95 research outputs found

    El proceso de consagración en el arte moderno: trayectorias artísticas y círculos de reconocimiento

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    En el present article s'analitzen els mecanismes que permeteren als artistes moderns pintors i escultors d'aconseguir l'èxit. Aquesta anàlisi parteix de l'estudi de les trajectòries de dos grups d'artistes que començaren la seva carrera en les d`ecades de 1900 i 1940, representatius de les primeres i de les segones avantguardes. L'historiador de l'art Alan Bowness proposa quatre cercles de reconeixement pares, crítics, mercat i públic pels que passen sucessivament els artistes. Aquí, en canvi, defensem l'existència de dos moments principals en el procés de consagració, i en els que actuen diferents agents. En el primer moment hi ha un nucli inicial conformat per una xarxa informal per la qual circulen i es consagren artistes, col·leccionistes, crítics i marxants. Posteriorment, en la fase de consolidació, trobem l'acció legitimadora d'institucions com els museus i la literatura especialitzada

    Las obras de arte, las personas y los materiales. Un análisis fenomenológico y sistémico del arte actual.

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    Aquest treball analitza els vincles fenomenològics i interrelacionals que hi ha entre la tecnologia, les persones i l'art actual. Maurice Merleau-Ponty planteja que hi ha una relació no jeràrquica entre subjecte físic i objecte material. Els objectes són el camp on es desenvolupa el subjecte i els que possibiliten l'ésser del cos. Partint d'aquestes tesis de fa prop de vuitanta anys, es planteja que les noves tecnologies i les persones també es relacionen a través del material. L'oposició entre l'interior i l'exterior, la realitat i la virtualitat, es dilueix quan s'aplica la lògica de la fenomenologia merleaupontiana. Matèria i cos formen part de l'entramat que dóna ordre i sentit al món, entramat present en les relacions entre la tecnologia, les persones i la cultura.En la cultura dominant actual, l'art contemporani inclou dins de les seves fronteres una gran diversitat de materials i discursos. Pren contacte amb diversos àmbits com la política, la ciència, la tecnologia i, fins i tot, la cuina. La ciència, la tecnologia i l'art van establir diverses relacions durant l'últim segle. Per a poder comprendre aquestes relacions, cal prendre en consideració l'àmbit de la producció i els nous espais i contactes generats. No obstant això, l'estudi de la recepció és indispensable per a comprendre l'abast de l'art digital des d'una perspectiva fenomenològica, integral i sistèmica. Així mateix, cal considerar les diverses marques de mediació que objectes, sabers i agents imprimeixen en els objectes, els subjectes i les seves relacions. Una anàlisi completa de l'art contemporani necessita considerar els materials, el cos, les interrelacions, és a dir, les condicions materials del que és cultural.This paper analyses the phenomenological and inter-relational linkages between technology, people and contemporary art. Maurice Merleau-Ponty posits that there is no hierarchical relationship between physical subject and material object. Objects are the field where the subject operates and that enable the being of the body. Starting from these approximately 80-year-old theses, some argue that new technologies and people are also related through matter. The opposition between inside and outside, real and virtual, is diluted when the logic of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology is applied. Matter and body are part of the framework that gives order and meaning to the world, a framework present in the relationships between technology, people and culture.Within current mainstream culture, contemporary art includes a wide variety of materials and discourses within its borders. It makes contact with various fields such as politics, science, technology and even cuisine. Science, technology and art established diverse relationships over the last century. To understand these relationships, we must take into account the field of production and the new generated spaces and contacts. However, the study of reception is essential to understand the reach of digital art from a phenomenological, comprehensive and systemic perspective. It is also necessary to consider the various brands of mediation that objects, knowledge and agents print on objects, subjects and their relationships. A complete analysis of contemporary art needs to consider the materials, the body, the inter-relationships, ie, the material conditions of culture.Este trabajo analiza los vínculos fenomenológicos e interrelacionales que existen entre la tecnología, las personas y el arte actual. Maurice Merleau-Ponty plantea que existe una relación no jerárquica entre sujeto físico y objeto material. Los objetos son el campo en donde se desenvuelve el sujeto y los que posibilitan el ser del cuerpo. Partiendo de estas tesis de hace cerca de ochenta años, se plantea que las nuevas tecnologías y las personas también se relacionan a través de lo material. La oposición entre lo interior y lo exterior, lo real y lo virtual, se diluye cuando se aplica la lógica de la fenomenología merleaupontiana. Materia y cuerpo forman parte del entramado que da orden y sentido al mundo, entramado presente en las relaciones entre la tecnología, las personas y la cultura. Dentro de la cultura dominante actual, el arte contemporáneo incluye dentro de sus fronteras una gran diversidad de materiales y discursos. Toma contacto con diversos ámbitos como la política, la ciencia, la tecnología e, incluso, la cocina. La ciencia, la tecnología y el arte establecieron diversas relaciones a lo largo del último siglo. Para poder comprender estas relaciones, es preciso tomar en cuenta el ámbito de la producción y los nuevos espacios y contactos generados. No obstante, el estudio de la recepción es indispensable para comprender el alcance del arte digital desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, integral y sistémica. Asimismo, es necesario considerar las diversas marcas de mediación que objetos, saberes y agentes imprimen en los objetos, los sujetos y sus relaciones. Un análisis completo del arte contemporáneo precisa considerar los materiales, el cuerpo, las interrelaciones, es decir, las condiciones materiales de lo cultural.

