pa čak i oni s većim znanjem o oralnim bolestima i prevenciji, nisu čeŔće primjenjivali osnovne higijenske navike, niti su se čeŔće koristili pomoćnim sredstvima, mijenjali četkicu, posjećivali stomatologa ili izbjegavali Å”ećer. Očito je da adolescenti ne izvlače smisao iz informacija o riziku za vlastito zdravlje, niti mogu jednostavno prepoznati vezu vlastita ponaÅ”anja i rizika kojem se izlažu. To je povezano s nerealnim optimizmom i tendencijom da se negativni događaji uočavaju rjeđe, a pozitivni čeŔće na sebi nego na drugima.Knowledge and motivation are considered to be essential determinants of health-related behaviour. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of demographic characteristics, perception, knowledge and motivation regarding oral health of adolescents on their habits in oral hygiene. The study was conducted in 2006 in the sample of 302 secondary school students, aged 17 to 19, from three cities in different Croatian regions using a questionnaire. Data were analysed by nonparametric statistics. Adolescents have relatively high perception regarding oral health, but their perception of oral diseases is quite low. Although different demographic, social and gender-related factors affect oral health behaviours, they are less affected by adolescentsā€™ knowledge. And in fact those who were better educated about oral diseases and prevention didnā€™t practice basic hygiene significantly more often, nor used additional products, changed their toothbrush, visited dentist or avoided sugar. It is obvious that young people do not draw personal implications from health risk information, or can not easily recognise the link between their own behaviour and the risk they are putting themselves into. It has been related to unrealistic optimism, the tendency to perceive negative events as less likely and positive events as more likely to oneself than to others

    Promjene u zdravlju usne Ŕupljine tijekom rane faze ortodontske terapije

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    The aim of the study was to assess the influence of fixed orthodontic appliance on Streptococcus (S.) mutans and S. sobrinus counts in orthodontic patients with regard to their previous caries experience (Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT ) index) during the first 12 weeks of orthodontic treatment. Twenty-two patients that satisfied inclusion criteria (healthy systemic and periodontal condition, avoidance of antibiotic therapy and antiseptic mouthwashes in the past three months) were included. All clinical measurements took place prior to and 12 weeks after fixed orthodontic appliance placement, in the following order: 1) stimulated saliva flow (SS); 2) Simplified Oral Hygiene I ndex (OHI -S); and 3) DMFT . The method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the presence of S. mutans and S. sobrinus at T1 and T2. T-test showed significant increase in DMFT index and SS between T1 and T2. Results also indicated significant improvement in OHI -S index. By use of the PCR method, S. mutans was detected in two patients at T1. At T2, two more patients had S. mutans, but the increase was not statistically significant. Using the same method, S. sobrinus was detected only in two patients at T2. In conclusion, fixed orthodontic appliances did not induce statistically significant changes in caries microflora even in the presence of enhanced oral hygiene habits.Svrha istraživanja bila je utvrditi utjecaj fiksnih ortodontskih naprava na broj kariogenih bakterija Streptococcus (S.) mutans i S. sobrinus u ortodontskih pacijenata s obzirom na njihov kariogeni status (indeks DMFT ) tijekom prvih dvanaest tjedana ortodontske terapije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 22 ispitanika koji su zadovoljili kriterije za uključenje: uredno opće i parodontno zdravlje, izbjegavanje antiseptika za ispiranje usne Å”upljine i antibiotika u prethodna tri mjeseca. Sva klinička mjerenja napravljena su prije (T1) i 12 tjedana nakon (T2) postavljanja fiksne ortodontske naprave sljedećim redoslijedom: 1) količina stimulirane sline (SS), 2) Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI -S) i 3) DMFT . Reakcija lančane polimeraze (PCR) je koriÅ”tena za otkrivanje prisutnosti S. mutans i S. sobrinus prilikom T1 i T2. T-test je pokazao značajan porast indeksa DMFT i SS između T1 i T2. Rezultati također pokazuju značajno poboljÅ”anje indeksa OHI -S. Koristeći PCR metodu S. mutans je otkriven kod dvoje ispitanika na T1. Nakon 12 tjedana fiksne ortodontske terapije doÅ”lo je do porasta broja ispitanika kod kojih je otkriven S. mutans, ali porast nije bio statistički značajan. Istom metodom S. sobrinus je otkriven tek u dvoje ispitanika na T2. U zaključku, tijekom prvih 12 tjedana fiksne ortodontske terapije nije doÅ”lo do statistički zančajne promjene u kariogenoj mikroflori. Primjena individualnih edukativnih i preventivnih mjera oralne higijene može spriječiti nastanak Å”tetnih nuspojava tijekom fiksne ortodontske terapije

