15 research outputs found

    An Extended Gradient Model for NUMA Multiprocessor Systems

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    In this paper, we present the design and implementation of an effective and scalable dynamic load balancing system for Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) multiprocessors where load balancing is a key issue to achieve adequate efficiency. The proposed load balancing algorithm extends the well-known gradient model to enhance its applicability in a wide range of multiprocessor systems and to improve the overall system performance. A comparative performance study between the two models based on the preliminary simulation results is also reported in the paper

    An ISO 26262 compliant design flow and tool for automotive multicore systems

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    The complex interactions between suppliers and OEMs as well as between suppliers in the automotive industry make it necessary to clearly define processes and models for the exchange of information between different companies. Especially when several suppliers are jointly working on the same product, reducing friction and adhering to common standards are a necessity. In addition, standards like AUTOSAR and ISO 26262 put additional requirements on the processes and tools.In this paper, we report on our efforts to standardise the design flow and the modelling environment for automotive suppliers. In particular, we analyse the existing design flows at the suppliers, as well as the current state of an advanced automotive modelling tool, the Amalthea platform. Furthermore, we analyse compliance of both the design flows and the platform with the ISO 26262 standard, identifying which aspects of the standard are already covered and which are currently missing. From this, we derive recommendations and a roadmap to achieve full coverage of the standard with the aim of providing a single integrated platform with an accompanying design methodology

    An ISO 26262 compliant design flow and tool for automotive multicore systems

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    The complex interactions between suppliers and OEMs as well as between suppliers in the automotive industry make it necessary to clearly define processes and models for the exchange of information between different companies. Especially when several suppliers are jointly working on the same product, reducing friction and adhering to common standards are a necessity. In addition, standards like AUTOSAR and ISO 26262 put additional requirements on the processes and tools.In this paper, we report on our efforts to standardise the design flow and the modelling environment for automotive suppliers. In particular, we analyse the existing design flows at the suppliers, as well as the current state of an advanced automotive modelling tool, the Amalthea platform. Furthermore, we analyse compliance of both the design flows and the platform with the ISO 26262 standard, identifying which aspects of the standard are already covered and which are currently missing. From this, we derive recommendations and a roadmap to achieve full coverage of the standard with the aim of providing a single integrated platform with an accompanying design methodology

    HW/SW Cosynthesis using Statecharts and

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    This paper presents a hardware/software cosynthesis environment for embedded systems which is currently being developed at the Computer Architecture Group of the University of Oldenburg. We use two graphical formalisms as specification languages and synthesize code for a multiprocessor rapid prototyping board. The two major problems we deal with are first, to realize an efficient distributed execution of the specified system and second, to develop automated interface-code generation for the hardware and software parts of the system under design

    Interoperable Toolchain for Requirements-Driven Model-Based Development

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a toolchain for requirements-driven model-baseddevelopment of embedded software as used in the automotive industry.Development usually starts with textual functional requirements written innatural language.Verification of functional requirements required in safety critical systemsneeds traceability on system level andon implementation level. Therefore, the formalization of the providedtextual requirements is of vital importance. This however is a challenging taskingeneral, which we approach using an intuitive and graphical formalizationlanguage, namely simplified universal pattern. Having the requirementsformalized, as a second step an analysis is done to ensure that therequirements are in a consistent state. This is important as within agiledevelopment, functionalities are evolving over time and textual requirementsare continuously enhanced. To keep track of the implementation, an aggregationof model changes wrt, e.g., consistency, model test status, formal requirementcoverage, or modeling guideline conformance during project runtime isdone, while all information is visualized inside a single dashboard. Anexpressive running example implemented as Simulink model will beused to show the formalization and verification workflow using the providedtoolchain

    Compositional Quantitative Reasoning

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    This paper reports on our efforts to link an industrial state-of-the-art modelling tool to academic state-of-the-art analysis algorithms. In a nutshell, we enable timed reachability analysis of uniform continuous-time Markov decision processes, which are generated from STATEMATE models. We give a detailed explanation of several construction, transformation, reduction, and analysis steps required to make this possible. The entire tool flow has been implemented, and it is applied to a nontrivial example