    Secondary Health Conditions, Participation, and Psychosocial Long-term Outcomes in Adults with Pediatric-onset Spinal Cord Injury

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex medical condition that refers to an acute spinal cord lesion that affects sensation, muscle control, and autonomic functioning. One fifth of injuries occur in youth, and adults with pediatric-onset SCI may have unique experiences and outcomes compared to those with adult-onset injuries due to the impacts of SCI on development. A socioecological disability framework can provide a critical perspective into how individual and environmental factors interact and impact the experiences of individuals with SCI. Individuals with SCI often have significant secondary health conditions with chronic pain and pressure injuries as two of the most common. SCI and related medical issues can significantly impact community participation including mobility (e.g., using transportation), occupational functioning (e.g., finding a job or going to school), and social integration (e.g., spending time with family and friends). Secondary medical conditions and participation can also influence psychosocial outcomes such as depression, anxiety, satisfaction with life (SWL), and posttraumatic growth (PTG). The current study utilizes a subset of 180 adults with pediatric-onset SCI from a continuous, longitudinal study with data from a 10-year period and up to nine time points. Data were collected through a hospital system in the U.S. and are part of a larger study that explores long-term medical and psychosocial outcomes. The study explores the relationships between medical complications (e.g., pain severity and pressure injuries), community participation (i.e., mobility, occupational functioning, and social integration), and psychosocial outcomes in the form of depression, anxiety, SWL, and PTG over time. Positive coping strategies (e.g., religion/spirituality, use of emotional support, acceptance) were studied as moderators for the relationship between medical complications and participation over time, with higher levels of coping strategies predicted to buffer against the negative impact of medical complications on participation. Descriptive statistics and correlations were examined for all relevant variables and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was utilized for main analyses. Over time, experiencing a pressure injury in the past year was associated with lower community participation, higher levels of pain severity were associated with higher levels of depression symptoms, and higher levels of community participation were associated with lower levels of depression symptoms and higher levels of SWL. Mobility was specifically related to depression symptoms and occupational functioning was related to SWL over time. Coping was not found to moderate relationships between secondary medical conditions and community participation. This study builds upon the SCI literature by focusing on longitudinal data and key relationships over time in adults with pediatric-onset SCI. While much of the literature focuses on immediate effects of SCI on functioning, this study examines individuals’ functioning years after their injuries. Results suggest that prevention of secondary medical conditions such as pressure injuries may be an avenue for facilitating community participation and that strategies focused on increasing participation may lead to positive psychosocial functioning over time. Implications for research, practice, and policy are discussed

    Teacher-Directed Violence: The Role of Disempowerment in Turnover

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    Teacher turnover is a significant issue in education, creating great economic cost and affecting students in the form of academic performance and instructional continuity. While many factors impact turnover, the effects of teacher-directed violence have rarely been explored. Violence directed against teachers has been linked to negative outcomes, such as emotional distress and professional disengagement. The construct of empowerment, or disempowerment, can help researchers to better understand the relationship between teacher-directed violence and teacher turnover, allowing for an ecological approach that explores the context around teachers’ experiences of violence. The current study uses mixed methods to analyze this relationship, based on teachers’ responses to an anonymous, online survey assessing teachers’ experiences with violence. The first set of analyses is based on the quantitative, closed-ended survey questions and includes 2,347 teachers who reported experiencing at least one incident of teacher-directed violence and described their worst incident in a series of open-ended questions. Logistic regression models were used to determine the impact of the type of perpetrator (i.e. student, parent, colleague, administrator) and level of administrative support during their worst incident on whether the teacher left the position or requested a transfer following the incident. Administrative support during the incident was also examined as a moderator of the relation between the number of different types of perpetrators involved and requesting a transfer and/or leaving the position. The second set of analyses is based on open-ended survey questions and includes 403 teachers who mentioned leaving the profession, transferring from their positions, or retiring in their responses. Content analysis was utilized to determine the extent to which Short and Rinehart’s (1992) dimensions of teacher empowerment (status, autonomy, decision-making, impact, self-efficacy, and professional development) apply to teachers experiencing incidents of violence. The factors contributing to a sense of disempowerment around teachers’ experiences of violence were also examined, along with how incidents of violence influence teachers’ professional decisions. Quantitative results demonstrated that, compared to other perpetrators, having an administrator perpetrator during teachers’ worst incidents of violence was associated with teachers being more likely to request a transfer and leave their positions. High levels of administrative support during the incident decreased the likelihood that teachers would request transfers and leave their positions. Administrative support was not a significant moderator for the relationship between the total number of perpetrator types and requesting a transfer/leaving the position. Content analysis demonstrated that teachers were low on multiple teacher empowerment dimensions that include status, autonomy and decision-making, and impact. Safety, policy, administrative responses to violent incidents and community circumstances beyond the school influenced teachers’ disempowerment and contributed to teachers wanting to make professional changes. Incidents in which lack of administrative support was described as its own form of victimization and the compilation of incidents over time illustrated how violence can lead to disempowerment and turnover. Results suggest that incidents of violence create unsafe environments that often leave teachers feeling disempowered. Further, teacher-directed violence and disempowerment contribute to teachers’ professional decisions related to turnover. Administrators play a large role in teacher disempowerment and turnover, especially through the level of support they provide to teachers in addressing incidents of violence. Increasing autonomy and decision-making power for teachers, as well as increasing status and respect for the profession, may increase teachers’ desire to remain in the profession and their schools. The implications for research, practice, and policy are discussed