    Preosteocytes/Osteocytes Have the Potential to Dedifferentiate Becoming a Source of Osteoblasts

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    Presently there is no clear evidence for the ability of mature osteogenic lineage cells to dedifferentiate. In order to identify and trace mature osteogenic lineage cells, we have utilized transgenic mouse models in which the dentin matrix protein 1 (Dmp1) promoter drives expression of GFP (active marker) or Cre recombinase (historic label) in preosteocytes/osteocytes. In long bone chip outgrowth cultures, in which cells on the bone surface were enzymatically removed, cells with previous activity of the Dmp1 promoter migrated onto plastic and down-regulated Dmp1-GFP expression. Dmp1Cre-labeled cells from these cultures had the potential to re-differentiate into the osteogenic lineage, while the negative population showed evidence of adipogenesis. We observed numerous Dmp1Cre-labeled osteoblasts on the surface of bone chips following their in vivo transplantation. Our data indicate that cells embedded in bone matrix are motile, and once given access to the extra bony milieu will migrate out of their lacunae. This population of cells is phenotypically and functionally heterogeneous in vitro. Once the preosteocytes/osteocytes leave lacunae, they can dedifferentiate, potentially providing an additional source of functional osteoblasts

    Adipogenic potential of BOCs.

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    <p>Sorted Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>+</sup> and Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>āˆ’</sup> cells were cultured under basal conditions for 3 days (indicated as day 0), then treated with adipogenic medium. Unlike Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>+</sup>, Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>āˆ’</sup> cells showed evidence of adipogenesis (A). Adipogenic differentiation was assessed by Oil Red O staining (B) and adiponectin and adipsin expression levels by real-time PCR analysis (C). Real-time PCR results are presented as meanĀ±SEM of data normalized to Gapdh expression and pooled from two biological replicates. * P<0.05 compared to Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>+</sup> day 9 as determined by two-tailed Studentā€™s t-test. Statistical analysis was only performed where expression was detectable in both samples. ND, not detectable.</p

    Osteogenic potential of BOCs.

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    <p>Following sorting, Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>+</sup> and Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>āˆ’</sup> populations were cultured under basal conditions overnight (indicated as day 0) before treatment with osteogenic medium. After 9 days of osteogenic induction, Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>+</sup> cells underwent mineralization (A). Osteogenic differentiation was confirmed by von Kossa staining (B) and real-time PCR analysis of Bsp and Dmp1 mRNA expression (C). Real-time PCR results are presented as meanĀ±SEM of data normalized to Gapdh expression and pooled from two biological replicates. * P<0.05 compared to Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>+</sup> day 9 as determined by two-tailed Studentā€™s t-test. Bsp, bone sialoprotein; Dmp1, dentin matrix protein 1; ND, not detectable.</p

    Dmp1Cre/Ai9<sup>+</sup> cells dedifferentiate <i>in vivo.</i>

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    <p>Digested bone chips derived from Dmp1Cre/Ai9 mice were mixed with collagen type I and implanted subcutaneously in immunodeficient mice, as shown by the representative x-ray image (A<b>,</b> arrows). Five and twenty-eight days following implantation, the distribution of tdTomato<sup>+</sup> cells was determined by histology (B).</p