378 research outputs found

    Orthogonal polynomials on several intervals: accumulation points of recurrence coefficients and of zeros

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    Let E=j=1l[a2j1,a2j],E = \cup_{j = 1}^l [a_{2j-1},a_{2j}], a1<a2<...<a2l,a_1 < a_2 < ... < a_{2l}, l2l \geq 2 and set {\boldmath\omega}(\infty) =(\omega_1(\infty),...,\omega_{l-1}(\infty)), where ωj()\omega_j(\infty) is the harmonic measure of [a2j1,a2j][a_{2 j - 1}, a_{2 j}] at infinity. Let μ\mu be a measure which is on EE absolutely continuous and satisfies Szeg\H{o}'s-condition and has at most a finite number of point measures outside EE, and denote by (Pn)(P_n) and (Qn)({\mathcal Q}_n) the orthonormal polynomials and their associated Weyl solutions with respect to dμd\mu, satisfying the recurrence relation λ2+ny1+n=(xα1+n)ynλ1+ny1+n\sqrt{\lambda_{2 + n}} y_{1 + n} = (x - \alpha_{1 + n}) y_n -\sqrt{\lambda_{1 + n}} y_{-1 + n}. We show that the recurrence coefficients have topologically the same convergence behavior as the sequence (n {\boldmath\omega}(\infty))_{n\in \mathbb N} modulo 1; More precisely, putting ({\boldmath\alpha}^{l-1}_{1 + n}, {\boldmath\lambda}^{l-1}_{2 + n}) = (α[l12]+1+n,...,(\alpha_{[\frac{l 1}{2}]+1+n},..., α1+n,...,\alpha_{1+n},..., α[l22]+1+n,\alpha_{-[\frac{l-2}{2}]+1+n}, λ[l22]+2+n,\lambda_{[\frac{l-2}{2}]+2+n}, ...,λ2+n,...,\lambda_{2+n}, ...,..., λ[l12]+2+n)\lambda_{-[\frac{l-1}{2}]+2+n}) we prove that ({\boldmath\alpha}^{l-1}_{1 + n_\nu}, {\boldmath\lambda}^{l-1}_{2 + n_\nu})_{\nu \in \mathbb N} converges if and only if (n_\nu {\boldmath\omega}(\infty))_{\nu \in \mathbb N} converges modulo 1 and we give an explicit homeomorphism between the sets of accumulation points of ({\boldmath\alpha}^{l-1}_{1 + n}, {\boldmath\lambda}^{l-1}_{2 + n}) and (n{\boldmath\omega}(\infty)) modulo 1.Comment: The last modifications and corrections of this manuscript were done by the author in the two months preceding this passing away in November 2009. The manuscript is not published elsewher

    Positive trigonometric Quadrature Formulas and quadrature on the unit circle

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    We give several descriptions of positive quadrature formulas which are exact for trigonometric -, respectively, Laurent polynomials of degree less or equal n1mn-1-m, 0mn10\leq m\leq n-1. A complete and simple description is obtained with the help of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. In particular it is shown that the nodes polynomial can be generated by a simple recurrence relation. As a byproduct interlacing properties of zeros of para-orthogonal polynomials are obtained. Finally, asymptotics for the quadrature weights are presented.Comment: Submitted by F. Peherstorfer to Math. Com

    Uniform approximation of sgn(x) by rational functions with prescribed poles

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    For a(0,1)a\in (0,1) let Lmk(a)L^k_m(a) be the error of the best approximation of the function \sgn(x) on the two symmetric intervals [1,a][a,1][-1,-a]\cup[a,1] by rational functions with the only possible poles of degree 2k12k-1 at the origin and of 2m12m-1 at infinity. Then the following limit exists \begin{equation} \lim_{m\to \infty}L^k_m(a)(\frac{1+a}{1-a})^{m-{1/2}} (2m-1)^{k+{1/2}}=\frac 2 \pi(\frac{1-a^2}{2a})^{k+{1/2}} \Gamma(k+\frac 1 2). \end{equation