    Gender Differences in Student Misbehaviors and Teacher Responses: Comparing Classrooms with Novice and Experienced Teachers

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    Honors (Bachelor's)PsychologyUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98950/1/eapdog.pd

    Pediatric collaborative care outcomes in a regional model

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    BackgroundDespite the movement toward hospital-based medical centers acquiring pediatric primary care offices, many primary care pediatricians still work in small, independent practices. To expand mental healthcare access, service delivery models must consider primary care practice needs and regionally available resources.ObjectiveThis report describes the implementation and evaluation of the Mood, Anxiety, ADHD Collaborative Care (MAACC) program over a 4 years period. MAACC. MAACC engaged 97 pediatric primary care clinicians across 39 practices in mental health training and supported the treatment of referred patients through a collaborative care model. To support psychosocial treatment needs, we built a child community therapy referral network of 213 licensed psychotherapy providers.MethodsData were collected on service delivery patterns (e.g., referrals, treatment use, and attrition) and patient outcomes. Measures included parent and children and adolescents PROMIS anxiety and depression short forms and the Parent NICHQ Vanderbilt.ResultsSix hundred ninety-six children and adolescents aged 6–18 were evaluated and provided treatment recommendations. Anxiety disorders were the most common diagnosis (45.4%), followed by ADHD (30.7%) and mood disorder (17%). For children and adolescents with an anxiety or mood disorder, significant improvement was observed from baseline to any initial follow-up and from baseline to 6, 12-, and 18 weeks on children and adolescents and parent measures of anxiety and depression. For children and adolescents with ADHD, significant improvement was observed from baseline to any initial follow-up measure and at 6 and 18 weeks on parent-reported inattentive symptoms. Significant differences in treatment outcomes were identified for children and adolescents with anxiety receiving psychotherapy alone and medication management and psychotherapy.ConclusionMAACC utilization and patient outcomes suggest that real-world collaborative care can effectively provide high-quality care while cultivating increased primary care treatment capacity and building on existing community resources

    GMO detection using a bioluminescent real time reporter (BART) of loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) suitable for field use

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is an increasing need for quantitative technologies suitable for molecular detection in a variety of settings for applications including food traceability and monitoring of genetically modified (GM) crops and their products through the food processing chain. Conventional molecular diagnostics utilising real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and fluorescence-based determination of amplification require temperature cycling and relatively complex optics. In contrast, isothermal amplification coupled to a bioluminescent output produced in real-time (BART) occurs at a constant temperature and only requires a simple light detection and integration device.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) shows robustness to sample-derived inhibitors. Here we show the applicability of coupled LAMP and BART reactions (LAMP-BART) for determination of genetically modified (GM) maize target DNA at low levels of contamination (0.1-5.0% GM) using certified reference material, and compare this to RT-PCR. Results show that conventional DNA extraction methods developed for PCR may not be optimal for LAMP-BART quantification. Additionally, we demonstrate that LAMP is more tolerant to plant sample-derived inhibitors, and show this can be exploited to develop rapid extraction techniques suitable for simple field-based qualitative tests for GM status determination. We also assess the effect of total DNA assay load on LAMP-BART quantitation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>LAMP-BART is an effective and sensitive technique for GM detection with significant potential for quantification even at low levels of contamination and in samples derived from crops such as maize with a large genome size. The resilience of LAMP-BART to acidic polysaccharides makes it well suited to rapid sample preparation techniques and hence to both high throughput laboratory settings and to portable GM detection applications. The impact of the plant sample matrix and genome loading within a reaction must be controlled to ensure quantification at low target concentrations.</p

