218 research outputs found
User data spectrum theory: Collecting, interpreting, and implementing user data in organizations
Organizations interested in increasing their user experience (UX) capacity lack the tools they need to know how to do so. This dissertation addresses this challenge via three major research efforts: 1) the creation of User Data Spectrum theory and a User Data Spectrum survey for helping organizations better invest resources to grow their UX capacity, 2) a new UX method and model for organizations that want to capitalize on spoken words from end users called Rapid Meaningful Scenarios (RMS), and 3) a recommendation for UX education in response to the current ACM SIGCHI education Living Curriculum initiative. The User Data Spectrum work is based on 30 interviews and 110 survey responses from UX stakeholders across 120 companies. These data informed the theory as well as a factor analysis performed to identify the most relevant items in the User Data Spectrum survey. The Rapid Meaningful Scenarios methodology was developed based on iterative UX experience with a real-world organization and refined to aid UX professionals in creating structured results based on end users\u27 words. The UX education recommendation integrates experience with the HCI curriculum at Iowa State University and curriculum discussions within the SIGCHI community over the past 5 years. The overall contribution of this research is a set of tools that will enable UX professionals and organizations to better strategize how to increase their UX capacity
Anbauwürdigkeit von Blauer Lupine im Gemenge mit Getreide
Zur Verbesserung der Anbauwürdigkeit der Blauen Lupine, insbesondere der Beikrautunterdrückung, wurde im Jahr 2017 in einem Feldversuch am Standort Hohenkammer bei Freising der Anbau im Gemenge mit verschiedenen Getreidearten und verschiedenen Saatstärken geprüft. Der Gesamtertrag war im Gemenge höher als in Lupinenreinsaat. Beide Getreidearten sowie beide Lupinensorten kombiniert mit Hafer zeigten im Gemenge höhere Rohproteingehalte als in Reinsaat. Die verzweigte Lupinensorte 'Boregine' war konkurrenz- und ertragsstärker als die endständige Sorte 'Boruta', Hafer war mit einem signifikant höheren Getreideertrag konkurrenzstärker als Weizen. Der Unkrautdruck war bei 'Boruta', aber nicht bei 'Boregine', im Gemenge signifikant geringer als in Reinsaat
Wirkung legumer Zwischenfrüchte auf legume Hauptfrüchte hinsichtlich bodenbürtiger Krankheitserreger
Um die Verträglichkeit zwischen verschiedenen legumen Zwischenfrüchten und drei Körnerleguminosen (Futtererbse, Ackerbohne und Blaue Lupine), speziell in Hinblick auf fruchtfolgebedingte Schaderreger, zu untersuchen, wurden in den Jahren 2016 und 2017 an zwei Standorten in Bayern Feldversuche durchgeführt. Zwischen den verschiedenen Vorfruchtvarianten waren sowohl bei Ackerbohne als auch bei Erbse keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Befallsstärke mit Fußkrankheiten erkennbar. Die Lupine zeigte im gesamten Versuchszeitraum keine Krankheitssymptome. Für die einzelnen Vorfruchtvarianten zeigten sich auch keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Kornertrag. Da die Fragestellung aufgrund der nicht zu kontrollierenden Bedingungen für Krankheiten in diesen Feldversuchen nicht beantwortet werden konnte, werden die Versuche im Gewächshaus fortgeführt
Which isotopes should we choose? Entropy‐based feature ranking enables evaluation of the information content of stable isotopes in archaeofaunal material
Methods for multi‐isotope analyses are gaining in importance in anthropological, archaeological, and ecological studies. However, when material is limited (i.e., archaeological remains), it is obligatory to decide a priori which isotopic system(s) could be omitted without losing information.
We introduce a method that enables feature ranking of isotopic systems on the basis of distance‐based entropy. The feature ranking method is evaluated using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) clustering as well as a cluster validation index (“trace index”).
Combinations of features resulting in high entropy values are less important than those resulting in low entropy values structuring the dataset into more distinct clusters. Therefore, this method allows us to rank isotopic systems. The isotope ranking depends on the analyzed dataset, for example, consisting of terrestrial mammals or fish. The feature ranking results were verified by cluster analysis.
