134 research outputs found

    Hands Across The Atlantic?

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    The war in Iraq created a division between the United States and some members of the European Union.  The war also split the EU, with France and Germany leading the anti-war camp and Britain, Italy, Portugal, and Spain supporting Washington.  With organized warfare over, the United States has shifted its attention from the military campaign to the installation of a legitimate and stable government in Iraq.  However, the administration of post-war Iraq has caused the division between the US and Europe to widen. The multilateralists, France and Germany, are demanding a central role for the UN in rebuilding Iraq.  France, in particular, believes that the task should be left to the UN alone.  They suggest this would help legitimize what they consider to be an illegal war.  On the other hand, the US, which accepted a great burden with the pre-emptive attack on Iraq, wants the UN to have a “vital” but limited role in post-war Iraq.  The US believes that the UN needs serious repair before any responsibilities can be handed to it.This study examines the economic, political, and security implications of the division between these old allies.  The relationship between the US and EU is based on years of cooperation.  Both sides know that they must mend fences sooner rather than later.  We contend that pragmatism will triumph over geo-politics

    The Credit Crunch: The Roller Coaster Ride Continues

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    Borrowers face tight credit markets after years of easy credit.  This study examines the events that led to the credit crunch and its impact on global economies

    At A Crossroad: The U.S. Economy

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    The U.S. economy stands at a crossroad.  Which path will it take – the one that leads to sustainable growth, recession or inflation?  This paper will examine market imbalances which may indicate the future economic direction

    he Global Impact Of Chinas Currency Policy: U.S. And Beyond

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    Since the yuan is pegged to the dollar, the U.S. and Chinese economies have become inter-connected in a myriad of ways. This study examines the global implications of this relationship

    Sub-Prime Mortgages And The Big Bang

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    Delinquencies and failures of sub-prime mortgages provide evidence that the housing bubble has burst.  This study traces the creation of the housing bubble and examines the impact of the sub-prime debacle on world financial markets

    Credit Default Swaps: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

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    Credit Default Swaps have been a major cause of problems to financial institutions during the current economic downturn.  What is a CDS?  Why was it developed?  What went wrong?  This paper discusses these questions

    Insured Pension Funds Who Benefits?

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    The defined pension plans of many firms are underfunded.  The Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation was created to protect retirees, but who really benefits

    Energy Prices And The Global Economic Recovery

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    Global economies seem on their way to recovery after the recent downturn.  However, one dilemma has emerged that could halt expansion and raise the specter of inflation – energy prices

    San Juan National Forest botanical survey of fens

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    Prepared for: San Juan National Forest.February 2007

    Características sociales y biológicas de la población masculina adulta menor de 75 años con enfermedades prostáticas, que fueron atendidos en el Servicio de Urología del Hospital Max Peralta de Cartago, durante el año 2015

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    RESUMEN Introducción: El propósito de este trabajo fue el de Identificar las características sociales y biológicas de la población masculina menor de 75 años con enfermedades prostáticas que fueron atendidos en el servicio de Urología del Hospital Max Peralta durante el año 2015. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio con un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño descriptivo. Los datos fueron brindados por el departamento de estadística de Hospital Max Peralta Jiménez de Cartago. La población fue de 240 varones. Se trabajó con un muestreo no probabilístico, con una muestra de 63 expedientes. Resultados: En relación con las enfermedades prostáticas, los resultados obtenidos reflejan cómo a partir de los 50 años aumenta el riesgo de padecer alguna patología prostática, siendo que más de la mitad de los expedientes analizados corresponden a varones con una edad ubicada en la franja entre los 50 a 59 años. A nivel geográfico, en la provincia de Cartago, el cantón de Turrialba es el de mayor incidencia. En relación con la escolaridad, los resultados reflejan que la mayoría de la población cuenta con un nivel de primaria y su ocupación se desarrolla en el ámbito no profesional, principalmente en trabajos del tipo oficio. De las patologías prostáticas, los varones estudiados sufren de hiperplasia prostática benigna en mayor medida. Por último, en relación el tratamiento, la mayor parte de los varones fueron sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico. Conclusiones: Las enfermedades prostáticas son un grupo de enfermedades poco exploradas en el contexto nacional. De ellas, la Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna es la más inexplorada, no solo en Costa Rica, sino en el mundo, lo que aumenta el valor de la producción científica. Es necesario que Costa Rica emita y adopte más y mejores políticas dirigidas a la atención de salud del varón, ya que se evidencia como una inequidad en salud el hecho de que no exista una política dirigida a la salud masculina.ABSTRACT Introduction: The purpose of this work was to identify the social and biological characteristics of the male population under 75 years of age with prostate diseases that were treated in the Urology department of the Max Peralta Hospital during 2015. Methodology: It was carried out with a quantitative approach and a descriptive design. The data were provided by the statistics department of Max Peralta Hospital. The total number of users was of 240 men. A non-probabilistic sampling was used, the size of the sample in this investigation was of 63 files. Results: Related to prostate diseases, the results obtained reflect how from 50 years the risk of suffering from prostate disease increases, since more than half of the files analyzed correspond to men with an age located in the range between 50 to 59 years. The region distribution shows that Turrialba canton is the place of the major incidence in the Cartago province. Moreover, schooling was another of the elements analyzed in this study. The results reflect that the majority of the population has a primary level and their occupation is carried out in the non-professional field mainly in trades. Within the prostatic diseases, benign prostatic hypertrophy is the one wich more affects the group of men of this study. Finally, the surgical treatment was the most used treatment for the prostatic disease. Conclusions: Prostate diseases are a group of diseases little explored in the national context. Of these, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is the most unexplored, not only in Costa Rica, but in the world, which increases the value of scientific production. Also, it is necessary for Costa Rica to issue and adopt more and better policies aimed at men's health care, since it is evidenced as an inequity in health the fact that there is no policy aimed at men's health.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Salud::Maestría Profesional en Enfermería Ginecológica, Obstétrica y Perinata