    Retornar a Atenas, el pasado en nuestro presente político a partir de las propuestas de José Luis Moreno Pestaña. Moreno Pestaña, José Luis (2019). Retorno a Atenas. La democracia como principio antioligárquico. Siglo XXI. 296 páginas

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    Los acontecimientos del pasado nos interpelan constantemente, pero no siempre de la misma manera. La historia puede ignorarse, narrarse de forma lineal, selectiva o malcontarse. Hay además una historia y muchas historias, pero también unos usos de la historia. Uno de ellos es su reconstrucción social: no se toman solo en cuenta los acontecimientos, sino la densidad de las comunidades que los habitan, que son a la vez su origen y su resultado. El libro de José Luis Moreno Pestaña Retorno a Atenas publicado en 2019 es, entre otras cuestiones, un análisis de los marcos institucionales y sociales que sostuvieron un momento importante de la historia política occidental, el de la democracia ateniense de los siglo V y IV a. C. No obstante, no se trata de un libro de historia social al uso, porque en él dialogan tres momentos de la historia, a través de los cuales el momento inicial cobra sentido y relevancia. El pasado entonces se activa como inspiración del presente y se tiñe a su vez de las condiciones sociales que lo rescatan. Este diálogo denso es la columna vertebral del libro

    Les obres d'art, les persones i els materials. Una anàlisi fenomenològica i sistèmica de l'art actual

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    Aquest treball analitza els vincles fenomenològics i interrelacionals que hi ha entre la tecnologia, les persones i l'art actual. Maurice Merleau-Ponty planteja que hi ha una relació no jeràrquica entre subjecte físic i objecte material. Els objectes són el camp on es desenvolupa el subjecte i els que possibiliten l'ésser del cos. Partint d'aquestes tesis de fa prop de vuitanta anys, es planteja que les noves tecnologies i les persones també es relacionen a través del material. L'oposició entre l'interior i l'exterior, la realitat i la virtualitat, es dilueix quan s'aplica la lògica de la fenomenologia merleaupontiana. Matèria i cos formen part de l'entramat que dóna ordre i sentit al món, entramat present en les relacions entre la tecnologia, les persones i la cultura. En la cultura dominant actual, l'art contemporani inclou dins de les seves fronteres una gran diversitat de materials i discursos. Pren contacte amb diversos àmbits com la política, la ciència, la tecnologia i, fins i tot, la cuina. La ciència, la tecnologia i l'art van establir diverses relacions durant l'últim segle. Per a poder comprendre aquestes relacions, cal prendre en consideració l'àmbit de la producció i els nous espais i contactes generats. No obstant això, l'estudi de la recepció és indispensable per a comprendre l'abast de l'art digital des d'una perspectiva fenomenològica, integral i sistèmica. Així mateix, cal considerar les diverses marques de mediació que objectes, sabers i agents imprimeixen en els objectes, els subjectes i les seves relacions. Una anàlisi completa de l'art contemporani necessita considerar els materials, el cos, les interrelacions, és a dir, les condicions materials del que és cultural

    La ropa, los adornos y el cuerpo. La interacción entre el productor, el objeto y el consumidor

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    A partir de dos documentales, se ana- lizan algunos de los valores que los diseñadores y artesanos otorgan a su oficio. Aquellos que se dedican al diseño de indumentaria y adorno son más conscientes del cuerpo del sujeto que con- sumirá su producción. Los que practican oficios relacionados con el resto de los objetos de uso remarcan sobre todo el contacto físico y emotivo que ellos mismos tienen con lo producido. En ambos casos, se observa una marcada conciencia de la relación de los objetos con los cuerpos de los consumidores, en el primer caso, y de los pro- ductores, en el segundo. Esta conciencia permite reflexionar sobre cómo el contacto físico con los objetos colabora a las relaciones entre las perso- nas. Asimismo, ayuda a analizar cómo la explo- tación en el trabajo y la excesiva valoración de los aspectos formales de los sujetos y los objetos producen un alejamiento de lo corporal y una rup- tura de las relaciones.Some of the values ​​that designers and craftsmen give to their craft are analyzed based on two documentaries. Those engaged in clothing design are more aware of the consumer’s body. Those who practice trades related to other objects of use highlight the physical and emotional contact that they have with their production. In both cases, there is a strong awareness of the relationship between the objects and the bodies, of the consumers in the first case, and producers in the second. This awareness reflects on how the physical contact with objects collaborates in the relationship between people. It also helps analyze how labour exploitation and the overvaluation of the formal aspects of the subjects and objects produce estrangement with the body and a disruption in relation