14 research outputs found

    Site-specific glycosylation of the Newcastle disease virus haemagglutinin-neuraminidase

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    Members of the Avulavirus, Respirovirus and Rubulavirus genera of the Paramyxoviridae family of viruses utilise haemagglutinin-neuraminidase glycoproteins as their attachment proteins. These glycoproteins are oligomeric type II integral membrane proteins, which possess haemagglutination and sialidase activity. Previous studies have shown that the N-linked glycans present on these proteins can modulate the ability of the virus to infect host cells and stimulate the host immune system. However, site-specific heterogeneity of these glycans has not been defined. This study concerns characterisation of the glycan compositions attached to haemagglutinin-neuraminidase of the Avulavirus Newcastle disease virus, which causes Newcastle disease in a range of avian species. Haemagglutinin-neuraminidase was derived from egg propagated virions of V4-VAR, an isolate of the avirulent strain QLD/66. Reverse-phase liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry strategies including collision induced dissociation, higher-energy collision dissociation and electron-transfer dissociation were implemented to characterise glycopeptides from the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein. Overall 63, 58, and 37 glycan compositions were identified at asparagine residues 341, 433 and 481, respectively. N-linked sites 433 and 481 were observed to contain high mannose glycans with paucimannose glycans also observed at site 481. Asparagine residues 341, 433 and 481 contained complex or hybrid glycans with many of the compositions containing variations of fucose and sulfate or phosphate. Sialyation of complex or hybrid N-linked glycans was additionally observed at sites 341 and 433. In addition, a previously undocumented O-linked glycopeptide was identified from the stalk domain of the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein. These finding will form the basis for future quantitative glycomic studies of the distribution of glycan structures across N-linked glycosylation sites of Newcastle disease virus haemagglutinin-neuraminidase and assessment of the functional significance of the O-linked glycan in the stalk domain of this protein

    GlypNirO: An automated workflow for quantitative N- and O-linked glycoproteomic data analysis

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    Mass spectrometry glycoproteomics is rapidly maturing, allowing unprecedented insights into the diversity and functions of protein glycosylation. However, quantitative glycoproteomics remains challenging. We developed GlypNirO, an automated software pipeline which integrates the complementary outputs of Byonic and Proteome Discoverer to allow high-throughput automated quantitative glycoproteomic data analysis. The output of GlypNirO is clearly structured, allowing manual interrogation, and is also appropriate for input into diverse statistical workflows. We used GlypNirO to analyse a published plasma glycoproteome dataset and identified changes in site-specific N- and O-glycosylation occupancy and structure associated with hepatocellular carcinoma as putative biomarkers of disease

    Identification of novel glycosylation events on human serum-derived factor IX

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    Human Factor IX is a highly post-translationally modified protein that is an important clotting factor in the blood coagulation cascade. Functional deficiencies in Factor IX result in the bleeding disorder haemophilia B, which is treated with plasma-derived or recombinant Factor IX concentrates. Here, we investigated the post-translational modifications of human serum-derived Factor IX and report previously undescribed O-linked monosaccharide compositions at serine 141 and a novel site of glycosylation. At serine 141 we observed two monosaccharide compositions, with HexNAcHexNeuAc dominant and a low level of HexNAcHexNeuAc. This O-linked site lies N-terminal to the first cleavage site for the activation peptide, an important region of the protein that is removed to activate Factor IX. The novel site is an N-linked site in the serine protease domain with low occupancy in a non-canonical consensus motif at asparagine 258, observed with a HexNAcHexNeuAc monosaccharide composition attached. This is the first reported instance of a site of modification in the serine protease domain. The description of these glycosylation events provides a basis for future functional studies and contributes to structural characterisation of native Factor IX for the production of effective therapeutic biosimilars and biobetters

    Development of a rapid method to assess beer foamability based on relative protein content using RoboBEER and machine learning modeling

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    Foam-related parameters are associated with beer quality and dependent, among others, on the protein content. This study aimed to develop a machine learning (ML) model to predict the pattern and presence of 54 proteins. Triplicates of 24 beer samples were analyzed through proteomics. Furthermore, samples were analyzed using the RoboBEER to evaluate 15 physical parameters (color, foam, and bubbles), and a portable near-infrared (NIR) device. Proteins were grouped according to their molecular weight (MW), and a matrix was developed to assess only the significant correlations (p < 0.05) with the physical parameters. Two ML models were developed using the NIR (Model 1), and RoboBEER (Model 2) data as inputs to predict the relative quantification of 54 proteins. Proteins in the 0–20 kDa group were negatively correlated with the maximum volume of foam (MaxVol; r = −0.57) and total lifetime of foam (TLTF; r = −0.58), while those within 20–40 kDa had a positive correlation with MaxVol (r = 0.47) and TLTF (r = 0.47). Model 1 was not as accurate (testing r = 0.68; overall r = 0.89) as Model 2 (testing r = 0.90; overall r = 0.93), which may serve as a reliable and affordable method to incorporate the relative quantification of important proteins to explain beer quality

    Evolution for improved secretion and fitness may be the selective pressures leading to the emergence of two NDM alleles