Entropy‐based feature ranking can be used to a priori select the isotopic systems that should be analyzed. Consequently, we strongly suggest that this method should be applied if only limited material is available
Zur Produktionstechnik bei Weißen Lupinen
Die Weiße Lupine ist aufgrund unzureichender Toleranz gegen Anthraknose (Colletotrichum lupini) aktuell nicht für Anbau in Deutschland empfohlen. Wenn neue Sorten mit verbesserter Toleranz in 2019 für den Anbau zur Verfügung stehen, sind Empfehlungen für geeignete Anbautechniken nötig. Deshalb haben wir verschiedene Aussaattechniken, Saatstärken und Reihenabstände geprüft. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen bei der Drillsaat höhere Kornerträge als bei der Einzelkornsaat. Eine höhere Aussaatstärke erhöhte den Kornertrag nicht
34R. Impact of Technology on Diabetes Self-Care Management
The goal of this study is aimed at using technology to make information more accessible and encourage positive self-care behavior changes to manage one’s diabetes. By combining the theories of diffusion, self-efficacy, goal setting, and technology in healthcare we expect the results of this study will help deepen our understanding about how technology might enhance our ability to positively influence patient behavior
STITCH 3: zooming in on protein-chemical interactions
To facilitate the study of interactions between proteins and chemicals, we have created STITCH, an aggregated database of interactions connecting over 300 000 chemicals and 2.6 million proteins from 1133 organisms. Compared to the previous version, the number of chemicals with interactions and the number of high-confidence interactions both increase 4-fold. The database can be accessed interactively through a web interface, displaying interactions in an integrated network view. It is also available for computational studies through downloadable files and an API. As an extension in the current version, we offer the option to switch between two levels of detail, namely whether stereoisomers of a given compound are shown as a merged entity or as separate entities. Separate display of stereoisomers is necessary, for example, for carbohydrates and chiral drugs. Combining the isomers increases the coverage, as interaction databases and publications found through text mining will often refer to compounds without specifying the stereoisomer. The database is accessible at http://stitch.embl.d
The Big Crunch: A Hybrid Solution to Earth and Space Science Instruction for Elementary Education Majors
We describe the rationale and process for the development of a new hybrid Earth and Space Science course for elementary education majors. A five-step course design model, applicable to both online and traditional courses, is presented. Assessment of the course outcomes after two semesters indicates that the intensive time invested in the development of the course results in a manageable workload during the semester for faculty with an already full teaching load. We also found that average scores in proctored online exams for this cohort of students are identical to the average scores of students from the same major enrolled in a face-to-face (F2F) course. Exam scores significantly improved in the second semester after adjustments to the workload and the introduction of explicit test-taking tips at the beginning of the semester. We found that our students, at all stages of their studies, were not used to the self-guided instruction required for success in online courses, and were often not as comfortable using Web-based technology for instruction as we expected
CLIO: a Novel Robotic Solution for Exploration and Rescue Missions in Hostile Mountain Environments
Rescue missions in mountain environments are hardly achievable by standard
legged robots - because of the high slopes - or by flying robots - because of
limited payload capacity. We present a novel concept for a rope-aided climbing
robot, which can negotiate up-to-vertical slopes and carry heavy payloads. The
robot is attached to the mountain through a rope, and is equipped with a leg to
push against the mountain and initiate jumping maneuvers. Between jumps, a
hoist is used to wind/unwind the rope to move vertically and affect the lateral
motion. This simple (yet effective) two-fold actuation allows the system to
achieve high safety and energy efficiency. Indeed, the rope prevents the robot
from falling, while compensating for most of its weight, drastically reducing
the effort required by the leg actuator. We also present an optimal control
strategy to generate point-to-point trajectories overcoming an obstacle. We
achieve fast computation time (1 s) thanks to the use of a custom simplified
robot model. We validated the generated optimal movements in Gazebo simulations
with a complete robot model, showing the effectiveness of the proposed
approach, and confirming the interest of our concept. Finally, we performed a
reachability analysis showing that the region of achievable targets is strongly
affected by the friction properties of the foot-wall contact.Comment: 6 page
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