9 research outputs found

    Obrazovanje, tržište rada i reindustrijalizacija – slučaj Srbije

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    This paper is the result of research about the role of the education system in initializing and realization of the reindustrialization project in Serbia towards the European concept of endogenous, auto-propulsive and self-sustainable development, based on scientific knowledge. An appropriate methodology was developed for the needs of this research. Its key feature is that the strategy for the system modernization should be defined as a combination of a normative and growth strategy, since an industrial enterprise is supposed to become a (virtual) school. The key outcome is that the education system has two assignments. The first one is that smaller modifications of its own resources in order to provide support to the offer on the labour market will enable the beginning of the project of reindustrialization of Serbia in 2020. The second is that by 2020 a workforce will have been created from the scarce work contingent of people born after 1990 who will have the flexibility, innovation and ability to become involved into new processes and with products which will enable the further implementation of the industrialization process in Serbia.Ovaj rad rezultat je istraživanja o ulozi obrazovnog sustava u pokretanju i realizaciji projekta reindustrijalizacije u Srbiji da bi se dosegao europski pojam endogenog, samopokretačkog i samoodrživog razvoja, utemeljen na znanstvenom znanju. Za potrebe istraživanja osmišljena je odgovarajuća metodologija. Njezina je glavna značajka da bi se strategija osuvremenjivanja sustava trebala opisati kao kombinacija normativne strategije i strategije rasta, budući da bi industrijsko poduzeće trebalo postati virtualna škola. Ključni rezultat upućuje na to da obrazovni sustav ima dva bitna zadatka. Prvi je zadatak da se manjim preinakama vlastitih resursa, a da bi se podržala ponuda na tržištu rada, omogući početak projekta reindustrijalizacije Srbije 2020. godine. Drugi je da će se do 2020. stvoriti takva radna snaga iz oskudne radne snage ljudi rođenih nakon 1990. koja će imati fleksibilnost, pokazati inovacije i sposobnost uhvatiti se u koštac s novim procesima i proizvodima koji će omogućiti daljnju provedbu procesa industrijalizacije Srbije


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    Agricultural production is characterised by permanent exposure to variabilities that result from seasonal temperature changes, droughts, floods, policies changes, etc. The aim of the paper is to determine risk exposures in agriculture and methods for risk management in a simplified and holistic way. Research results indicate that all risks can be grouped into regulatory, market and production. The methods of risk management depends on the type of risks. Having considered that risk management is not necessarily directed towards reduction of potential dangers but also towards taking advantage of possible profitable opportunities, understanding and successful application of different alternatives presented in the paper can facilitate the creation of farmers’ sustainable business success in the long run


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    Authors are considering problem of investments on the macro level e.g. on the level of Republic of Serbia in a ten-year period (1996-2005). Investments and capital coefficient in industry and agriculture are analised, in other words the ratio between the investments and public production. Structure of investments by domains of investments and public production has been presented. Official annual data have been statistically processed. The period in matter has been devided into two sub-periods: 1996-2000 and 2001-2005. The first period is significantly different from the second one, although both of the have common characteristic: disproportion in terms of taking from the agriculture and investing into this kind of productio

    Functioning Model of Human Resource Management on the Example of Hotel "Holiday Inn" in Belgrade

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    Human resources with their knowledge and competencies have become the main drivers of economic development, and increasing productivity, as the basis for the success of the organization, is based on human capital. Modern organizations have realized that only satisfied employees mean satisfied end-users, so they understood care about the employees as a necessary part of management. The paper analyzes, on the example of the hotel “Holiday Inn” in Belgrade, the connection between caring for employees and the degree of success of the organization, measured also by the number of loyal and new guests. The ways in which the company invests in its employees, and how they take care of the overall satisfaction of employees and their motivation, will depend the satisfaction of the guests, and the survival of organizations in the market


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    The European Union marks fifty years of existence of Common Agricultural Policy. This policy has been reformed since 1962 to date in accordance with the circumstances prevailing in the Union and diverse impacts from the international market. The fact that the European Union has grown from a union of six states into a union of twenty-seven states is sufficient to justify numerous reform interventions within the Common Agricultural Policy. The aim of the present paper is to analyze the former course of development of the most integrated policy of the European Union, as well as the proposals for its future reform. Considering the obtaining of candidacy for membership and forthcoming actualization of the negotiations between the Republic of Serbia and the European Union in every, accordingly, in the segment of agriculture, the authors of the present paper deem important to perceive the current changes in the European agricultural policy

    TRANSITION OF AGRICULTURE IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA - achievements, effects and limitations -

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    The authors consider the current issues of the transition of agriculture in the Republic of Serbia, its achievements, effects and limitations. According to their opinion, the transitional reforms, so far, have not had the anticipated positive effects. The causes lie in the system. It is manifested in different ways: the developing instability of agriculture; unfavourable agrarian structure and decrease in productivity; decline of competitiveness; inefficiency of agrarian policy; the decrease in population and deterioration of villages; growing resistance to changes. The authors propose the measures and activities for overcoming the existing status, as to make the transition more efficient and bearable

    The agriculture as a real assumption of regional and rural development in Serbia

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    Serbia is a country in transition, the one which, after '90ies of the last century, has passed through number of difficulties, which had manifested in change of social and economic system, change of economic and social structure, and all other consequences followed by those changes. The path toward its membership in the EU is long. Like other socialist countries, after the World War II, it has also used an acceptable concept for that period of economic development's planned direction with focus on the country industrialization, where had been left aside agriculture development, the activity which had before significantly more important role in the country economy. The industrialization processes were followed also by accelerated urbanization. Increasing number of inhabitants is concentrated in the cities, suburbs to which they were spread and in industrial centers. In the rural areas, the number of inhabitants was relatively, later even absolutely, decreasing; population on individual agricultural husbandries became older and older, while existing resources became less used. The consequences are increasingly poorer rural settlements. Along with official policy for equable development of all regions, obvious regional differences in development were present also in that period. This was until the beginning of'90ies of the last century, when had appeared radical fall in real sector of the economy, especially in industry where major workers had been employed and had the most significant participation in creation of the country's domestic product. The similar happens with the construction activity, but also with agricultural enterprises and agricultural cooperatives. Many regions in the country were left without enterprises where workers had gained a live hood and the state its incomes. During these events, the regional differences have significantly increased. As it is not impossible quick or almost none renewal of industrial production, especially in those branches which require great investments, and could employ more workers, we consider that the development focus should direct, as much as possible, to improvement of agricultural activity, as in primary production, as well as in processing of those products in food products. Therefore modest, but possible investments, would accelerate development of this sector, which could employ more workers, with significantly higher production for internal and foreign market. It would simultaneously lead to the improvement of rural development and more moderate regional development of Serbia. In this paper is given a brief review on developmental processes in Serbia after the World War II, on structural changes in economy and population, on the problems of regional and rural development and on real possible role of agriculture sector in improvement of regional, rural and total development of the country in next years