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    The New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1) mediates resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. NDM-1 was likely formed as the result of a gene fusion between sequences encoding the first six amino acids of cytoplasm-localised aminoglycosidase, AphA6, and a periplasmic metallo-β -lactamase. We show that NDM-1 has an atypical signal peptide and is inefficiently secreted. Two new bla alleles that have polymorphisms in the signal peptide; NDM-1(P9R), a proline to arginine substitution, and NDM-2, a proline to alanine substitution (P28A) were studied. Here, we show that both the P9R and P28A substitutions improve secretion compared to NDM-1 and display higher resistance to some β-lactam antibiotics. Mass spectrometry analysis of these purified NDM proteins showed that the P28A mutation in NDM-2 creates new signal peptide cleavage sites at positions 27 and 28. For NDM-1, we detected a signal peptide cleavage site between L21/M22 of the precursor protein. We find no evidence that NDM-1 is a lipoprotein, as has been reported elsewhere. In addition, expression of NDM-2 improves the fitness of E. coli, compared to NDM-1, in the absence of antibiotic selection. This study shows how optimization of the secretion efficiency of NDM-1 leads to increased resistance and increased fitness

    Intramembrane protease RHBDL4 cleaves oligosaccharyltransferase subunits to target them for ER-associated degradation

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    The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)-resident intramembrane rhomboid protease RHBDL4 generates metastable protein fragments and together with the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) machinery provides a clearance mechanism for aberrant and surplus proteins. However, the endogenous substrate spectrum and with that the role of RHBDL4 in physiological ERAD is mainly unknown. Here, we use a substrate trapping approach in combination with quantitative proteomics to identify physiological RHBDL4 substrates. This revealed oligosacharyltransferase (OST) complex subunits such as the catalytic active subunit STT3A as substrates for the RHBDL4-dependent ERAD pathway. RHBDL4-catalyzed cleavage inactivates OST subunits by triggering dislocation into the cytoplasm and subsequent proteasomal degradation. Thereby, RHBDL4 controls the abundance and activity of OST, suggesting a novel link between the ERAD machinery and glycosylation tuning

    Glycoproteomic measurement of site-specific polysialylation

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    Polysialylation is the enzymatic addition of a highly negatively charged sialic acid polymer to the non-reducing termini of glycans. Polysialylation plays an important role in development, and is involved in neurological diseases, neural tissue regeneration, and cancer. Polysialic acid (PSA) is also a biodegradable and non-immunogenic conjugate to therapeutic drugs to improve their pharmacokinetics. PSA chains vary in length, composition, and linkages, while the specific sites of polysialylation are important determinants of protein function. However, PSA is difficult to analyse by mass spectrometry (MS) due to its high negative charge and size. Most analytical approaches for analysis of PSA measure its degree of polymerization and monosaccharide composition, but do not address the key questions of site specificity and occupancy. Here, we developed a high-throughput LC-ESI-MS/MS glycoproteomics method to measure site-specific polysialylation of glycoproteins. This method measures site-specific PSA modification by using mild acid hydrolysis to eliminate PSA and sialic acids while leaving the glycan backbone intact, together with protease digestion followed by LC-ESI-MS/MS glycopeptide detection. PSA-modified glycopeptides are not detectable by LC-ESI-MS/MS, but become detectable after desialylation, allowing measurement of site-specific PSA occupancy. This method is an efficient analytical workflow for the study of glycoprotein polysialylation in biological and therapeutic settings

    The post-translational modification landscape of commercial beers

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    Beer is one of the most popular beverages worldwide. As a product of variable agricultural ingredients and processes, beer has high molecular complexity. We used DIA/SWATH-MS to investigate the proteomic complexity and diversity of 23 commercial Australian beers. While the overall complexity of the beer proteome was modest, with contributions from barley and yeast proteins, we uncovered a very high diversity of post-translational modifications (PTMs), especially proteolysis, glycation, and glycosylation. Proteolysis was widespread throughout barley proteins, but showed clear site-specificity. Oligohexose modifications were common on lysines in barley proteins, consistent with glycation by maltooligosaccharides released from starch during malting or mashing. O-glycosylation consistent with oligomannose was abundant on secreted yeast glycoproteins. We developed and used data analysis pipelines to efficiently extract and quantify site-specific PTMs from SWATH-MS data, and showed incorporating these features into proteomic analyses extended analytical precision. We found that the key differentiator of the beer glyco/proteome was the brewery, with beer from independent breweries having a distinct profile to beer from multinational breweries. Within a given brewery, beer styles also had distinct glyco/proteomes. Targeting our analyses to beers from a single brewery, Newstead Brewing Co., allowed us to identify beer style-specific features of the glyco/proteome. Specifically, we found that proteins in darker beers tended to have low glycation and high proteolysis. Finally, we objectively quantified features of foam formation and stability, and showed that these quality properties correlated with the concentration of abundant surface-active proteins from barley and yeast

    Glycoengineering of EphA4 Fc leads to a unique, long-acting and broad spectrum, Eph receptor therapeutic antagonist

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    Eph receptors have emerged as targets for therapy in both neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease, however, particularly in non-neoplastic diseases, redundancy of function limits the effectiveness of targeting individual Eph proteins. We have shown previously that a soluble fusion protein, where the EphA4 ectodomain was fused to IgG Fc (EphA4 Fc), was an effective therapy in acute injuries and demonstrated that EphA4 Fc was a broad spectrum Eph/ephrin antagonist. However, a very short in vivo half-life effectively limited its therapeutic development. We report a unique glycoengineering approach to enhance the half-life of EphA4 Fc. Progressive deletion of three demonstrated N-linked sites in EphA4 progressively increased in vivo half-life such that the triple mutant protein showed dramatically improved pharmacokinetic characteristics. Importantly, protein stability, affinity for ephrin ligands and antagonism of cell expressed EphA4 was fully preserved, enabling it to be developed as a broad spectrum Eph/ephrin antagonist for use in both acute and chronic diseases