2,715 research outputs found

    Hysteresis and re-entrant melting of a self-organized system of classical particles confined in a parabolic trap

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    A self-organized system composed of classical particles confined in a two-dimensional parabolic trap and interacting through a potential with a short-range attractive part and long-range repulsive part is studied as function of temperature. The influence of the competition between the short-range attractive part of the inter-particle potential and its long-range repulsive part on the melting temperature is studied. Different behaviors of the melting temperature are found depending on the screening length (Îș\kappa) and the strength (BB) of the attractive part of the inter-particle potential. A re-entrant behavior and a thermal induced phase transition is observed in a small region of (Îș,B\kappa,B)-space. A structural hysteresis effect is observed as a function of temperature and physically understood as due to the presence of a potential barrier between different configurations of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Structural and dynamical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional classical binary system

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    The ground state configurations and the \lq{}\lq{}normal\rq{}\rq{} mode spectra of a quasiquasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) binary system of charged particles interacting through a screened Coulomb potential are presented. The minimum energy configurations were obtained analytically and independently through molecular dynamic simulations. A rich variety of ordered structures were found as a function of the screening parameter, the particle density, and the ratio between the charges of the distinct types of particles. Continuous and discontinuous structural transitions, as well as an unexpected symmetry breaking in the charge distribution are observed when the density of the system is changed. For near equal charges we found a disordered phase where a mixing of the two types of particles occurs. The phonon dispersion curves were calculated within the harmonic approximation for the one- and two-chain structures.Comment: 11 pages, 11 fig

    Hysteresis in mesoscopic superconducting disks: the Bean-Livingston barrier

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    The magnetization behavior of mesoscopic superconducting disks can show hysteretic behavior which we explain by using the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory and properly taking into account the de-magnetization effects due to geometrical form factors. In large disks the Bean-Livingston surface barrier is responsible for the hysteresis. While in small disks a volume barrier is responsible for this hysteresis. It is shown that although the sample magnetization is diamagnetic (negative), the measured magnetization can be positive at certain fields as observed experimentally, which is a consequence of the de-magnetization effects and the experimental set up.Comment: Latex file, 4 ps file

    Metallic nanograins: spatially nonuniform pairing induced by quantum confinement

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    It is well-known that the formation of discrete electron levels strongly influences the pairing in metallic nanograins. Here we focus on another effect of quantum confinement in superconducting grains that was not studied previously, i.e., spatially nonuniform pairing. This effect is very significant when single-electron levels form bunches and/or a kind of shell structure: in highly symmetric grains the order parameter can exhibit variations with position by an order of magnitude. Nonuniform pairing is closely related to a quantum-confinement induced modification of the pairing-interaction matrix elements and size-dependent pinning of the chemical potential to groups of degenerate or nearly degenerate levels. For illustration we consider spherical metallic nanograins. We show that the relevant matrix elements are as a rule enhanced in the presence of quantum confinement, which favors spatial variations of the order parameter, compensating the corresponding energy cost. The size-dependent pinning of the chemical potential further increases the spatial variation of the pair condensate. The role of nonuniform pairing is smaller in less symmetric confining geometries and/or in the presence of disorder. However, it always remains of importance when the energy spacing between discrete electron levels ή\delta is approaching the scale of the bulk gap ΔB\Delta_B, i.e., ή>0.1\delta > 0.1-0.2 ΔB0.2\,\Delta_B

    Yukawa particles confined in a channel and subject to a periodic potential: ground state and normal modes

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    We consider a classical system of two-dimensional (2D) charged particles, which interact through a repulsive Yukawa potential exp(−r/λ)/rexp(-r/\lambda)/r, confined in a parabolic channel which limits the motion of the particles in the yy-direction. Along the xx-direction, the particles are also subject to a periodic potential substrate. The ground state configurations and the normal mode spectra of the system are obtained as function of the periodicity and strength of the periodic potential (V0V_0), and density. An interesting set of tunable ground state configurations are found, with first and second order structural transitions between them. A magic configuration with particles aligned in each minimum of the periodic potential is obtained for V_0 larger than some critical value which has a power law dependence on the density. The phonon spectrum of different configurations were also calculated. A localization of the modes into a small frequency interval is observed for a sufficient strength of the periodic potential. A tunable band-gap is found as a function of V0V_0. This model system can be viewed as a generalization of the Frenkel and Kontorova model.Comment: Submmited to PR

    Reply to the comment by D. Kreimer and E. Mielke

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    We respond to the comment by Kreimer et. al. about the torsional contribution to the chiral anomaly in curved spacetimes. We discuss their claims and refute its main conclusion.Comment: 9 pages, revte

    Off center D−D^- centers in a quantum well in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field: angular momentum transition and magnetic evaporation

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    We investigate the effect of the position of the donor in the quantum well on the energy spectrum and the oscillator strength of the D- system in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. As a function of the magnetic field we find that when the D- centers are placed sufficiently off-center they undergo singlet-triplet transitions which are similar to those found in many-electron parabolic quantum dots. The main difference is that the number of such transitions depends on the position of the donor and only a finite number of such singlet-triplet transitions are found as function of the strength of the magnetic field. For sufficiently large magnetic fields the two electron system becomes unbound. For the near center D- system no singlet-triplet and no unbinding of the D- is found with increasing magnetic field. A magnetic field vs. donor position phase diagram is presented that depends on the width of the quantum well.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    CO2 Conversion in Nonuniform Discharges: Disentangling Dissociation and Recombination Mechanisms

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    Motivated by environmental applications such as synthetic fuel synthesis, plasma-driven conversion shows promise for efficient and scalable gas conversion of CO2 to CO. Both discharge contraction and turbulent transport have a significant impact on the plasma processing conditions, but are, nevertheless, poorly understood. This work combines experiments and modeling to investigate how these aspects influence the CO production and destruction mechanisms in the vortex-stabilized CO2 microwave plasma reactor. For this, a two-dimensional axisymmetric tubular chemical kinetics model of the reactor is developed, with careful consideration of the nonuniform nature of the plasma and the vortex-induced radial turbulent transport. Energy efficiency and conversion of the dissociation process show a good agreement with the numerical results over a broad pressure range from 80 to 600 mbar. The occurrence of an energy efficiency peak between 100 and 200 mbar is associated with a discharge mode transition. The net CO production rate is inhibited at low pressure by the plasma temperature, whereas recombination of CO to CO2 dominates at high pressure. Turbulence-induced cooling and dilution of plasma products limit the extent of the latter. The maxima in energy efficiency observed experimentally around 40% are related to limits imposed by production and recombination processes. Based on these insights, feasible approaches for optimization of the plasma dissociation process are discussed.</p

    Characterization of the CO2 microwave plasma based on the phenomenon of skin-depth-limited contraction

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    The subatmospheric CO2 microwave plasma is known to contract to a narrow filament with rising pressure as result of a mode transition. This changing state of contraction is investigated in relation to its dielectric properties, in order to directly relate the discharge parameters to the discharge radius. The electron density and gas temperature are measured, respectively, by 168 GHz microwave interferometry and Doppler broadening of the 777 nm oxygen emission lines. The plasma is operated in steady state with 1400 W at 2.45 GHz, between 100 mbar and 400 mbar. Electron density values in the central region range from 1018 to 1020 m−3 between the discharge modes, while the gas temperature increases from 3000 K to 6500 K, in good agreement with previously reported values. Based on the dielectric properties of the discharge in relation to the plasma radius, it is found that the discharge column constitutes a radius of a single skin depth. Implications of these insights on the conditions of previously reported CO2 dissociation experiments are discussed.</p
